Ah nice, a huge wall of feedback.

Ok one thing at a time-
I especially like the idea of the height mechanic, although I'm not totally sure what the difference is between firing a shot at a shorter enemy versus a taller one is command-wise.
Command-wise it only depends on where you aim. The rules are there only because a rat shouldn't block your shot when you aim at a person.
Kinda weird how the program seems to close then open when returning to the main menu after dying.
Yeah this is only due to lazy programming. It shuts down and restarts almost the entire program, because then I need to worry less about things left over from the previous session. I intend to improve this situation sometime.
How do I throw missiles? I had throwing knives, but every time I used the throw command, I got a message saying I have nothing to throw. They can't seem to be equipped either. Is this not fully implemented yet or am I missing something?
It seems to work for me. The throw command is 't', and missiles are equipped in the "missiles" slot. They should be equipped in that slot when the game starts.
Ah maybe you pressed the command to EQUIP missiles ('m'). Then it would say "You have nothing to use as a thrown weapon". Which means there is nothing in the inventory to equip.
t = throw equipped missile
m = equip missile
Some commands like bashing doors or closing them can't be cancelled using the esc key like other commands.
Good call, I'll fix that for next release.
A yes/no confirmation before lighting dynamite would be extremely helpful. or an option to extinguish it right after you light it in case you did it by accident. Like I did.
I've been meaning to add more dynamite/bomb-type weapons (like Molotov cocktails). So then you'd get a query which dynamite/bomb you want to ready. That will work as a confirmation query.
Vilomaxus and the Fungi handed my butt to me. Almost unfairly so. They kept diseasing me from a distance.
Vilomaxus? What? Who?

Well, I balance the game after my own play testing, and I don't think they are that much of a problem. They always fall for the old 'wait-around-the-corner-with-a-shotgun' trick.

Btw, how does a fungi wave it's hand and have an alien electric gun? Is that supposed to be like the Tesla Cannon/THunderbolt from Blood/Quake?
I don't know if you've read Lovecraft. Those are extremely evolved fungi. As it says in their in-game description they look like crustaceans and have wings, several limbs and a tail. The electric gun is one invention of this great scientific race. Yes, the gun could look like the one from Quake.
The reanimating corpses are very annoying, but very cool.
Hm, "annoying" isn't good.
Haven't tried it yet, but can they be completely stopped by making them blow up or dismembered somehow? I think that would make sense that they keep getting up if shot or stabbed, but can be stopped for good if they are blown up or somehow completely dismembered by a heavy duty bladed weapon.
I've had others comment on this. But the zombies can actually only rise once. Kill them twice and they lie down forever. I've been thinking about making them always blow apart the second time you kill them, so that there is no corpse left to worry about. I'll make it so for next release.
I really like the healing mechanic where you have to find somewhere safe to try and heel instead of just healing every few turns like most other roguelikes.
Is there an arm-mounted chainsaw somewhere? That would be awesome! Any kind of chainsaw?
Evil Dead eh?

Maybe some day.
Any chance of making a power-up, scroll, skill, etc. or some sort of way to dual-wield a melee weapon and a firearm so you don't have to switch weapons so often? Not as a standard permanent ability, but some way to earn it?
I've been doing some planning for dual wielding, and it would be nice to have. But there's a bunch of other stuff that must be done first.
It would be nice if there was also a command to exit the game from the Tombstone screen instead of having to return to the main menu to do so.
Adding it.
Maybe the Necronomicon could be used kinda like the Tome of Power from Heretic/Hexen II? a Temporary buff to your weapons.
I intend to use it (and other tomes) for learning spells.
Is saving implemented yet and I'm just missing it?
No it's not there yet.
Is there a way to change the default player name or make it start blank so you don't have to delete "player1" everytime you start a game?
I could add a setting for this in the config file.
Any chance of adding the page up/down and home/end keys as an alternate diagonal movement? I play on a laptop so I have no number pad and it's kinda annoying to use the number row at the top of the keys for diagonal movement.
Yeah that should be easy to add. Something that could also be used:
shift + left = up left
shift + right = up right
ctrl + left = down left
ctrl + right = down right.
What do you think of that?
Think it would also be possible to make it possible to navigate the menus using the arrow keys and enter to select the option/item/etc
I'll see if I can add it.