What I am getting at is can someone else use your graphics back end for their roguelike project?

The dungeons are generated, and are basically a 2d array of either floor or stone tiles. Then a series of query/replacement rules are applied to swap out groups of tiles that meet certain criteria with models that represent architectural features.
The rules also generate collision data and such.
So, to answer your question, it's totally abstracted from the process of actually generating the dungeon structure and would, hopefully, be of use as a system in it's own right.
I'm thinking it would be really cool to refactor the code into a framework for adding 3d graphics to rougelikes. Gameplay logic could be plugged in as a dll or something.
All the assets are defined in a text file, so it would be trivial for a hypothetical reprogrammer to add in their own assets.
I can foresee the codebase becoming less flexible as things like character animation and UI are added.
At the moment though, my only concern is getting the damn thing out the door some time this century. Making it into a tool can happen after it's released.