Hi everyone,

I'm the author of the newly released Grand Rogue Auto (GRA).
The game is still in a early stage of development, but it's now publicly available on my website.
GRA, beside being a graphical (kind of) roguelike, aims at being a highly customizable city simulator with persistent NPC including different factions and a relatively complete trading and production system. The player will gain money by completing random missions, wreaking havoc, and working for different factions. This money can be used to buy ammo, weaponry, armors, locations and so on. As you can easily guess the gameplay is heavily influenced by the GTA games. I am trying to mix the open-ended aspect of GTA with the complexity and replay value of roguelike games in a modern setting.
Of course I am very far from that goal. GRA is basically 6 months old and I work on it on my free time only. It is written in Delphi (for Win32), but there's a good chance that it would works on Linux using Wine as I don't use any fancy library.
You can also read the
development blog I put in place.
It's full of design documents, screenshots, videos and information about this first project.
Anyway, this first Test Build (not even alpha) has the following features:
- 4 zones types: city centers, suburbs, industrial districts, and city streets.
- A dynamic faction system
- A localized damage system
- Several building types: weapon shops, houses, parks, work places, restaurants, hospitals...
- Customizable city size
- Living citizens who work, eat, sleep and go to a hospital when wounded
- A complex combat system with a rather effective (but stupid) AI
- Cops patrolling the streets, looking for criminals
- Ability to use beds and other items to satisfy your needs
- Wanted Level
- Unsupported modding tools to break the game
- Tons of weapons to choose from.
- Keyboard and Mouse compatibility for all commands
You can
download GRA here.
Note: I can't stress enough that this is a test build and not a fully functional game. There's no quest, no goal other than survival, but there's probably a lot of bugs.Questions, ideas and such are more than welcome.