alright guys. I have been cruising these forums for a while cause I decided I wanted to make a roguelike and I came her from RogueBasin.
so basically what I was doing was creating a Victorian Science Fiction one, which takes place aboard a small sub travelling through the ocean. Now this started like any other roguelike but has gone through many iterations and lost some of its "Roguelike"ish qualities. so here is a basic idea:
1. you pilot a sub around the ocean.
2. the game is room based instead of tile based.
3. the game is you as the captain and you can hire 2 other crew members.
3. each crew member including you has one perk that affects the game.
some major deviations from the norm though:
1. its flash based
2. games should be quick no more then 30 minutes
3. its all graphics and with limited stats.
now I guess the main question is does all this sound good and what cool things would you like to see whether it be features, monsters or treasure. the gameplay now is a combination of a roguelike and DungeonQuest boardgame.
and heres a picture to give you an idea.