Author Topic: Flatspace IIk: The Scarrid Dominion released  (Read 6837 times)


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Flatspace IIk: The Scarrid Dominion released
« on: February 29, 2012, 12:36:46 AM »
Because Transcendence is in the "Close Enough Club", so too must this be!   8)   Windows only, also IIRC kinda like Transcendence due to the tech involved.

Flatspace IIk has been released. This first major Flatspace update in over a year includes the ability to create or modify in-game items, as well as new features like the tracking scanner locator, plus the full Flatspace II soundtrack in mp3 and ogg format, plus backdrop wallpaper and a print quality stargrid. The game costs $16 and is DRM free, a full version download is provided at the end of the other process. You can try the new demo and order the game on the downloads page. Flatspace II has also been updated to v1.06. The Impulse version of Flatspace II v1.06 will be live shortly on their site.

Flatspace II: The Rise of the Scarrid is the sequel to Flatspace. Almost a year in development, the game was made during 2005. The fundamentals of the game are the same as in Flatspace, the game is a space trading game with a top down viewpoint. Many of the controls and upgrades are the same in both games, but there are some major differences between the first game and Flatspace II.

The Final Frontier

Like its predecessor, Flatspace II is a space trading game with a top-down viewpoint that includes rogue-like elements such as a choice of character and a revealing map. Unlike the first game though, Flatspace II includes artifact objects that can be obtained using a new a guild system. If you trade enough for example, you can get trading upgrades such as enhanced defences, and Alien Hunters can obtain special weapons and ships.

The Scarrid

There are two races in Flatspace II, human and scarrid. A state of cold war exists between the races, and although they share technology they cannot communicate and skirmishes between races are common. Both governments pay a bounty for killing and capturing members of the opposite race.

Like a true civilisation in space, the space stations in Flatspace II include factories, farms, houses, hospitals, schools and cities as well as pirate and alien bases. Any ship in the game can be flown by the player, and high ranking traders can purchase entire bases to get free repairs and medical treatment, and upgrades at cost price.


In Flatspace II there are many player goals, and the player can choose which to go for. One ultimate goal is to destroy all of the alien bases (or human bases if you decide to play as a scarrid). For this you will need advanced weapons and equipment, so obtaining that is your primary objective. Obtaining special objects or ships by boosting your various guild ranks is another goal, and there are official secrets to discover, and places to find that make exploration a goal. Money and equipment is still an important goal and lots of doors to exploitation have been closed.


Another big change in Flatspace II compared to the first game is the game balancing. Unlike the first game there are no unfair or random events that can instantly kill the player and the game is less punishing to beginners. A new difficulty system limits damage to your ship, upgrades are more affordable, and a massive amount of play testing ensures that the different player activites are much more evenly balanced than before.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Flatspace IIk: The Scarrid Dominion released
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2012, 04:00:18 AM »
  I have this game. It controls a bit wonky but it's pretty good. Very much an open universe type of game. I have no opinion on it's roguelikeness but it is definitely a quality experience.