Well, we are almost there. I am working on the magic system which will take a bit of work to implement. After that I need to add the Wandering Merchant, and the save\load routines, the morgue file and help. That will wrap it up I think.
35: Tweaking the Game 236: Locked Doors37: Closing Doors38: Traps39: Searching40: The Wandering Merchant
Let's Build a Roguelike is a step-by-step ebook on creating a roguelike game from conception to finished product. The tutorial covers all the aspects of the game, from creating the title page, dungeon building, inventory items, monster ai, combat, file saving, creating a morgue file and more.Chapter ListThe Title ScreenImproving the CodeThe Main MenuThe RPG SystemCharacter GenerationThe IntroDungeon BuildingThe DungeonMoving AroundMain DisplayInventory StructureGenerating ItemsCharacter InventoryCharacter Inventory IIArmor and ShieldsWeaponsMonstersMonster MovementMelee CombatResting ModelCharacter ImprovementProjectile CombatScaling Monster AttacksWandsGeneralizing Character AttributesPotionsScaling Difficulty LevelsJewelryWeapon MagicTweaking the Game 1Armor MagicJewelry MagicSpell BooksSpell CastingTweaking the Game 2Locked DoorsClosing DoorsTrapsSearchingThe Wandering MerchantTweaking the Game 3Inscribing Spell BooksMonster MagicThe AmuletMorgue FileSave and LoadWinning and LosingThe End and BeginningHomepage:http://users.freebasic-portal.de/rdc/tutorials.htmlThe distribution includes the ebook in Wiki-On-A-Stick format and all source code for each chapter, as well as the final draft source.Draft version d/l:http://users.freebasic-portal.de/rdc/roguelike/rldraft.zip (5.82 mb)