Game Discussion > Early Dev
I finally was able to run Tower ( and it's quite impressive. I think this is one of the most promising projects around. The Nethack-like interface sucks, but eye-candy and various crazy items make up for it. I think you should check out this one, Slash, especially since it's written in Java.
Screenshots look sweet, java web start is cool, havent had the chance to check it out, but will do soon :)
Thanks for letting me know
The graphics are pretty cool, I love watching all the O's and a's and such swing around to run. The main problem I have with it is the controls, they are VERY nonstandard with no numpad movement, and neither g nor . picking stuff up(its , to pickup) also since I was playing windowed the top bit of text was about halfway off the screen, still readable but annoying to do so. It also locks up your mouse while you are playing which is somewhat annoying. But all in all its pretty fun and it feels very smooth to play.
There's a new version out with many new features and bugfixes!
Say, did someone manage to build anything, yet?
I like the game; very Nethack, but with a nifty interface. However, there seems to be a problem...Every time I eat something, even a food ration, I end up vomiting. Is this supposed to happen?
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