I had to have 6 choices up down left right up down, so it was a choice on how to do that, thanks for the feedback
I don't think the mouse is the only way in this situation. Unless it is an artistic choice or something like that.
People usually do something like '>' for going down-stairs and '<' for going up-stairs on the keyboard, and use the arrow keys for north(up), south(down), west(left), and east(right).
It would maybe be even easier with something like 'a' for up-stairs and 'z' for down-stairs so you don't have to press shift.
That would cover all of the movements you are able to make in the game as far as I know.
Then you would just choose a few buttons to pick up the various items.
Generally speaking, people in the rougelike community
heavily prefer having a keyboard interface instead of a mouse interface for movement.
Though how much you want to change for anybody else is always your choice in the end. It is just something to think about.