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I noticed the other day that I was coming up on ten years since I first announced Legerdemain 1.0 to Usenet (and probably here as well) so I wanted to do something to celebrate. I came up with the idea of hosting a source code ransom:
https://www.gofundme.com/legerdemain-source-code-ransomLegerdemain is what I like to call a work of roguelikefiction: it is inspired by roguelikes but seeks to invoke a story & atmosphere that is inherently nonrandom. I'm under the impression some people still like to play it, but its presence online these days is rather dim. I figured a ransom would be a way to stir things up & maybe give something back to the developer community.
I have other roguelikefiction projects that have all fizzled or been held in abeyance for various reasons, but I suspect my enthusiasm for the form will last a lifetime. I wanted to say thanks for the reviews, emails, and criticisms over the years, they've all added up to an experience for which I am very grateful.