Author Topic: Before Dawn [7DRL 2016] [Success]  (Read 6427 times)


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Before Dawn [7DRL 2016] [Success]
« on: March 13, 2016, 02:32:03 AM »
Before Dawn

Gameplay Video:

Hook: Deep below the surface armed with a rifle and mere torch; can you make it out alive?

Full Description: You awaken to a room of darkness with only a spec of light visible in the distance. You travel towards the light and realize its a burning torch; as you reach for it, you notice the crude appearance of your skin. You further examine the rest of your body and realize… you’re a walking corpse. “This must be a dream, tell me it’s just a dream,” you think to yourself. You proceed through the chasm eventually coming upon a rifle resting in the grips of a rotten body; at least it still has some ammo in it. A strange looking statue is visible ahead; you approach it then feel the ground vibrate beneath you.

Requirements: Windows (~200MB of RAM)

Hello everyone. I'm pretty green on the topic of Roguelikes but I managed to finish my game for the challenge, yet only partially. I can't believe I managed to get this done in just 7-days worth of time - I've only pulled that off developing projects that I thoroughly have an understanding of beforehand. I crunched like crazy the last couple of days to get stuff working since I hadn't fully realized what the game was going to be until then. There is ton of hacked code that is terribly structured as well since I was rushing to get this done with all the core features in it, but I think it turned out okay; it is missing Audio however  :-X . Anyways, feedback and critiques are appreciated.

Development Log:
Day 0 (starting day and registration)
Spent the majority of my time planning how I would create procedural level generation
since it is something that I have not ever attempted to do with UE4 before.

Day 1
Started implementing procedural level generation to be used for a dungeon
type of game from scratch. Not even sure what type of game it will be yet.

Day 2
Finished making the procedural level generation capability. Decided to scrap plans to
further improve the tool, since I don’t have the time to keep working on it.

Day 3
Spent time planning game idea based around the procedural level generation tool, and
assets I have available. Started implementing UI. Reused some assets for UI from a WIP
community project. Finished main menu UI. Started work on player controller.

Day 4
Clipped features to save time (multiple weapons, pickups, aiming down sight anim). Nearly finished
the player controller completely. Programmed in pickups that modify stats and values.

Day 5
Started work on creating the AI controller; reused some code for AI movement from a past project.
Modified usage of static meshes used with level generation to optimize game performance. Updated
main menu interface, and integrated it into game design. Completed creation of level pieces for
generation and the overall flow of gameplay has been established. Updated player UI and controller.

Day 6
Finished setting up room assets for level generation. Resumed working on AI controller. Finished
programming interactions between player and enemies, AI done as well. Started work on integrating
AI into procedural level generation. Created death sequence for player. Finished integrating the
core features of AI and spawn encounters into game.

Day 7
Created enemy variations. Modified how level and object generation works so I have more control over the
desired results. Updated player controller with more functionality (aiming & reloading). Fixed scene
lighting so it looks somewhat decent. Updated main menu UI Options & Credits. Fixed camera collision
issue. Fixed a random collision bug. Setup the Credits.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 12:38:21 AM by jheard901 »


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Re: Before Dawn [7DRL 2016] [Success]
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 12:39:16 AM »
Updated main post with gameplay video and some developer's commentary :)