"Plague is a real-time top down "rogue-like" arena shooter pitting human survivors against the Zombie Horde, inspired by the games XCOM, Syndicate and Gauntlet."
* Flamethrower (oh so much fun)
* city type level generation
* random level type
* level generation paramerisations randomly picked to increase level unpredictability
* Changed collision checking to be event based (speed op)
* Removed various bugs (sorry, cant remember, too tired)
Todo in the near future:
* cave system type level generation
* RL_bullet bug - sometimes explodes straight away as it collides with RL (need to add a min safety dist check)
* tile based background
* doors
* add more survivors, less weapons and make them start at random locations
* check shadowing algorithm for bugs (sim removal sometimes removes too much shadow)
* human corpses
* zombies drag corpses back to hives
* refactor level generation as a state machine to control level generation outcomes"
Very nifty stuff at this point with more to come in due time from the looks of it!