Hello, everybody:
My name is Jesus Vilares, associate professor of the Department of Computer Science of the University of A Coruña (Spain). One of our students is working on his Ms. Thesis, which consists on designing and implementing a classical old-fashioned roguelike computer game adapted for VI people. For this purpose we will use Natural Language Processing techniques for generating a text description (in English) of what is happening on the game, so a blind player can use a screenreader for playing. At the same time, a classical old-fashioned graphical representation would be displayed so a seeing player (or someone using a screen magnifier) can play in a more "classical" way.
We are looking for a small group (5-10) English-speaking visually impaired volunteers for testing the game. I guess the first version of the game will be ready for testing in a couple of months.
Notice that this is a small academic project (1 student, 2 supervisors), we have no commercial interest; our intention, in fact, is to make the game available as free open source software if possible, so anybody can use or modify it, or even adapt it to other languages.
In case you know somebody who could be interested in participating, please, contact me.
Thank you very much for your attention.