Updated to Beta for the big T-Engine Contest:
Concluding a very fun couple of months, here is the beta for Gatecrashers! The main changes are mostly under the hood - this version has a lot of bugfixes from previous versions. There is a new zone, the Graveyard, to explore (try digging up graves - or luring digging monsters on to graves - for extra fun!) Previous zones have had various changes and improvements made, as well. There's also a win condition (make it to level 25 and escape alive!) and a tally of loot with wins/deaths.
But Gatecrashers is by no means a finished project! In the works:
- New items and monsters.
- Two completely new zones (Ice and Lava) and two variations on the dungeon zone.
- Shops and shopkeepers, of the "you can try to steal items and incur the shopkeeper's wrath" variety.
- Improvements and updates to existing systems, like stealth and polymorphing.
- Many more!
Music versions are also up from the links in the OP