Nah....look at the release schedule in general...fixes and additions are frequent because the community for the game finds stuff and requests stuff on top of the developer continuing to think of new content in his spare time. Besides, again looking back at release history context, amid ALL these patches, this is the first time where there needed to be an actual "mini-patch" to cull some bugs and fix some oversights. All the prior R x.02's would be substantial enough in their own right to be major versions outright compared to other Roguelikes in general.
That's the scary thing you don't seem to know about stu, and probably since I haven't mentioned it. The developer only has time to work on the game a little on weekend and a little on a few evenings in the week---that's it. In those short spats of time, just look at what he's wrangled in sum total from the first version I posted about in terms of the evolving changelog. Such efficient progress is commendable for one guy! Imagine if he hit a lotto or something and could elect to actually throw substantial time at it like the Dwarf Fortress dev...
If he didn't care about the player base the game would not be half the game it is currently.