@Vanguard Brogue is a good RL, but not for me. Graphics, gameplay, system - practycally everything is 'not for me'.
I like Sil, but Sil has not a sinlge-screen dungeon levels.
Umm, PrincessRL is very quaint. I like this 7DRL most
But this is not what I'm searching.
@Elig FD is very good, I had forgotten about it.
I have problem with NLarn - often second level of dungeon is broken, like the level is moved down, off the screen. Unfortunately, this prevents the exploration level and make progress in the game.
When you say you want a dungeon crawler, does that mean you don't want an overworld or anything like that? Ragnarok somewhat fits your requirements, but it doesn't all take place in a single dungeon.
Hm, overworld is ok, but the main action should be in dungeons. Angband, his variants (ToME 2.3.5. (+Theme mod), etc. are very good example what I want. + single-screen levels. Currently I'm working hard and from this reason I'm looking for something that does not "tire". Angband + variants are "tiresome" - after a day on the excavation I don't want to look down the stairs for a long time.
DCSS? Very good roguelike, but style of his gameplay is difficult for me, I cannot survive to midgame.
Im looking for roguelike rather easy, but not too simple.
Why possibility to choose the race and class is important for me?
For example, in ADoM (and DCSS) I can highly personalized character. A lot of race/class combination, + talents, skills - ech character can be diffrent. In Brogue, all charaters are the same.
The most, I want to ADoM without corrupt effects or NetHack without special-special levels, like Sokoban.
I know that I have high expectations, but... So much in life played in roguelikes and I'm looking for something specifically for me.