Well, here are the bosses in Toby the Trapper:
Dasher - Has double speed, meaning you need trap lures in place
Giant - Has multiple hit points (for a future release I might change this so he regenerates too, so you need multiple hits in one round to take him down)
Shadow - Doesn't set off traps and is sometimes invisible - you have to get other enemies to set off traps next to her
Jester - Jumps away when setting off a trap. Will always land 3 squares away, so you need a trap where it lands or a trap going off in that location when it lands.
Warlock - Summons enemies and destroys traps around it, so you need carefully positioned AoE traps triggered by others to get him.
In Unstoppable the end boss fires the only bullets that can hurt you and hacks the terrain generation to make the whole level shift about as you fight (very dramatic and cool, shame no one has ever seen it).
In Rogue Rage all of the bosses summon enemies, most of them regenerate or heal in some way, and generally they have abilities that temporarily buff themselves, those around them, or that debuff you in special ways. They usually have good movement skills as well, teleporting around, pulling the player to them, knocking the player back, etc.
Some other things to consider:
- Aura around the boss that affects you in some negative way if you're too close whilst it's active
- It hurts the player to hit the boss in certain ways
- Several stages to the boss, with it being immune to different attacks / damage types during those phases
- Boss has a special powerful ability it uses every x rounds, with a visible counter
- Boss will definitely kill you if not defeated in x rounds (though certain actions may push the counter back)
- Boss does certain actions unless disrupted by certain attacks - eg a fire elemental that throws fireballs unless hit with an ice attack
- Every time you hit the boss an ability is triggered - it summons enemies, it knocks you back, it dazes you, etc.