Highly restrictive field of view. Dark, very low light.
Make the player significantly weaker than enemies.
Leave visual hints that a certain type of enemy is on the map (blood marks, scratches, etc).
Make it so enemies pick up your scent or see you before you can see it- you can then give audio cues that way. Maybe a blind creature smells you, howls to inform its pack. Maybe you have to run to an underground pond to hide your scent, or something thereabouts. There are ways to ensure that it's always possible for the player to not-die if he makes the right decision.
Perhaps the player is fine facing one enemy at a time, but multiple enemies should be very difficult, and the production of sound should draw more enemies.
Make the environment non-focused on the player- ie. Dragons eat hell-hounds. You should regularly run into the bloody mess that the dragon made of that hell-hound.
Just some thoughts.