I am going to shamelessly bump this announcement because Towerclimb really is that good. So far I have spent about 20 hours playing this game. I would implore anyone who has any interest in platformer roguelike-likes to buy the beta.
The difficulty level is fairly high, but the reward surge is huge. Towerclimb also boasts a surprising level of gameplay depth. On top of that, it manages to suggest a sort of minimalist story, something out of ancient myth. And you get all of that over the course of an arduous upward climb amidst the resounding beat of primitive drums.
I lack the gift of gab required to quickly explain why the game is so awesome, and right now I lack the time to edit and re-edit my text until I can more properly convey WHY the game is good (at work, busy day); but guys, seriously, check this shit out.