Author Topic: That ninja...  (Read 10049 times)


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That ninja...
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:31:45 PM »
...who managed to steal a mini computer and some floppy disks is faring pretty good.

Reached Robot Town without problems, but after some price identification and other shopping, I forgot (truth) to pay for a floppy disk of identify, so after a while the whole throng of shopkeepers was after my hide. Fortunately at some point I had picked a plasma rifle, which sadly I had to put to good use. Managed to retreat to the long corridor that leads to the sewer entrance, and fried all the bots. Unfortunately the docbot decided to join in the fun too, and he lasted the most, but after some dirty probing that pervert fell too.

Now everything in town was mine - most of all, a beam saber which I had the luck of being able to enchant to +3, which would be my main tool of killing from that point on.

I entered the sewers. The usual hodgepodge of ninja turtles, mutants, fungal beings from Pluto and other scum that gathers in the sewers quickly found death in a flurry of laser slashes and the occasional handful of boomstick. By this point, I was already drunk with power.

Now comes the odd unidentified canister. I've already seen Rad-Away, Restoration, even had a good fix of Gain Ability. What is this? After some scanning, it's revealed to be a canister of mutagen. What the hell? I chug it down.

And it grants me HASTE! Together with my above average agility score, the pink equipments and a pair of leg enhancements, my speed boost rises to +55.

Only the last brotherhood paladin in the waste treatment plant made a heroic last stand. That damn power fist and the sudden appearance of some radscorpions put me on a tight spot. I lost my energy sword in the confusion (damn I should've kept that old katana as a backup!), and they managed to corner and almost kill me.

But in the end I prevailed, even if weakened, grabbed my sword and a hazard suit and set to go back the way I came and explore the rest of the derelict space base.
The invisible hand is a lie, the fiendish dogma of the market cultists. Lest the apostasy grows strong, their blood god will devour each and everyone, pious and infidel alike.


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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 06:08:14 PM »
  I should be Priming it up right now but I'm trying to finish off cardlike before the 7DRL starts!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2012, 05:39:34 PM »
Started a software engineer. Did not play them for long. Turns out they do not find Melnorme as helpful as other characters. Thank you - I can check out my bugginess myself. First M ate it from a laser rifle and left coiled pistol for me to use. Hurray! Two floors below I found a floppy which turned out to be debugged and cracked enhance weapon! Improved my guns to +3.

I found some floppies and decided to test them by use. First one was hypnosis. No big deal but it was infected. Great! I just handicapped greatest asset of my character. No enhancing more weapons because my pretty cracked software could get infected. Proceeded to try out undidentified floppy disk programs because first time they are run on computer with virus they perform as usual. Found a floppy disk of hacking and targeted yet unused optimized floppy disk of identify. The hacking attempt succeeded! However, I rolled so high on programming attempt that game revealed additional fact to me. The floppy was infected too and disk of hacking self-destructed. RNG says trollololo.

To make matters worse I fell into an acid pit and had my pretty plasma pislol very corroded. Usually good way to fix it is by unsing enhancement again by my computer had a trojan. Luckily for me 1.8 features new repairing mechanic. I dismantled a phaser and managed to remove the damage using spare parts and optimized duct tape. At the same time a new bug surfaced. Fortunately its not overly exploitable.

So, I either needed a new computer of antivirus. In software store there was one expensive disk. I bought it and it was the antivirus! Yay, my computer was working again. The disk blew up so no protecting my hardware against further attacks. Annoyed I tried to write antivirus myself but failed. There was another computer in store to have but my wallet was not big enough. Having plasma weapons at my disposal I decided to challenge the robot town and become owner of all the neat stuff there.

I started by shooting the toll guardbot. The robot had a plasma cannon and hit me burning a floppy. Guess which one it was. Yes, the cracked enhance weapon. Anyway I took the cannon for myself and using it was victorious although two times machines almost wasted me. After collecting the floppies I used newly acquired mega computer to reformat some and this time successfully wrote antivirus on second or third try. Disinfected optimized cracked identify proved to be really useful and set me straight on my way to victory.

Mid game contained few nasty surprises. A high templar caught me by surprise blasting me from seemingly nowhere and I was not carrying detect lifeform. Zapped myself with healing to clear my mind and teleported to stairs. Returned at full health and warped to him killing the sneaky bastard. The Khaydarin crystal shard I carried for the rest of game was a souvenir taken off him or the other templar. Right now it is hard to say what is greater threat. A defiler or a high templar.

Late game was mostly uneventful. Wrote some matter compilers and created good armor for me. Cracked more software and maxed out AC. Became almost unstoppable so decided to save monoliths for the very end. Retrieved the Orgasmatron and went down to quaff skipped vats of sludge to collect mutations. Got them all except hypnosis.

    ###########           ########                              widmo           
    #.........#   #####   #......#######################        VP Engineering 
    #.........#####...#####......+..............'......#        XL 26:25000     
    #.........#####..>##########+#              ########        Str 38  Int 25 
    #.........#   #...#        #.#      ###########             Con 25  Wis 23 
    #.........#   #...#  #######+########.........#             Agi 42  Cha  9 
    ####+######   #...#  #........+.....'.........#             Dex 25         
       #.#        ###'#  #........#######.........#                             
       #.#          #.#  #........#     ###########             Speed +135     
       #.#          #.#  #...@....#                             Armor   56     
       #.#          #.#  #........#                             HitPts 382(382)
  ######'##         #.#  #........#                             Energy1516(900)
  #.......#         #.#  ##########                             $0     *616     
  #.......#         #.#                                                         
              #########                                         Space Base 1   
What do you want to use? [GOXYinpvx or ?]
Hot dog!  You finally got your paws on the Bizarro Orgasmatron!
You use its awesome power to beam yourself off this two-bit space hulk.

Congratulations, you are the baddest motherfucker in the galaxy now!


  Energy Cells
k - 616 energy cells
a - an optimized rustproof +5 pea shooter
y - an optimized rustproof +5 plasma pistol (wielded)
R - an optimized rustproof +5 flamethrower
S - an optimized rustproof +5 Khan heavy pistol
T - 4 optimized +5 incendiary grenades
r - 4 optimized +5 flashbangs
Q - 308 bullets
P - 69 fuel drums
D - an optimized +2 mean green power helmet (worn)
E - an optimized +6 pink chaos power armor (worn)
K - an optimized fireproof +2 badass trenchcoat (worn)
t - an optimized +2 pair of zealot leg enhancements (worn)

No zealots at all. Had to compile this myself.

z - an optimized fireproof pair of targeter goggles (worn)
h - an optimized rustproof armored belt (worn)

These two too. Only shield belts. Had NV goggles but replaced them.

L - an optimized fireproof +4 elven jumpsuit (worn)
  Bionic Implants
q - an optimized babel fish (implanted in left ear)
w - an optimized +5 reflex coordinator (implanted in cerebellum)
B - an optimized +5 reflex coordinator (implanted in parietal lobe)
C - an optimized +5 adrenaline generator (implanted in occipital lobe)
J - an optimized +5 reflex coordinator (implanted in frontal lobe)
V - the optimized Eye of the BOFH (implanted in right eyeball)
f - an optimized +5 adrenaline generator (implanted in temporal lobe)
b - an optimized canister of Rad-Away
j - 3 optimized canisters of antimatter

Ha ha, defilers were dealt with before they could vomit.

o - an optimized canister of speed
  Ray Guns
l - an optimized restoration ray gun (9 charges)
s - an optimized disintegration ray gun (6 charges)
W - an optimized gauss ray gun (9 charges)
e - an optimized transporter ray gun (8 charges)
A - an optimized healing ray gun (4 charges)
m - an optimized gauss ray gun (8 charges)
I - an optimized transporter ray gun (12 charges)
d - an optimized stasis ray gun (7 charges)
Z - an optimized restoration ray gun (9 charges)
  Floppy Disks
M - an optimized cracked floppy disk of debugging

Had much more disks but reformatted them all to get blanks for writing matter compilers. When succesful I produced useful stuff until my kit was complete. Then proceeded to scum for canisters of gain ability. The high stats are result of this.

n - an optimized tricorder
v - an optimized flashlight
G - an optimized monkey wrench
X - an optimized master keycard
p - an optimized protected +4 mega computer

Robot Town software store acquisition.

F - an optimized rabbit's foot
O - a large energy tank (500 charges)
c - an optimized fusion power plant (100 charges)
x - the Bizarro Orgasmatron
Y - a small energy tank (300 charges)
i - a Khaydarin crystal shard (4 charges)


  Power            Level Chance Status
Illumination         1     25%   
Digestion            1     25%   
Regeneration         1     25%   
Optic Blast          2     15%   
Haste                2     15%   (on)
Telepathy            2     15%   (on)
Web                  2     15%   
Mental Blast         3      5%   
Restoration          3      5%   
Adrenaline Control   4      0%   (on)
X-Ray Vision         4      0%   (on)
Teleport             5      0%   
Psionic Storm        8      0%   

--- SKILLS ---

Combat Skills
Thrown Weapons (Dex)        0+0 (13)     
Handguns (Dex)              20+0 (20)     
Light Guns (Dex)            6+0 (6)     
Heavy Guns (Dex)            6+0 (6)     
Basic Melee Weapons (Agi)   0+0 (6)     
Swords (Agi)                0+0 (6)     
Adventuring Skills
Concentration (Con)         6+0 (13)     
Pick Locks (Dex)            0+0 (20)     
Repair (Dex)                4+0 (20)     
Search (Int)                4+0 (20)     
Programming (Int)           27+0 (27)     
Spot (Wis)                  4+0 (13)     


Your speed was 235.
Your speed bonus was 55.
Your to hit modifier was 7.
Your psionic modifier was -17.
You were extremely resistant to blinding.
You were extremely resistant to laser damage.

Laser damage resist was invaluable against guardbots with laser cannons in town.

You were nearly invulnerable to magnetic effects.
You were lucky.
You were telepathic.
You had night vision.
You had X-ray vision.
You had an air supply.
You were able to understand alien languages.
You had been exposed to minimal levels of radiation.

--- KILL LIST ---

6 fuel barrels
11 warp fungi
25 grid bugs
17 bore worms
6 tribbles
48 flying toasters
8 mynocks
42 giant cockroaches
6 man eating plants
9 little grey aliens
4 ratbots
2 green killer tomatoes
12 mutant humans
9 space goblins
3 tapioca puddings
4 smart bombs
1 kamikaze goblin
5 catbots
3 dogbots
11 red killer tomatoes
3 redshirts
5 space orcs
13 alien eggs
5 vat slimes
2 cylon centurions
6 stormtroopers
1 astromech droid
1 protocol droid
2 scrubbots
3 crites
1 high ping bastard
8 space orc pyromaniacs
1 creeping credits
2 melnormes

This is pluralized wrong. Should be fixed by next release.

2 cylon command centurions
2 klingons
1 troubleshooter
6 facehuggers
1 alien embryo
12 radbeetles
6 space orc bosses
2 chestbursters
1 alien princess
25 recognizers
3 radspiders
5 pink horrors
30 zerglings
10 smart missiles
3 space elves
8 hydralisks
4 mutant ninja turtles
7 radscorpions
the killer rabbit
9 alien warriors
3 brotherhood paladins
1 space elf lord
9 lawyers
7 clerkbots
2 docbots
16 aquamarine marines
9 crazy chaos marines
4 mean green marines
1 space elf queen
2 rocket turrets
5 defilers
4 alien queens
1 dalek
2 high templars
4 warbots
4 guardbots
9 giant apes
the Bastard Operator From Hell
3 mail daemons
3 bind daemons
14 nntp daemons
5 ftp daemons
the Shodan

--- SUMMARY ---

widmo finished adventuring on 2012-3-3.
widmo earned 25000 experience points and achieved level 26.
widmo attained the professional rank of VP Engineering.
widmo collected 48091 score points.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


  • Rogueliker
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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2012, 12:41:30 AM »
Agi 42 ??

The invisible hand is a lie, the fiendish dogma of the market cultists. Lest the apostasy grows strong, their blood god will devour each and everyone, pious and infidel alike.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 04:25:22 PM »
24 natural + 3 from armor + 15 from implants = 42

Yeah, its broken. NetHack does not allow you to improve the plus on rings arbitrarily and you can only have two. Well, Ragnarok allows to have 18 of these but no + to stat stuff there.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2012, 04:50:06 PM »
  Broken? Nah. Make it ridiculous. Why not? Who needs balance!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2012, 09:22:18 PM »
I don't think it's broken, either. I like the implants system.
The invisible hand is a lie, the fiendish dogma of the market cultists. Lest the apostasy grows strong, their blood god will devour each and everyone, pious and infidel alike.


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Re: That ninja...
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2012, 03:19:37 PM »
  Even if it wasn't. I don't have any problem with a massively exploitable and unbalanced game. I personally think it's part of the theme of a game like Prime. But I'm pretty weird in what I like in games. So...

  I just started up a Janitor. Found use for my master door card in the first room. Oh crap! Brown boring worms. Slam door. Take out the monkey wrench. Open the door. Bash some worms. Bash some warp fungus. Go down to level 2. What's a Melnorme? Let's bash it with a wrench!

  Dead. Level two. Killed by a Melnorme laser rifle.