A -very- well adapted version of Angband was released to my Android-phone, and it does have a full qwerty-keyboard, just that it's too hard to move around, if not I'd be playing it on a daily basis.
I remember one of the first RLs I played was Nethack, then Angband (and I LOVED it, even though I didn't understand anything and died over and over). Then I went over to T.o.M.E (which was actually a great RL back then)
I tried revisiting Angband after that, but with aaaall the variations that was released from it, I felt like Angband wasn't a game anymore but just an engine, and that ruined the feel for me. Then I found ADOM, and that's it - DCSS ofcourse.
Considering buying a blutooth-numpad to use with my phone though, just for playing Angband again