« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 05:11:15 PM »
Alpha v0.4.1
- screenshake effect added when firing some weapons, to explosions and when player gets hit
- added 6 enemy types
- added 2 items
- threasure chest will always contain weapon on a first floor, eye on a second
- shop in a exit rooms on first and second floors
- first floor is slightly easier than second
- some enemy projectiles can’t be destroyed by shooting
- flames destroy any enemy projectile
- reworked room layouts
- room walls on a same floor have slight brighness/saturation variations
- few more weapon mods
- spyglass item now will work as soon as it’s picked up and will show enemy silhouettes instead of names, which can be seen through obstacles
- mannie’s mines are no longer explode from first revolver shot, but pushed away
- added keybinding for taking screenshots, which are stored in game’s folder
- displaying slot number and max ammo by pressing tab for carried weapons
- optimizations
- balance
- bugs fixed
- some things tweaked
-fixed bug where it was not possible to die and progress to the next level
-added bonus for completion level under some time
-added empty shells for reveolver, smg and shotgun
-fixed mod for flamethrower "cook items for fuel" not working
-ammo will not be picked up when carriyng maximum amount of that ammo type
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 11:38:27 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training