Author Topic: Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7.4) $  (Read 13397 times)


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Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7.4) $
« on: August 15, 2013, 09:43:32 PM »  $7.99

Fancy Skulls is a first person shooter with procedural generation and permadeath. When you die - you will have to start over, but level layout, enemy placement and items are random each time you play.

You shoot, run around, collect items, upgrade and mod weapons, and find secrets.

Items alter the way you play the game, you can find item that allow you to double jump, or move faster, shoot fireball or slow down time. Or summon a totem that will shoot lightning at your foes. And more!

All weapons have upgrades and mods, for example shotgun can shoot lightning bolts, homing and/or burning bullets for smg, revolver that heals if you hit enemies 7 times in a row without misses.

You play as an immortal creature who is a precious part of a collection, and tries to escape capture.

 You will get DRM-free versions for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Please note that "beta version" means that game is still in development. There is some work to do on content, balance and overall polish. But you can buy it now for a special price and get the current version while supporting the developer. And you will get all future updates for free!

Beta trailer
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 11:54:55 AM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.3) $
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 09:41:02 PM »
Alpha v0.3

- added challenges and unlockable “starting builds”
- update check in menu, if new version is availible it will let you know
- options now available in main menu as well as in pause menu
- changed visual design for one enemy - skull
- added “champion” version for that enemy
- removed pickups for mana, mana now regenerates by walking
- resolution and keybindings can now be changed in game, since there is now way to show launcher on Linux
- fixed resolution setting incorectly in fullscreen on start on Linux
- added some trees
- added textures on walls and geometry
- added coin slot machine
- added charge bar for mortir
- eye names now displayed in shops
- death and win count in main menu
- save file to save progress
- few new layouts for secret and treasure rooms
- new icon
- some balance tweaks
- some optimization
- some new sounds
- bug fixes

Substantial gains!   8)   Also available in video form on the devblog.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.4 "Screenshake") $
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 05:11:15 PM »
Alpha v0.4.1

- screenshake effect added when firing some weapons, to explosions and when player gets hit
- added 6 enemy types
- added 2 items
- threasure chest will always contain weapon on a first floor, eye on a second
- shop in a exit rooms on first and second floors
- first floor is slightly easier than second
- some enemy projectiles can’t be destroyed by shooting
- flames destroy any enemy projectile
- reworked room layouts
- room walls on a same floor have slight brighness/saturation variations
- few more weapon mods
- spyglass item now will work as soon as it’s picked up and will show enemy silhouettes instead of names, which can be seen through obstacles
- mannie’s mines are no longer explode from first revolver shot, but pushed away
- added keybinding for taking screenshots, which are stored in game’s folder
- displaying slot number and max ammo by pressing tab for carried weapons
- optimizations
- balance
- bugs fixed
- some things tweaked

-fixed bug where it was not possible to die and progress to the next level
    -added bonus for completion level under some time
    -added empty shells for reveolver, smg and shotgun
    -fixed mod for flamethrower "cook items for fuel" not working
    -ammo will not be picked up when carriyng maximum amount of that ammo type
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 11:38:27 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.5 "Sound and Vision") $
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2013, 04:16:59 AM »
Alpha v0.5

- lowered conditions for unlocking stating builds
- changed color palette for enemies
- redone HUD using NGUI plugin which make it a bit faster and easier to make it prettier
- ability will remind when it's available to use in HUD by animation
- HUD popups now more readable and stack
- some visual tweaks

- new eye - random mod
- three new items
- added random mod option to the shop which costs one key
- few fore weapon mods
- x hits in a row gives y mods changed so shooting mines or enemy projectiles will not reset it
- added effect for shots that do double damage similar to crit effect
- added effect of connection from object that triggered spawn to eggs
- new sounds for enemies, items, eyes, etc
- music?
- procedural shattering of enemies, which means they will shatter differently every time
- few floor textures
- rudimentary controller support - you can bind keys and use it in-game, no menu navigation. default bindings for 360 controller, you might need to reset keybindings to default to get it working

- possible fix for beam at the end of the level not working
- fixed performance issues after opening bonus chest at the start of the level
- pathfinding issues in certain rooms
- fixes for ray gun mods
- some minor fixes
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.5.2) $
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2014, 09:04:05 PM »
Alpha v0.5.2

This update makes loading levels much faster thanks to some code optimization and switching pathfinding solution. Other changes are less significant, but in the next update I plan to focus on making game more exciting and improving balance and dynamics of a game.

- added shotgun mod "walk backwards to regenerate ammo"
- sound for picking up eye
- 3d models for matchbox, rattle, marked card and pin

- levels now load much faster
- changed amount of levels and rooms on each level
- clearing a room now will boost mana regeneration for a small period of time
- alchemist's eye tweaks to prevent transforming some objects into same objects
- flamethrower now will damage objects
- jumping now will regenerate mana as well as walking
- reset and random upgrade options now have a chance of appearing in a vending machine instead of always being available
- slightly nerfed ray gun
- coins now will spawn in front of coin slot machine

bug fixes
- fixed interaction failing sometimes with chest
- fixed jump speed not changing after picking up wheel
- removed "caged crystal" item
- fixed shotgun mod "no reloading when not on full health" not working
- fixed fireball spell not aiming properly
- fixed game losing focus in windowed mode on after level loading
- fixed mana regenerating too quickly
- some more minor fixes
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.6.1) $
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2014, 09:51:28 PM »

- 4 new enemy types
- visual tweaks
- balance tweaks
- dynamic difficulty
- separate shops for upgrades and items
- player can only carry 2 weapons at once now
- choose from 3 weapon mods at the shops
- Rudolph now can only be heard from a certain distance
- lines object that triggered spawn don't go to every egg

- Changed some colors and some enemy designs
- Redone shop's UI on a NGUI, now it looks and feels better
- Gambling machines now can be playe a limited amount of games
- Replaced Random Gun unlock with Random Eye unlock
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.6.2 "Crowns") $
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2014, 09:43:41 PM »

- model for a laser mini-sentry
- when room is cleared "crowns" will be shown indicating if damage was taken, was there misses, and if it was quick
- 3 revolver mods
- 1 shotgun mod
- added sounds for shells hitting ground
- 5 more room layouts

- polished some old layouts
- when no upgrade charges left in shop "reset" will add ability to choose one more instead of doing nothing
- colors and textures on a different levels
- alternative weapon now can be swapped in the same manner as eye items
- mannie mines will now do critical damage to him and other enemies on explosion
- ghost now teleports on taking damage
- upgrades now cost more
- some color tweaks
- changed the way teleport works slightly
- chest in a treasure room will now face the entrance
- fixed stanley's neck hitbox
- changed design of masa

- fixed bug when gambling machine was still active even after it should be closed
- fixed some problems with pathfinding
- fixed critical spot not working for charlie
- fixed critical spot for tree-looking enemy
- fixed some hud positioning
- fixed tara being model appear squished
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Alpha 0.6.3 "Fade In Fade Out") $
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2014, 08:43:41 PM »


4 revolver mods
mortar mod - shoot grenade in the air to strike enemies with multipe lightnings


buffed robert (rotating turrel)
removed bonus time level completion mechanics for now
changed the way levels generate and level transitions work
changed mortar mod "fullly charge shots doesn't spend ammo" to "fully charged shot gives grenade back" to clear confusion when ammo saved by fishing hook
changed robert debris so they won't be able to hide coins and pickups
some design tweaks to laser box enemy
added visual cue to lasers when they worm up and don't do damage
laser enemy balancing
removed keybindings for weapon slots 3 and 4


fixed tara's spheres not slowing down player if revolver is wielded
fixed mortar mod adding more than max ammo
fixed laser box enemy not doing any damage
fixed some secret button positions
fixed some items in shop being available for purchase eve if there's not enough coins on player after purchase of another item
fixed typo in "quick"
fixed some secret buttos hovering in the air
fixed some pathfinding issues with ramps and rudolphs

Known issues:

problems with secret room teleportation - it may teleport you into void
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7) $
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2014, 07:31:49 PM »
Beta v0.7

This is not a big update, but it’s important because game now in beta.
There still a lot of work to do, but now I’m starting a campain to get Fancy Skulls greenlit so I could place it on Steam in Early Access and make some money to live on.

- fixed some bugs
- fixed hound unlock not inlocking
- fixed greedy eye not having any icon at all
- fixed some objects not being seen in the corner of the screen from certain angles when standing really close
- preventing player from falling into void indefinitely

- added 1 new enemy
- added “accurate hits return bullets in cylinder” mod
- added sounds for enemies deaths

- changed description of a revolver mod to “jump to add single bullet to cylinder” so it is clear that it does not synergies with mod that gives double damage to a shot after reload

New trailer:
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7) $
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2014, 11:19:49 PM »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7.1) $
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2014, 09:17:22 PM »

- updated start screen, it now looks better
- removed greenlight link from menu, as Fancy Skulls now in top 50 on Greenlight
- added back forum link to menu
- added promt to “exit” option

- fixed menu not displaying if game was launched on bigger secondary
monitor, and then launched on a monitor with smaller resolution (aka @nvartolomei's bug)
- fixed challenges actually unlocking on level 4 instead of level 3

- added two ambient tracks
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7.3) $
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2014, 05:26:18 PM »

- 9 achievements
- enemy hit effects

- two music tracks weren't playing

- revolver shot sound
- in game menu now pauses game again
- added "bonus countdown" text to dots and rings
- some textures
- better fire effect
- better grenade and cannonball explosions
- nerfed cannon
- nerfed one bullet 6 damage revolver mod
- greedy eye description
- quick eye description
- eye description shows on picking it up now
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fancy Skulls (now at Beta v0.7.4) $
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2014, 11:55:26 AM »
- added bunnyhopping
- added challenge rooms
- added restart button to pause menu
- added more room variants

- items that were spawned on a previous levels will longer show on map and cannot be attracted with greedy eye
- fixed bugs with alchemist eye and eggs
- marked card and pin items are now marked as unique and won't spawn twice
- fixed minimum amount of coins that can be won at slot machine being 1, it's 2 now
- fixed performance issues on levels 7-9
- fixed grenades not exploding on hit on shielder enemy

- reduced number of secret buttons to 1 on a level
- changes to mob designs
- improved help text at the start of the game. it now displays actual keybindings, now it will stop displaying after few game sessions
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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