Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 275491 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.2 "Daca" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #375 on: December 10, 2023, 05:03:51 PM »
Thankfully, I had a number of people report crash bugs, which I was able to investigate and fix. Apart from that, there are a lot of smaller changes in this one. The biggest ones include plantable plants, fungi (regular and magical), and an expansion of the way that an item's status affects things in-game. Please let me know if you run into any issues!

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.2 "Daca"
- Version started July 8, 2023.  Version finalized December 10, 2023.

- The game now shows "a vanished god" if you worship one of the Nine and they
  are gone from the game.

- Added a new religion option, godlessness (Josh Engdahl). Godless characters
  receive no divine help via prayer, and cannot be crowned. They are still
  subject to divine wrath if they do particular disliked things, such as
  kicking altars. Godless characters have a much harder time learning divine
  magic, and receive far fewer castings. When they drop items on altars, those
  items will be cursed, as when doing this on a cross-aligned altar.

- A while ago, the breakage chance of regular pickaxes was reduced to 1%, and
  that of dwarven mattocks to 0%. Tthis made Delver less useful, so it's been
  buffed up: it now offers resistances to all the physical damage types, does
  a bit more damage, and has the piercing flag.

- Made some improvements to the menu options in curses mode when
  "full_stop_after_options" is set, so that they sound better when read by a
  screen reader.

- Added a "display_simplified_splash_screen" setting which in curses-mode will
  present a much simpler splash screen suitable for screen readers (no ASCII
  art) (Stephen Shaffer).

- Added a "show_distance_on_examine" setting (off by default) to display the
  distance of the selected tile from your current position when examining.

- Added mushrooms to fields, and fungus to tree generation.

- Added a special mushrooms room type to dungeons.

- The base chance for an enchantment to brand a wearable has been halved.

- Amaurosis has been buffed up a bit: he can now cast spells, has a greater
  chance to blind on a successful hit, and is faster.

- A weapon/armour's status now affects the chance of that piece being branded
  when enchanted.

- A weapon's status now affects whether it gives a bonus or penalty to the
  application of the damage type's status.

- When digging, an item's status now affects its breakage chance.

- Blessed scrolls of recharging now increase the minimum number of charges
  when recharging a wand. The wand's status now affects the potential number
  of extra charges.

- A consumable's status now affects its nutrition, though this does not affect
  what the item is worth to the divine.

- The status of the item selected for the Bowyer/Fletchery skill now affects
  both the quality of the item produced, as well as (for fletchery) the

- Your fishing rod or spear's status now influences your fishing outcome.

- Most plants and vegetables are now plantable, and when dropped in a hole
  will yield more of the same the next summer.

- Non-weapons that you can wield (such as shovels and fishing rods) and now
  properly treated as exotic weapons when using them in combat. Previously,
  the game treated you as unarmed.

- Added a temple master to the top of the temple in Carcassia - she takes
  donations to the temple, which are rewarded with piety; particularly large
  donations will bless the player's equipment, or inventory.

- When specifying symbol information in the configuration file, if no Row and
  Col are provided, a default of 0 for each is assumed.

- Externalized a bunch of world-generation settings into swyrm.ini for modding
  and/or just messing around.

- Created trap traps, which are traps that generate other traps nearby.

- Allowed for a per-class symbol which overrides the defaults applied to the
  player (Paddy).

- Added an option (off by default) that allows the game to save and then
  prompt for quitting.

- Tweaked a few sprites.

- More name combinations.

- New creatures: temple master.

- New items: mushroom, shelf fungus, Shiver's kiss, deathbloom, chanterelle,
  morel, elfcap, pufftop, elfland's exit, scroll of trap summoning.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - The game would crash if an invalid race was specified for a creature being

  - Fixed an auto-death issue involving mountains where you could be generated
    on an air tile, instantly killing you if you didn't have flying.

  - Pov wasn't handling invalid input nicely (Sofistico).

  - When notifying a deity about a pleasing action, the piety was incorrectly
    always getting applied to the creature's active deity.

  - The '%' character was being duplicated on screen in curses mode.

  - Cursed scrolls of enchanting completely prevented branding.

  - You could farm piety with Sceadugenga by continually digging on the same
    grave tile (Quartzartine).

  - The HP indicator (when using e'x'amine) sometimes wouldn't return a valid

  - Targetting via ranged combat could target a creature outside the field of
    view if they move (Hems).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.5 "Reusner"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #376 on: February 18, 2024, 02:26:12 PM »
Just to say that SotW now has initial, limited sound support - just sound effects right now. It does however let you extend this how you want via regex matching text to the message area, so there's all kinds of stuff you can do if that's something you're interested in.

A couple small fixes, too. But, sound!

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.5 "Reusner"
- Version started December 10, 2023. Version finalized February 18, 2024.

- Added sound support. The game has support for a number of events (hit, miss,
  etc) and the sounds for each can be configured in the game's main XML config.
  Sound effects can also be played on arbitrary regex matches on in-game

- Various new name, ship name, etc possibilities.

- Bug fixes:

  - Digging and dropping a stone block/etc would allow you to build over
    stairs (RelicWraith).

  - Made certain API functions safer to call without checks.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.5 "Reusner"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #377 on: March 18, 2024, 05:54:30 PM »
It's fantastic to see the continual progress on Shadow of the Wyrm! Adding sound support is a significant enhancement that can greatly enhance immersion for players. The flexibility provided by allowing users to configure sound effects via XML config and trigger them based on regex matches on in-game messages opens up a world of possibilities for customization and personalization within the game.

Additionally, the inclusion of various new name and ship name possibilities adds further depth to the game's world-building aspect, making each playthrough feel unique.

The bug fixes, particularly addressing issues like being able to build over stairs when digging and dropping certain items, demonstrate a commitment to refining the gameplay experience and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey for players.

Overall, this update showcases both innovation and attention to detail, enhancing both the gameplay mechanics and the overall player experience. Looking forward to seeing how Shadow of the Wyrm continues to evolve in future updates!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.5 "Reusner"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #378 on: July 29, 2024, 10:23:19 AM »
Picking SotW up again to help me get through some long COVID.

I encountered a nasty softlock when I submerged myself in a pond in the infinite dungeon.  As far as I can tell, this causes the rest of the dungeon to cease to exist.  I get `something blocks your exit` whenever I hit `<`.  I was mildly distraught about losing my follower but opted to use an Elfland's Exit to leave the dungeon.  I stepped in to see if I could get my follower back and found myself returned to the same inescapable lakebed!  This time, without a means of warping, I'm stuck.

EDIT:  I did some script diving.  It's possible to get back to the world map with the following command, which is equivalent to an escape spell.  I haven't been able to determine a command for resurfacing, teleporting between floors or re-generating the infinite dungeon to unbreak it.


I also noticed another quirk with followers %u2014 in tight quarters they can accidentally target through the player with a ranged attack such as a rock throw.  This makes the PC hostile to the follower, enabling promptless attacks, until they leave the area %u2014 in my case I speared the poor fool and had to reconcile.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2024, 10:31:24 PM by ebalster »


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.6.5 "Reusner"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #379 on: August 25, 2024, 03:14:12 PM »
Picking SotW up again to help me get through some long COVID.

I encountered a nasty softlock when I submerged myself in a pond in the infinite dungeon.  As far as I can tell, this causes the rest of the dungeon to cease to exist.  I get `something blocks your exit` whenever I hit `<`.  I was mildly distraught about losing my follower but opted to use an Elfland's Exit to leave the dungeon.  I stepped in to see if I could get my follower back and found myself returned to the same inescapable lakebed!  This time, without a means of warping, I'm stuck.

EDIT:  I did some script diving.  It's possible to get back to the world map with the following command, which is equivalent to an escape spell.  I haven't been able to determine a command for resurfacing, teleporting between floors or re-generating the infinite dungeon to unbreak it.


I also noticed another quirk with followers %u2014 in tight quarters they can accidentally target through the player with a ranged attack such as a rock throw.  This makes the PC hostile to the follower, enabling promptless attacks, until they leave the area %u2014 in my case I speared the poor fool and had to reconcile.

Ack, that sucks, I'm sorry! I'll make a note to investigate and fix both of these things when I start working on the next version. Thanks so much for reporting them!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #380 on: August 25, 2024, 03:26:46 PM »
I feel like I've had four "big" releases of SotW: the initial release in 2015, the 1.0 release that included Carcassia, the release that added full sprite support, and now this one, which includes music.

I've spent my evenings for the last six months hunched over my laptop, working on pieces and effects in MuseScore 4 (with MuseSounds for realistic-sounding instruments). That wasn't actually my intention: early on, I'd always envisioned an 8-bit soundtrack for SotW. But after spending a week learning FamiStudio, and creating what I think is a pretty good piece of 8-bit music, I came to the same conclusion as some of the people in the Discord: I don't know; this doesn't quite work. And so I set about trying to create a "real" soundtrack. I figured this might take eight months to a year. Instead, I went at it with all my energy, largely put aside my regular musical practice and writing work, and finished it quicker.

After six months, I'm done, and very proud of the result, which in places hovers somewhere between video game and traditional "classical" music, the latter very heavily informed by my tastes and preferences over a lifetime of playing and listening. I wasn't sure I could do this, but I did. I'm very proud of it. I hope you enjoy it.

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"
- Version started February 18, 2024. Version finalized August 25, 2024.

- Evergreen trees are now cyan in winter, to mimic the appearance of snow on
  their branches.

- If you leave followers behind on an overworld map that isn't permanent (a
  random forest, etc), that map will be flipped to permanent if you leave any
  followers behind when exiting the map (dionje5).

- Cursed wands now have a chance to explode, lessened by Wandcraft, which can
  also (for higher values) prevent this altogether.

- For this reason, NPCs won't chance using cursed wands.

- You can now dig through non-blocking diggable tiles (trees, etc) if you have
  a digging implement equipped (sr.mafioso).

- Axes can now be used to cut down trees. Axes more suited to this purpose
  (woodsman's axe, briar axe) will not break, though others might.

- Digging through weeds no longer gives lumber, branches, and boughs.

- Digging through trees, bushes, and weeds gives different messages than when
  digging through earth and rock.

- Working with traps now trains Disarm Traps (hemsio).

- Improved the way in which Foraging and Herbalism train: these now train when
  herbs or foragables are generated during map creation.

- You will no longer be crowned if standing over a tile (eg, open water) that
  would cause your crowning gift to disappear.

- Shopkeepers now get additional ivory when shops repop and they're below a
  certain threshold (hemsio).

- Shepherds start with slings and a few stones (Paul Raymond-Robichaud).

- Crowning gifts are now generated blessed.

- Creature respawns now generate a message (with associated music effect).

- Full support for music and an initial soundtrack.

- New names, etc.

- New creatures: chamber ensemble.

- The danger level now scales properly from Isen Dun or Carcassia to its
  furthest point at the edge of the map (previously, a fixed value was used,
  and Carcassia starts resulted in slightly less powerful creatures at the
  furthest point).

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - Smithing was training far less frequently than it should (hemsio).

  - The message for NPCs kicking objects wasn't working correctly (Paul

  - The guidebook didn't note that Shepherds get Weaving (Paul Raymond-

  - Skinning stacks of corpses of the same type led to duplicatoin (Paul

  - Planting seeds wasn't displaying a message, and wasn't also checking to


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #381 on: September 12, 2024, 11:28:25 PM »
ebalster, I've fixed those issues for the next version.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #382 on: October 13, 2024, 05:25:14 PM »
Recently came back to the game, and just cleared the Godslayer ending with a Godless Human Wizard yesterday. Some things I wanted to mention

1) Athel starts off hostile if you don't have the same god as him. He converts to non-hostile once you Chat with him and activate his quest turning him into a follower. Not sure if that's intended.

2) Saw that you turned off cursed status for NPC generated items a few versions ago. Not sure if you intend them to be non-cursed as well, but the Kew starter pack still has a chance to be generated cursed, due to them not being generated by him.

3) It seems like godless aren't able to join the thieves guild, due to them not being able to pray and break all their conducts. Or did I miss some way for them to join?