Author Topic: .NET work in progress - Glyphica  (Read 7686 times)


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.NET work in progress - Glyphica
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:21:10 PM »
So, I've been working on my RL project on and off for a few years and finally got serious about it.  I had been a bit discouraged because I was having a hard time finding resources for .NET developers in the RL space.

In the hopes of encouraging other VB.NET developers to take up their own projects, I want to share what I've done so far.

Glyphica is a work in progress, but has a lot of the basic moving parts that a VB.NET developer needs to get their own RL project off the ground, including...

- A map generation class (thank you, Andy Stobirski)
- Functioning line-of-sight code (thank you again, Andy)
- Melee and ranged combat resolution based on the D20 system (player takes damage and can die, monsters take damage and can die).
- Twelve basic types of armor across 3 tiers (based on D20)
- Nineteen basic weapon types (again, based on D20)
- Working player movement code including wall-collision detection and collision-based combat initiation
- A working inventory management screen based on the Skyrim "SkyUI" mod.

Glyphica is not anywhere close to being ready for even the earliest alpha, but I really felt strongly about sharing this stuff with other .NET developers.  Although Glyphica is a console application, the code and classes are all written with the intent that they be easy to use as the backbone of a more graphically-driven game.  This is not the "best" anything, not is it going o revolutionize the RL space.  If anyone finds anything in my code useful for their own projects, then I'm satisfied. :)

Quick Screenhots:

Basic play screen:

Inventory Management:

The code is available at GitHub:


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Re: .NET work in progress - Glyphica
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 12:00:42 PM »
Keep at it!  8)   How're things looking as far as the plan of attack still to come and the general timeline of things from here?
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: .NET work in progress - Glyphica
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2014, 07:52:28 PM »
Magic - The magic system will borrow heavily from D20 and FearRPG (permission has been obtained).  Once I have the basic system working, I will begin adding aspects to it that are specific to my game world.

Itemization - With a layer of basic items in place, I'll be adding some randomly-generated flavor text for items and weapons.  A Medium Shortsword might be presented to the player as "Rusted Medium Sword", etc.

Factions - There will be a fixed group of "Major" factions that appear in each game, along with a larger number of "Minor" factions.  these factions will be somewhat randomly generated.  All factions have their own agendas that drive how their NPCs interact with the player.  Also, weapons and spells purchased from any faction will be flavored (e.g. a dagger from the Necromancer's guild might have a life-steal effect, while a staff from the Citadel of Light might bestow a healing buff).

As I identify things I want to implement, I add them to the issues list on the Github site. :)

Thanks for the interest!

Paul Jeffries

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Re: .NET work in progress - Glyphica
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2014, 11:07:52 PM »
This looks interesting.  I use VB.NET all the time at work; mainly for that reason I tend to avoid it for hobby stuff (since I'd rather learn something new) but as it's a very quick language to develop in I might consider using some of this stuff for a 7DRL or similar.

One suggestion I have to make your code more easily reusable for graphical roguelikes would be to have all of your classes implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to enable WPF databinding - if you do that then adding a graphical front-end would be almost trivial.

Are you aware of Rogue.NET?  They seem to have a similar sort of aim in mind so you guys might be able to help each other out.


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Re: .NET work in progress - Glyphica
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 02:58:13 AM »
I've had my eye on for a while, but it appears that the project has been in hibernation since 2012.

I'm always on the lookout for other .NET RL developers with whome I can share ideas.