I really like the idea of a 'comic action' game mixing with the RL genre. Bubble Bobble and Mario Brothers are what I mean by comic action. They are generally single screen, co-op, cutesy and involve multiphased kill sequences. Like in Bubble Bobble you have to bubble a guy before you can bop him, and in Mario you have to get under a guy, bop him, then kick him, then collect the loots off the guys hit by the kicked shell.
For an RL you can make it turn based and maybe ditch the co-op, but keep the single screen and multiphased kill sequence. Here are some ideas I had.
Punter - Your character, when he bumps, is kicking. He kicks down doors that go flying, he kicks bad guys that go flying. He's kicking down walls. Whenever he kicks something into an enemy the enemy takes damage or dies, and give up loots (coins). You use the loots in between levels to purchase advancement.
Cryomancer - You have an ice wand. You turn guys to ice at range, then you can kick them. If they hit another baddy then LOOT PINATA!
Bubbles - As in bubble bobble.
Snow - Snow bros.
Fire - There's one out there in the arcades where you shoot fire until a bad guy is totally lit up.
Hammers - Stun a bad guy then you can kick him.
You see the pattern? You can whack guys or avoid them, but if you want loots you have to complete the special kill method. And loots let you buy goodies.
I nearly did something like this for my 7DRL this year.
I want someone to do one. Comic Action RL. Please!