I have always had a problem with generating names for my games. And I have never found a name generator that worked just the way I wanted. So.... I made a program that is able to generate names.
It uses Markhov chains to put together plausible groups of letters and create names.
All it requires is a word dictionary to base the chains on... I have been using a 80,000 word or so publicly available dictionary.
You can add conditions to the names (like it has mal,r or doesn't have i) and it will keep generating names until it comes up with a batch of names matching your criteria.
This is a program that I threw together today. I have seen some great things from it.
For example, I wanted to get some plausible names of resources, so I made the condition to have 'ite' in it. here are some results:
dulsite, mulenite, jacite, prambite, ascretinite, tritemy...
or evil sounding names ('mal,r') and others
glumallor, malveor, zamalar, kremald, sarmal, insaurg, kebishiz, cudshizar
alien sounding names:
poloma, koloosa, spolost, sorolow, gologum
honcology, egology, blabology, gloxidology, aeology
anyways... it is pretty darn fast for the most part (unless you are looking for groups of 5 characters in a row... then it will probably fail out)
it will even ask you if you want to save out the names you just generated to a .txt
If anyone would like to give it a whirl, I have the .exe available here:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6Mkqzx3je6XOVo5cDFqVTBZejQ/edit?usp=sharingHappy hunting! Let me know what you think about it.