Anyone have any predictions? Hopes?
I'm thinking Brogue, DoomRL and FTL are going to do very well.
Binding of Isaac and Dredmore will also do well, but they lack the newness to bump up their numbers, so they'll slip a bit I think.
The old standbys Crawl, Dwarf Fortress and ToME are going to kick butt, I wouldn't be surprised if ToME wins again (3 in a row!).
Look out for Adom too, that game has really sparked a ton of interest. I think it could win, even though not a ton has been released yet.
My personal Roguelike of the Year award would go to AliensRL, PRIME or Brogue, but of those I think only Brogue is popular enough to have a shot at winning.
Here are my top 5:
1. Brogue
2. Aliens
4. Random Realms
5. SIL