more than a year, a new version of Necklace of the Eye (3.0) has been released!
If you do not know what it is, go to its
homepage (in short, a frontend which modifies the interface of roguelikes by adding classic DOS, tiles and First Person Perspective display, extra options like screenshot taking, etc).
If you know the older versions, this new version has the following new major features:
- Works not only under Windows, but also under Linux.
- Lua scripting. You now have much greater flexibility in adapting NotEye to new games, and also can use Lua scripting to change the game interface in other ways (e.g. create automatic players to do boring stuff for you) or even to create new roguelikes in NotEye itself (although I am not sure how this compares to other RL dev methods).
- Easier to use (press Ctrl+M to get the NotEye menu).
- Includes a nice menu from which you can choose the game you want to play (again, easier to use).
- Basic mouse control.
- Includes Hydra Slayer to show the capabilities. Hydra Slayer has a full tileset (both in orthogonal and hex mode) and basic mouse control (you can switch weapons and move).
Read more about NotEye and download it from
Good luck to all your Roguelike characters played via NotEye!