Well Fenrir I thank you for your comments and will try to answer...
The education finance system, like the housing finance system, is a dangerous scam. They lie to you about the value of what you are getting (schools do this), while at the same time taking no risk.
A loan is supposed to go two ways. In a default banks risk their money while the borrower risks their credit and their assets. But banks have rigged the system so that the risk now only goes one way. They have altered the bankruptcy code and lobbied the government into guaranteeing the loan with your tax money. So they toss about money willy nilly. You should be outraged. This zero risk 'ninja' loaning only serves to up the cost of school (like it did with housing) requiring more people to borrow. This is ultimately destructive when the house of cards comes crashing down.
There is more student debt out there now than credit card debt. Way more. And you cannot get student loans off of the ledgers with bankruptcy, so banks continue to treat it as good debt and leverage other loaning against it. This is so dangerous to the world economy, as we have seen, that the immorality of it boggles the mind. When it crashes billions will be adversely affected. This is one part of why I am angry. You should be to I think.
While I am not responsible for perpetrating one of the greatest scams in world history, I should still look at my own personal responsibility. I agree with that. Fully. I took the loans, I knew how much they would be, and I had a plan for paying them off. But it turns out the employment outlook was not and has never been close to what they said it would be so I was destined to a high rate of failure from the get go. I was lied to and taken advantage of, and I could not have known going into it that I was being duped. Now I realize it and that is why I am enraged. Furthering my anger is the insane notion that my insolvency has some bearing on my moral turpitude.
'Luckily' I will be able to bankrupt all of this due to my health problems (the one silver lining on a fucked up situation). I'd love to just be able to get a job and pay it back. But that was very unlikely to ever happen. I'd love to be able to raise a family, have sex without having to monitor my heart rate, be able to stop lying about how sick I am in interviews, etc... I didn't bust my ass for years to get a doctorate and pass the bar so I could be a fucking wastoid on social security. So I am pissed about that as well.
Stay tuned for my next release. Angry_Man_RL.