I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how I would represent the screen, independent of it being drawn.
For example, right now for my simple curses wandering @ test, I'm using the characters on the screen to test. This likely would not work at all, were I to try to do anything interesting. (For example, for now there's no FOV or anything, just a wandering @ on an empty, fully lit map.)
So, it seems to me, the novice programmer, that I'd need some way to represent this in memory, then run the FOV, lighting, all of that fun stuff on it, and then display on the screen the appropriate stuff.
So, for now, it's
Instead of:
And as philosophically interesting as stuff not being there when you're not looking at it is, I don't think it'd make for a good roguelike. That, and pathfinding would be a bit.... difficult.
Or am I just looking at this completely wrong?
As I mentioned, I'm using python, and a newbie programmer, so complicated C stuff would probably go over my head with a rather impressive *whoosh*. I don't mean to be picky, but I don't want to frustrate people trying to help either.