I've just received a €165 fine for *drinking a can of beer* in a square at Granada around a year ago.
Last schoolyear the Granada city council passed a law interdicting concentration of the youth in public spaces.
Leaving alone that it's probably inconstitutional under our current constitution (1978), this laws have the only goal of copulating with peoples' lives. You can't even drink a juice or cocoa brik on the street - I wonder if they are fining children too?
I'm being told that I was participating in a "botellón" (binge drinking on the street), while I WAS NOT: I was basking in the sun with my girlfriend and I had nothing to do with the rest of the people that were in that square. Also, nevermind that not a single neighbor ever complained, people were really calm, the street wasn't being littered, and it isn't even a place which sees much people through, nor has it car access.
Seriously, spanish governments are run by thieves with penises for heads who deserve an electroshock. Where are the terrists when you need them?