Version 0.1.6
More has been done. Least among the things ive done: The game has been christened TOMRL for The Only Mobile RogueLike. Thats not entirely final, because i will rename the game to something like "Test of Mokroul" when it has an actual story. It just needed a name.
Secondly, the display can now handle maps of a size up to 100x100 if need be. This value is likely to change if the amount of information in each square increases. Hopefully, both my testing-platforms will survive such an expansion.
Thirdly, i remade the way the game draws the screen. Everything from stats to debug and messages, to the map, to the buttons SHOULD now independent of phone-resolution (read: blatantly ignorant of actually testing the game on any other phone). Basicly, the screen got a bit more appealing to the eye.
Fourthly, sent the gameCanvas a pointer to the "main screen", so that the game can actually exit back to the menu. Added funtionality to start a new game or resume one currently in progress.
Fifthly, buttons (the drawn ones on the screen) now work. CMDS still doesn't do anything, and MENU only returns the user to the menu. In theory, i will have little to no problem linking the buttons to any desired effect.
What the game still can't do:
- Generate random maps.
- Add enemies on the fly.
- Combat (bumping into them isn't combat, it's barely even rude.)
- Be fun to play.
I am on the other hand getting closer to something remotly enjoyable.
Also, i passed the project. Yay me.
Next up is:
- LOS (that will be fun)
- Maps with occupantHandlers instead of the current system of tacks and post-its.
- Basic combat? (bump into enemy and they DIE.)
At least one of the above should be done by version 0.2.0.
Also, i've tried to talk to my teachers in software development about version-handling, but they seem to have forgotten. How do you guys handle versions in your RLs? Do you keep meticoulus track of changes and additions? Do you just increase one digit everytime you make something work? Is there any book/site you would recomend me to read?