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Messages - Jolly Roger

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Off-topic (Locked) / Re: pixels - now with examples
« on: July 18, 2011, 06:20:22 AM »
Yeah! Psiweapon tiles looks great in motion!
And I am hereticaly delaying realize for a month at least!  :-[
As I write to psiweapon beforehand,  If we would realize FFFtR without any gameplay changes, but with new art only, it would worth it.  :D

Early Dev / Re: Warhammer, WH40k or Underdark?
« on: July 18, 2011, 06:07:03 AM »
Waha40r looks really cool,
but I have two, hmm, notes against it.
1. Workshop are known to be really paranoid copyrighters. I am no sure about roguelike, but it is possible.
2. The most important part of waha40r is EPIC PATHOS BRUTALITY. Srsly, how it can be implemented to roguelike?

Early Dev / Re: FFHtR 0.0.5
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:16:17 AM »
I can imagine that! :D

Early Dev / Re: FFHtR 0.0.5
« on: May 30, 2011, 05:48:46 AM »
I guess that's the reason why the dungeon in the east was all black in the previous version. I thought someone had turned off the lights :P.
Yeah, Shame on me. ;)

Anyway, thanks, I gave it a try, but, well, it's... difficult. I started out a couple of harlequins, looted whatever chests I could in Halowell, and went on to explore the wilderness. It was fun for a little while hearing voices and jumping around like the madman I was trying to fight monsters one-on-one, but... difficult.

Harlequin is really challenging class to play. They suffer from encumbrance more than anybody else, also low HP makes they hard to start, but they can grow really powerful, this is the only class I managed to reach Sanctuary of Death (level 5 of Broken Sepulcher).
Balseraph has unique lunatic class, more suited for melee. Really easier to play then harlequin!

It seems no matter where you go where there are monsters, there's a *lot* of them, and it takes a lot of hits to kill even one, so it gets boring having to run around dodging hits. Until you die.
Right. I also planed to change this. There would be hordes of monsters in some places, but not in every room. Right now, it is too boring to fight throw legions of risen dead.

I'm not even sure exactly what things on the screen are health meters, the best I've managed to do is bail out if the numbers in the lower right corner of the screen look too much unlike they did at the beginning of the game.
Nope, you are right, this is your health meter. In FFHtR creature don’t have total HP bar, but HP bars for every bodypart: torso, hands, head and legs.
Right now, critical damage to torso and head are fatal.
Disabled hand prevents using weapons etc

I tried out a dwarven character too, btw, and the free access to healing helped, but I couldn't find any food and starved to death.
Well. In this version:
* NPC should carry some food on them (undead carry rotten food, sorry ;) )
* Also you can visit forest tiles and gather some nuts (enter key) on trees (not every tree has nuts).
* Then you can butcher corpses for meat and fry it on campfire.
* Buy from dwarven vendor in Hallowel.
* Find in treasure chests.
And at end of all, you can find amulet of burned soul (ugly amulet) and solve this problem once for all. :D

This was in the previous version though. I'll reboot into Windows one of these days to see if there's something I missed. For now though, it's a damn promising game, and it's going to be a damned lot of work to make it fulfill its promise, so I wish you luck :)
Thank you! Yeah, you right, this game needs damned lot of work, but this real fun to work on roguelike.  Luckily, psiweapon from this forum and goodsir from rlgclub joined the team. We made tons of new stuff together and I await much more! Keep in touch!

Early Dev / Re: FFHtR 0.0.5
« on: May 29, 2011, 08:19:25 AM »
This version 0.0.5 Save fix 2 has broken dungeon and don't have new graphics from psiweapon.
From one hand I should realize bugfixing realize, from other hand, I already done two indistinct realizes last month.
First of them was fixing huge saves bug and another one was fixing bugs made by fixing huge save bug :D
I thought, that realizing 3thd one "fixing bug of realize fixing bug of realize fixing huge save bug"  in a short time :D :D would be a bit ridiculous.
So, I decided  to keep changes and then show something with big heap of changes, but, as as It happened many times: it gives pain to see, that somebody downloading older and crippled version, when we have better one.

If Ari Rahikkala would not puke of 0.0.5 SF2, I can put here 0.0.5 rev 15 for hidden purpose. ;)

Well, development progress are going very well.
Thanx for psiweapon, he greatly motivated me with his art.
Also, as I got lot of feedbacks about "funny" performance and broken GUI on some computers, I changed development computer from strong PC with 28" monitor to feeble notebook with 15" screen and immediately understands sharp ends of the game and will try to cut them. You have my oath. ;)

Uploaded version with psiweapon tiles and updated first post.
It is not 0.0.6, so there are a lot of sharp edges and unfinished and cut content, but it is better then 0.0.5 SF2. :D

Is it possible to code without adding new bugs? Don't be surprised to find really bizarre loot in Rev 15.

Early Dev / Re: Mech combats roguelike in Ruby
« on: May 06, 2011, 09:02:54 AM »
Mech Combat was kipar's side project, to test Ruby and so on. I don't know would he continue development.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: The goal in your life.
« on: May 04, 2011, 08:07:44 AM »
to become undead.

Small fix.
Saved games lost in weight about ten times.  ::)

Is it possible to change resolution or switch to fullscreen? It is a bit small right now.
Also game can freeze by unknown reason.

Early Dev / Re: FFHtR 0.0.5
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:44:24 PM »
Send you PM, Psiweapon!  ;D

Early Dev / Re: Legacy of a Warlord
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:57:24 AM »
Oh! You get good progress since my last download of Legacy!
Keep up the good work!

If increase height over 45 and  width over 70 some text would hide and, the most important, there is some leak  in main menu, if you will leave game window for some time (for example keep it going and start do somethig else), game would lock up the computer. Freeze can be removed only by reseting the computer.
Checked twice.  ???

Early Dev / FFHtR 0.0.5
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:38:35 AM »
Well... It is a bit late, than planed, about month or so, but whats done is done.
Here is 0.0.5 version.
I'll put plans for 0.0.6  soon.



List of changes(all that I remember):
Changes and additions:
* Butchery (you can butcher defeated enemies, separating the limbs).
* Basic cooking, you can smoke meat on campfire.
* Pop-ups(adjusted to the size and font).
* Inventory has been changed. Here is lot of work to do, but now It is not so inscrutable as mysterious ancient Egyptian writings.And free slots, yes, free slots!
* Completely redesigned character creation.
* Helmets and boots, and gauntlets etc.
* Boots affects speed.
* Time and Date. We have 20 months, 18 days each in FFHtR.
* Merchants update their trade goods every month.
* Font changed. (looks a bit better).
Creatures with less than 4 INT can not talk (done as preparation for the domesticated animals, and possible troubles for PC and NPC). (Any animal who has more than 4 INT, got the ability to speak, but it's magical, animal, I think).
* Random encounters: Calculated on the fly, depending on the global map object zones of influence.
* Wild animals (predators) and domesticated animals (like cows etc).
* The dialogues got new commands:
  -Ask character yes / no, check whether the player got specified amount of money or skill. give/ take money, heal for player, etc
* New colors for fonts.
* Unique creatures and treasure chests now in Res\Custom TXT files.
* Merchant profiles now in Res\Custom TXT files, too.
* New item class «MEDICINE» appeared. Medical potions, and all the remedies. (old style healing potions will disappear in new version).
* Healing potions now also have a cooldown, but less than magic.
* Cave generator – now it looks like caves and not like ant nest.
* It is possible to eat and drink without opening inventory. (it was easy ti implement, but so comfortable.)
* Basic Crafting (smoking meat, collecting plants etc).
* Satiation and hunger.
* Ranged weapons now works! Really!

 New terrain tiles from XVs (goodsir). Game automatically makes map from tiles.
 New goblin tileset from Toth.
 Different tiles for classes and heroes. (well, we don’t have this tiles, but game can use them, if they would be! Anyone, knows pixelart?  ;-) ).
 Now FFHtR better using video memory. Drawing speed enchanted.

Silent Echo - (Balreraph perk) your character share madness with his/here master.
Crazed – Lunatic perk. Gives leveled “Enraged” state in combat.
Gift of Succelus – elfs only perk, doesn’t give anything on start, but would be needed for different selectable perks and so on.
Gift of angels – humans only perk, doesn’t give anything on start, but would be needed for different selectable perks and so on.
Greedy – Khazad faction perk. Gives free Greed skill and bonus for this. Khazad carefully searching for money, so they’ll get additional worth for every coin they find, also, this perk affects different money related situations.
Bretteur – Character got nice bonuses to attack and defense when fighting only one creature at time (no more monsters nearby. Use harlequin high speed, corridors and Tricks to get it).
Fallow  - (no need to eat and drink(also your character doesn’t need to drink in this version at all). (nobody start with this perk)
New Skill Class:
Concentration – character gains concentration while fighting and can use it for different combat moves.

Social – mercantile, greed etc.
  Greed – check Greedy perk description.

New Skills in existing classes:
   Exploration – finding hidden locations on global map and enlarge exploration radius.
   Camping – creates better camping sites. You will get more safe and better place, for example some food or ingredients.

 Circus tricks – harlequin skill, allows to jump and other acrobatic tricks. Character would be fatigued by using such skills and actions, right now it limitless. There is hidden variable , fatigue, but it doesn’t affects anything, right now.

New classes and changes in existing ones:
 Lunatic – crazed warrior from Overlords asylum.
 Harlequin – got circus tricks skill, that gives this class more control of combat tactics.
 Hunter and thief – hunters starts with bow skill and thief stars with crossbow skill.
 Also hunter has all “Hunting” skills.
 New GUI, windows etc

Fixes (bugs and etc):
* Tech level determines not only the best possible material for item, but also poorest. It prevents low-end materials for advanced factions.
* Quality setting wasn’t used for merchants and treasure chests.
* Creature natural armor wasn’t used in combat.
* Sometimes screen flipping shows old screen data.
* Monsters “alarm” has been changed. Monsters from other side of the wall would not be alarmed and clutter pathfinding.
* Creature may get skills they are not allowed to have.
* Traveling from/ to global map/ local map doesn’t resets lockpicks and ammo.
* You still can shoot yourself, but now game will ask about it.
* You can leave map by “bumping” map borders.
* Message log showed old messages sometimes.
* Monsters couldn’t “caught” PC sometimes.
* Weapon/ armor rebalancing/ renaming etc.
* Balancing quality and material. (kipar).
* Skillpoints and experience were rebalanced. (kipar).
* The appearance «BLANC» item a thief.
* New corpses (for cooking, Bon appetite!).
* Found (and eliminated!) bug, when sidebar, at a resolution of 1024x768 occupied half the screen.
* Fixed typo with «you / your» messages in combat and couple of other minor typos.
* Player is no longer talking to the NPC like idiots, repeating his questions three times.
* Melee (brawling) is no longer such am IMBA as it was. Thus, the danger of low-level monsters dramatically decreased. (1,5 goblin will not dismantle the player in one stroke).
     More advanced melee will be dangerous, but It is not available for every Tom, Dick and Harry.
* Message that the merchant don’t want to buy anything from player or visa versa. It was not obvious.
* Improved text windows.
* New system saves. You can select «softcore» =) gamemode.
* «V» menu is available wherever Its possible.
* Fixed frezing bugs.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Rayel
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:50:05 AM »
It does not matter, really.  :D
Anfier is cool guy, but smoetimes, I want to ask him why so serious(c).

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Rayel
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:16:56 AM »
Ohh.. Shame on me.  :D

Annoying staff? Staff of aggravation? (SCNR)

Cool joke!  ;)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Rayel
« on: October 01, 2010, 05:33:43 AM »
Yep, Thats right. Lots of poisons, venoms, curses and that type of annoying staff!  ;D

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