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Messages - Thomas_Biskup

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Classic Roguelikes / ADOM 1.2.0p23 released to the general public
« on: May 22, 2014, 07:24:43 PM »
Team ADOM is happy to announce that we have released ADOM 1.2.0p23 to the general public!

You can find all the details here:

The downloads, changelogs and more are available here:

There are tons of changes since the last public release, please refer to the change log for details:
Personally I'm particularly interested in feedback on the new tutorial mode. We'd like to add much more to it to make ADOM more accessible for a new generation of players - so any feedback is very welcome!

And if you feel like supporting ADOM on Steam Greenlight, your vote is very welcome:

And now enjoy the game!
Thomas Biskup (& Team ADOM)
ADOM & ADOM II Maintainer

Team ADOM is happy to announce that we have released ADOM 1.2.0p23 to the general public!

You can find all the details here:

The downloads, changelogs and more are available here:

There are tons of changes since the last public release, please refer to the change log for details:
Personally I'm particularly interested in feedback on the new tutorial mode. We'd like to add much more to it to make ADOM more accessible for a new generation of players - so any feedback is very welcome!

And if you feel like supporting ADOM on Steam Greenlight, your vote is very welcome:

And now enjoy the game!
Thomas Biskup (& Team ADOM)
ADOM & ADOM II Maintainer

Classic Roguelikes / Re: ADOM on Steam Greenlight
« on: May 19, 2014, 07:05:32 AM »
What about spectating?

We have discussed it but to be honest: I'm not yet clear on the technical details (how to implement it). Are there any good pointers related to some standard way of implementing spectating on Steam? We have that on our list but honestly have to research ways to implement it a bit more ;-)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / ADOM on Steam Greenlight
« on: May 15, 2014, 10:36:58 PM »
Hi everyone!

I am happy to announce that ADOM now has entered the Steam Greenlight process:

Additionally there now is a group available for Steam related ADOM discussion:

ADOM for Steam Greenlight will incorporate shared and global highscores, an extensive achievement system, various Deluxe features (like point-based character generation, etc.) and hopefully also an in-game chat. We are looking forward to all comments and hope for your support to make the next step in ADOM's long... nay... ancient history.

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Classic Roguelikes / ADOM on Steam Greenlight
« on: May 15, 2014, 10:35:57 PM »
Hi everyone!

I am happy to announce that ADOM now has entered the Steam Greenlight process:

Additionally there now is a group available for Steam related ADOM discussion:

ADOM for Steam Greenlight will incorporate shared and global highscores, an extensive achievement system, various Deluxe features (like point-based character generation, etc.) and hopefully also an in-game chat. We are looking forward to all comments and hope for your support to make the next step in ADOM's long... nay... ancient history.

Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Classic Roguelikes / ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 20 now available for everyone!
« on: November 28, 2013, 10:14:10 PM »
I just wanted to point your attention to


Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Hi everyone!

Team ADOM is very happy to announce the release of ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 20 to the general public. You can find all the details in the following blog post:

The list of changes can be found here:

We tested p20 for a week in the closed prerelease tester circle and this time we do not seem to have introduced any new blunders ;-)


Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Classic Roguelikes / ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 19 again available for everyone!
« on: November 17, 2013, 07:41:49 PM »
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to point you to


Thomas & Team ADOM

Hi everyone!

Team ADOM is very happy to announce the release of ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 19 to the general public. You can find all the details in the following blog post:

The list of changes since the last public release is pretty long, details can be found here:

Most important probably is a bug fix to a major crash issue we stupidly introduced in p18. Sorry for that ;-)


Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Classic Roguelikes / ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 18 now available for everyone!
« on: November 01, 2013, 12:48:55 PM »
Hi everyone!

Lest you miss it I wanted to point everyone to the public release announcement of ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 18:


Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Hi everyone!

Team ADOM is very happy to announce the release of ADOM 1.2.0 Prerelease 18 to the general public. You can find all the details in the following blog post:

The list of changes since the last public release is pretty long, details can be found here:

Most important probably is the ingenious NotEye integration that now provides an amazing graphical tile mode for ADOM - and tons of new features, bug fixes, balance adjustments and more.


Thomas Biskup & Team ADOM

Hi everyone!

I'm happy to announce ADOM II 0.3.2:


Thomas Biskup
ADOM & ADOM II Maintainer

Hi everyone!

I'm happy to announce ADOM II 0.3.1 (formerly known as JADE), which specifically fixes various problems with the new audio support and adds a slew of minor changes.

Here you can read the details:

The list of changes is:

* Updated the credits (sorry, folks, for being late!).
* Enhanced the error information in the error dialog with an internal diagnosis protocol.
* Added a means to turn rocks into stone sling bullets.
* Added (de)activation of immersive window mode to the context/configuration menu (issue 1557).
* Added "w_" command to walk to the nearest known altar (RFE 1559).
* Fixed an excessive dot in the forge description.
* Fixed a problem with the reduced missile breakage professional ability which accidentally
  increased the chances of missiles breaking when hitting something. Doh!
* Fixed a problem with looking at secret doors (issue 1192).
* Fixed (added) damage for being thrown into objects (issue 1193).
* Fixed shopkeepers losing readable items (issue 1194).
* Fixed various typos (issue 1205).
* Fixed the composition of wooden walls (issue 1207).
* Fixed excessive SPACE handling (issue 1542).
* Fixed a sound panning problem (issues 1543, 1545).
* Fixed a problem unequipping missile weapons (issue 1547).
* Fixed a typo in the beginner screen (issue 1548).
* Fixed starting equipment for hurthling and hill dwarven archers (issue 1550).
* Fixed the starting equipment for trollish archers, barbarians and commoners (issue 1551).
* Fixed a problem with entering positions that contained a "killing shot" (issue 1552).
* Fixed a problem with attribute wasting (issue 1553).
* Fixed a summoning impression (issue 1554).
* Fixed a summoning message (issue 1555).
* Fixed the hint concerning saving and quitting (issue 1562).
* Fixed a problem with processing map features (trees in the example, issue 1564).
* Fixed a problem with "Detect Item Status" in conjunction with gold (issue 1567).
* Fixed a problem with item conversion (issue 1570).


Thomas Biskup
ADOM & ADOM II Maintainer

Ho Ho Ho Ho everyone!

As yet another Christmas gift "Team ADOM" has decided to release a slightly older closed prerelease version of ADOM to the general public. Read all the details here:

Merry Christmas, health, happiness, love and freedom to all of you!
"Team ADOM"
(Jochen, Krys, Lucas, Zeno & Thomas)

Greetings everyone!

After somewhat of a hiatus due to working on the ADOM crowd funding rewards I decided to slip in an ADOM II release as a kind of Christmas gift. So ADOM II 0.3.0 now is available!

You can read all the details about the release at

It's available for download in the usual place:

The most important additions probably are the missile combat system and the revised UI (lots of stuff still going to happen) in order to simplifying getting into the game. Additionally there's now a little imagery (thanks to Krzysztof Dycha) as well as some sound and music (thanks to Lucas Dieguez).

Enjoy the release, Merry Christmas, love, peace, freedom, health and happiness to everyone out there!

Thomas Biskup
ADOM & ADOM II Maintainer

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