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Topics - madmarky1222

Pages: [1]
Programming / Path Finding Problem
« on: August 30, 2013, 02:56:05 AM »
Sorry if this is the wrong section to post this in..
This is the first time I've EVER plaid about with path finding, attempted to implement it and I'm having so much trouble getting it to work!
I've literally been at it for hours, tweaking and scanning through it trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The problem is I'm not completely sure the math is correct and I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess It's all wrong..  :-\

If you prefer syntax (
The node class:
Code: [Select]
struct node {
    int y,x,g,h,f;
    bool state;
    node() { y,x,g,h,f = 0; }
    node(int y0, int x0) { y = y0; x = x0; h = 0; f = 0; g = 0; };
    void set(int y0, int x0) { y = y0; x = x0; };
Code: [Select]
    // ============================ PATH FINDING ==========================
    int StepsFrom_To(int start_y, int start_x, int dest_y, int dest_x) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int y = start_y; y < dest_y; y++) { count++; }
        for (int x = start_x; x < dest_x; x++) { count++; }
        return count;

    void FindPathFrom_To(int start_y, int start_x, int dest_y, int dest_x) {
        // create nodes for start and desticaion
        node start_node(start_y,start_x);
        node dest_node(dest_y,dest_x);
        node old_current(-1,-1);
        // open current id
        node current(start_y,start_x);
        current.state = OPEN;
        // node list
        node nodes[MAPY*MAPX];
        bool searching = true;
        // start searching
        int steps = 0;
        while (searching) {
            // Get the node off the open list with the lowest f and make it current node
            int lowest_f = 9999; // just so it works :)
            for (int i = 0; i < MAPY*MAPX; i++) {
                if ( (nodes[i].f < lowest_f) && (nodes[i].state == OPEN) ) {
                    lowest_f = nodes[i].f;
                    tiles[nodes[i].y][nodes[i].x].c[0] = 'x';
                } else {nodes[i].state = CLOSED; }
            // check if reached destination
            if ( (current.x == dest_node.x) && (current.y == dest_node.y) ) { searching = false; }
            // check if node has not changed (meaning there is no where to go)
            if ( (current.x == old_current.x) && (current.x == old_current.x) ) { break; }

            // Generate each state node_successor that can come after node_current for each node_successor of node_current
            if (tiles[current.y+1][current.x].obj_solid == false) {  // check below
                nodes[steps].set(current.y+1, current.x); // set node cords
                nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
                nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y+1,current.x,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
                nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y+1,current.x,start_node.y,start_node.x) + steps; // calc move cost
                nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
            if (tiles[current.y-1][current.x].obj_solid == false) { // check above
                nodes[steps].set(current.y-1, current.x); // set node cords
                nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
                nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y-1,current.x,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
                nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y-1,current.x,start_node.y,start_node.x) + steps; // calc move cost
                nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
            if (tiles[current.y][current.x+1].obj_solid == false) { // check right
                nodes[steps].set(current.y, current.x+1); // set node cords
                nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
                nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x+1,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
                nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x+1,start_node.y,start_node.x)+ steps; // calc move cost
                nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;
            if (tiles[current.y][current.x-1].obj_solid == false) { // check left
                nodes[steps].set(current.y, current.x-1); // set node cords
                nodes[steps].state = OPEN; // add to open list
                nodes[steps].h = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x-1,dest_node.y,dest_node.x) * 10; // calc histerics
                nodes[steps].g = StepsFrom_To(current.y,current.x-1,start_node.y,start_node.x) + steps; // calc move cost
                nodes[steps].f = nodes[steps].h + nodes[steps].g;

            current.state = CLOSED;

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Zombie Madness
« on: August 29, 2013, 02:23:35 PM »
I'm currently in development to a squeal to this game (meaning I'm no longer in development of the old one), which I'm really looking forward to :D

If you wish to download Zombie Madness, please follow the link below where you can find all of my developments. :)

Early Dev / Zombie Madness v0.6
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:30:20 PM »
AH HA v0.6 much MUCH more better, with a new colourful UI

  • Traps
  • Random health packs
  • Zombies damage increase every 5 waves
  • Zombies Have higher range of movement speed(takes longer for them to get faster)
  • Upgrades Cost More(to make the game harder)
  • Upgrades Cost 5$ More Every Time You By 1)
  • GUN!!! and UPGRADES  ;D
  • C4 Charges  ;D
  • Building Bonus
  • Difficulty Menu  ;D
  • Custom For Difficulty Menu (alows you to set your own settings)  ;D
  • Colourful UI
  • Animated UI
  • Most BUGS Fixed
  • C4 fixed (you can now move whilst they explode)

zombies how have a FOV & LOS and attack you at a certain distance.
and there are 2x the amout of zombies to make it more fun XD

You see more in the day and your sight decreases during night
12 new maps have been added


oh and if you want to have a little war on who can get to the furthest wave feel free  ;D
so far the highest im getting is wave 64 on normal

Due to GCSE's i aint been able to work with this game :) but there over now :P;topic=257.0;attach=160 @ cymonsgames :)

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