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Messages - Nolithius

Pages: 1 [2]
Programming / Re: Finding objects
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:36:16 PM »
My implementation is similar to Bear's (excluding items):

Each area has a list of Actors (base class for Monster and Player), that is only iterated through if I need to find monsters within FOV (for ranged targeting) or other such effects.

For collision, I have each map Tile point to its Actor, null if none (only one Actor per tile). Similar to Hajo's approach, since the tiles are stored in a 2D array by coordinate, this allows for quick collision checks (passable = tile.isPassable && == null) and the ability to draw a map by iterating through tiles and not having to iterate through any external monster/item list.

The downside to this approach is, of course, that when an Actor moves (Actors keep track of their x and y), it must notify the map so that the reference can be removed from the previous tile and placed on the new one. Minor, considering the benefits.

Hope this helps!

Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Expedition v0.1.7 released!
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:02:25 PM »

You should still make sea travel more interesting, but allow the player to opt out of it, delegating the risk to the ships' captains. Further, you may want to allow for several fleets or groups rather than just one, that way you can control some manually and let the others run their course by means of fast travel.

I fear that, no matter how interesting it becomes, it will still be very tedious to travel to and fro the same exact locations dozens/hundreds of times.

Since the game is turn-based, you can choose to have "brain-idle" time at any point. If you look at Mass Effect 2's probe/mining system, it is somewhat fun to do once or twice, but after a dozen times you wonder if, with all of the fancy technology on the ship, sweeping a mouse back and forward can't be automated! It really felt like a chore after a while.

Anno 1404 - Dawn of Discovery, for example, allows you to automate your trade routes after you have discovered/settled a location. For Expedition, though, I would suggest something a bit simpler: being able to give one-off instructions to ships/fleets for fast travel, rather than setting up condition-based waypoints as in Anno.

I'm not too crazy about the more fantasy/mythical approach that yodhe brings up, since I'm certain there is enough richness in this period to have no need of supplementing the theme. However, some sort of wind system or currents is definitely a must in a game where sailing is a major part.

Esc should exit menus/shops as Space already does. I would also like to be able to start the game with preset expedition loadouts, rather than having to go to the stores every single time!

Finally, in the main menu, you may want to hide or gray out the "Resume Expedition" option if there are no resumable expeditions.

That's it for now! ;) Very excited to see how the game develops.

Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Expedition v0.1.7 released!
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:18:55 PM »
As yodhe mentioned, I too would like to see alternate options for interacting with the natives. For example, different groups such as the Mayans, Aztec, Inca, and Taino natives may be located in different areas, may be more/less likely to be hostile, and may have different resources to trade.

I would also like to see the integration of such groups into colonies, with different groups having different strengths or character classes. For example, the Mayans may have more Warriors, and the Aztec more Engineers (off the cuff, needs a bit more research ;)

You encounter a group of Aztec natives. {a}ttack, {b}arter, {r}ecruit

Looks great so far! I would personally like to see more screen-space used for the main game view, and also the ability to fast-travel by the sea to already known locations (the quality of the crew on fast travel would determine the likelihood of negative/positive random events).


Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Thanks for the feedback!

The item and monster generation system definitely lacks balance at the moment, they'll both be getting a revamp in the upcoming versions.

For Dance of Death, I'll be sticking to ASCII and a fantasy theme, though I am toying with the idea of doing a graphical game with a different theme as my next project. Overall, both the ASCII and fantasy genre narrow down the choices I have to make, so that I can concentrate on what I where I want to take the gameplay.

Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Hello everyone!

Announcing the v0.5.102 release of Dance of Death, the Flash-based roguelike, playable in your browser at:

This release adds an animation system and polishes a number of existing features, in preparation for the following releases, which will introduce major changes to the game! The release notes further detail the list of new features at:

Your feedback is invaluable, please keep it coming!


Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Programming / Re: Symbol for a key?
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:44:01 PM »
The Male symbol, ASCII charcode 12 on DOS tilesets might work, it kind of looks like a skeleton key.


Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Early Dev / Re: rlZair - tile based roguelike
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:20:34 PM »
Nice work so far, zurn.

The square FOV is a bit unorthodox; I am partial to a radial (circular) FOV, myself.

Also, from the FOV video, you can sometimes see through a wall to the wall behind it.

Looking forward to seeing how it develops!

Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Hi everyone!

Quick self-intro:

I've been participating on r.g.r.d. for a few years now, and more recently, in #rgrd and RogueBasin. Just a few months ago did I start lurking these fine fora, and have posted once or twice.

My background is in Computer Science. I've worked developing educational games, small commercial games, and web back-ends and front-ends for a few years now, in the South Florida market, where I presently reside.

In February of '10, I began on my current roguelike project, Dance of Death, whose progress I document regularly in the development blog,

Dance of Death is a fantasy-themed Flash-based roguelike written in AS3, with influences from ADOM and UnReal World, playable in your browser at


Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Hello everyone!

Announcing the v0.4.89 release of Dance of Death, the Flash-based roguelike at:

Among the features for this version you'll find custom keyboard mapping, international keyboard support, ranged combat, and game saving and loading. Take a look at the release notes for a full list of new features and updates:

Feedback is welcome, as always!


Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Poll Concerning LambdaRogue
« on: March 22, 2010, 03:42:20 PM »
It's never too late to re-brand your game! (as opposed to scrapping it entirely)

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