« on: August 25, 2009, 12:51:11 PM »
what it sounds like you need is a real rpg system underneath and not a roll your own system.
it reads like you want to have an agile stat without having an agile stat.
I also dont understand when you say you want to use agility to differentiate between fast and slow. To me agility has nothing to do with fast/slow characters. Agility is like.. dexterity in disguise. A lot of stats can overlap but to me agility doesnt really overlap with speed, its more of a dextrous/flexability stat thing.
as to your original question "what is a good way to represent agile".. have an agility stat...
to me, implementing a speed system is something to be decoupled from characters, its a different thing from a speed stat (my roguelike is realtime).