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Messages - keithburgun

Pages: 1 [2]
Disclaimer:  AURO isn't exactly a roguelike, but it's closely enough related that I think anyone who's interested in roguelikes will definitely be interested in it.  Check it out:

News - the game goes into Beta today if anyone's interested.

Oh and, who do I write to about getting our game added to your front page list of roguelikes?

Hello Temple of the Roguelike!  My name is Keith and I'm lead designer at Dinofarm Games, where we're working on a roguelike called "100 Rogues".  There's a lot that is different and new about this game and I thought you guys might appreciate it.

(Yes, that is a flying baby with bat wings in the above illustration by our lead artist, Blake Reynolds.  And yes, that man is wearing a bucket for a helmet.  He is the Crusader, a paladin-type who is at once both outrageously pious and also very childlike.)

EDIT:  Added this YOUTUBE trailer:  (very early)

* Unlike most RLs, this game has full animation, all original effects, music, and content.

* This isn't a game inspired by a RL (like Diablo), this is a roguelike.  We've got permadeath, random item & map generation, starvation, turn based combat, etc.

* We're doing a few things which are innovative for roguelikes beyond just looking pretty.  We've got huge, SNES-style bosses for example which are a big puzzle of a battle.  We've got online leaderboards, with the ability to connect with your friends on Facebook.  We've got several unique classes each with their own set of skills.  We've got cutscenes that give a glimpse into the character of the world and the PCs.

* The entire game is comprised of hand-made pixel art - done the old fashioned way, pixel by pixel.  Every pixel on the screen was placed there by an artist, not approximated by a computer.

(The Crusader with his ability WHACK OF GLORY, which knocks enemies back, or if they cannot be knocked back, deals big damage)

* It's designed from the ground up to be great on the iPhone.  The controls, the way you use abilities, how you access your inventory, is all designed with this console in mind.

* We will have updates, updates, updates.  From balance patches to new content updates (two more playable classes are planned for soon after release), we will be supporting this game like crazy.  It is our baby.

* This game has been in development now for a FULL YEAR.

I've worked really hard as designer to make this game balanced, with strong feedback for all of your actions, and a feeling that you can be creative with your play.

There's a lot more info about the game in this Gamasutra interview I did awhile back:

Also, if you want to get updates on this game, join our Facebook group, or follow us on Twitter.



Our official site is

Thanks for your time, and I really hope you enjoy this game as much as we do.

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