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Messages - DarkGod

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As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta36 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
Release highlights:
    Many important bugfixes
    Easier transmogrification
    Saves can negate an effect completly again

Expanded changelist:
    Fix knife&exotic masteries
    New achievement for saving Derth without a single derht inhabitant dying
    Fixed Waters of Life
    Fixed Relentless Pursuit
    Fixed psionic Focus tree
    Fixed Shatter
    Infusion/Rune saturation doesnt prevent resting
    Moddable tiles boots appear behind the robe, not over it
    Fixes psionic randbosses
    Fixes Arena bosses
    Fixed mind damage cross tier effects
    Cursed Touch unlearn TL 5 now works
    Curse of Madness correctly reduces confusion
    Fix Fearscape
    Fix Beckoned
    Trying to rest with foes in sight will not spend a turn
    Learning the lost knowledge in Yillkgur library is still slow, but there is a progressbar! :)
    Correctly compute encumbrance
    Saves can again shrug off an effect completly, in addition to the duration reduction
    Nerfed Brotoq, his version of Skullcleaver can not proc greater weapon focus
    Nerfed Half Finished Bone Giant
    Once the transmogrification chest has been found once, all new characters will start with it from birth
    Leaving the level to regen while the other levels are "frozen" should work much less well (also known as stairscumming)
    Fixed giving the staff of absorption in last hope even when it is cursed
    Gem Portal cooldown is now reduced by talent level. Also it wont enter cooldown if not moved
    Icy Skin now scales with Willpower
    Bone Nova correctly refunds Vim on kill
    Addons are now validated just as the main module
    Disruption Shield changed. Now takes no turn to cast, costs less sustain mana, the explosion is now an arcane storm for 10 turns dealing 10% damage each turn. While in the arcane storm the caster gets an arcance resistance buff
    Addons show up in the online charsheets
    Blinding Spores duration is now kept in check
    Fix Void Echoes
    Negative price items should not appear in stores
    Healing talents are disabled while frozen (this does not change anything it will just make how frozen works more obvious)
    Maybe finally fixed disappearing zones; please keep your eyes open
    Fixed tutorials
    While frozen teleport spells are unusable (they were before but player could lose turn trying to use them)
    Fixed dual wield trick abuse
    Ctrl-compate works again
    See invisible & See stealth now works the the old "checkHit", because stealth & invis are not 100-scaled
    Attacking stealthed/invisible creatures now uses a normal hit check and then adds a random 33% chance to hit
    Mummified Egg-sac of Ungole summons are now working with Summoner's talents, summon control can affect them, they gain passives from the user and such
    Unlearning Vile Poisons will unsustain lost poisons
    Avoid avoidable ambush immediately after new target is attained when autoexploring
    Explore more efficiently by inferring likely wall tiles when autoexploring
    If autoexplore is stopped on the way to an exit (such as by a trap), then it will still go that target when AE is initiated again
    When autoexploring don't go to items that the player dropped
    Terrors from Curse of Nightmare do not spam "levelup" when appearing
    Fixed removing talents while knowing later talents

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta35 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
Release highlights:
    Big overhaul of the saves system
    Many improvements to Cursed, Doomed, Summoner, Wyrmic, Paradox Mage, Temporal Warden and Brawler classes
    New inventory UI; transmogrification chest merges with it once acquired
    Many new sounds & effects
    Autoexplore !
    Yeeks finally get to se Irkkk
    More rows of talent icons are available in the options
    Addons support (example addon here: )

Expanded changelist:
    Changed the blue of recurring donators to an other blue
    All timed effects are now grouped in one of four categories: physical, mental, magical or other, making it more obvious which save works with each. "Other" timed effects can never be reduced/removed/altered
    Psi, paradox, and unarmed combat should show up in the vault now
    Reduced scaling on Fade from Time and Haste
    All timed effects now have a subtype
    Moved many timed effects into more logical types (many rage effects are now mental for instance, burning is physical, etc.), players should double check timed effects to learn the new system
    Body Reversion now only removes physical effects
    Timeless and Providence no longer remove saturation effects (since these were moved to other)
    Fixed Darkest Light no damage bug
    Starting characters will now have a wild infusion that clears all physical effects rather then just poison (poison is now a physical effect with a poison subtype)
    Bows & Slings are only equipable for people with the Shoot talent
    Fixed various loopholes in the laws of spacetime
    Timed effect subtypes now use a table and can have more then one subtype
    Crushing hold and strangle hold will no longer deal damage if the source is dead
    Smooth fov shadows now work even with framebuffers disabled
    Fixed golem eye beam and arcane combat causing a game freeze when actor is frozen
    Fixed a few rush-like talents when activated adjacent to the target
    Big overhaul of the Cursed/Doomed classes
    Rewrote the generic tree Conditioning
    Rethread now can stun instead of daze
    Reduced Quantum Spike talent level on Ultimate Teluvorta
    Revision will now transport the player to the past immediately instead of at the end of the turn
    Grapples will now break when the attackers stamina gets to low to pay the stamina cost
    Spacetime Tuning is now a beneficial effect (so it can be used correctly by skeletons and other actors with detremintal effect duration reduction)
    Water wall digs into water floor
    Entering the last level of the dark crypt has a painted lore
    Fix hands going through the shield in the moddable tiles
    Setting leash anchor for party members will not prompt a "are you sure" dialog when self targetting
    Brawlers have given up their quiet ways and will now make the same combat sounds everyone else does
    Healing flyers are only shown when seen
    Berserkers are the first class in the warrior's list, instead of fighters
    Logfile should correctly flush when using --flush-stdout on windows
    Fateful Aura tree does not grant a hate bar
    Talents learnt from external sources (like cursed touch, resolve, escort rewards, ...) are not respec-able
    Iron Mail fo Bloodletting now gives a healing mod bonus
    Spiderweb now has a tile
    Updated some gfx tiles
    Can not teleport out of the south derth arena
    Removed all egos with negative life regen
    High level trees are not learnable until they can be usefull to the player
    Activable items do not say they use 0 turns even if the talent they use does. Activated items always use a turn
    Last Hope mausoleum is now denoted with a quest
    Renamed Fighter to Bulwark, to make it very clear to new players that the fighter is not the "classic" dumb "bump until it dies" class (which really does not exist in ToME)
    Ring of the War Master provides a bonus to Thuggery
    Use item in the inventory screen will notify that it is impossible to use items without wearing them (when appropriate)
    Clicking on columns in inventory window should work
    When frozen effect is broken by damage it is removed only on turn end, meaning the player can never hit himself trying to destroy the iceblock
    Anomaly damage now has a damage cap
    Removed the anomalies that reduce and increase paradox
    Static History will now only prevent failures (and not backfires or anomalies)
    Flameshock is now a stun effect; damage over time increased
    Rebalanced some effect immunity egos
    Garkul Helm and Garkul Teeth are now a set
    Life leech on negative HP creatures will not work
    Reworked some immunity artifacts
    New temporal damage death messages
    Athamaton is now considered an Elite Boss
    Celerity is now passive
    Many chronomancy sustain costs adjusted
    Darkest Light will no longer give energy at higher talent levels
    Frenzy should be less rediculous at extreme talent levels
    Rewrote the 'Chronomancy' tree
    Paradox Mastery will no longer give a bonus to Static History paradox reduction
    Static History is now a class talent in the timetravel tree
    Borrowed Time and Door to the Past have been removed
    New Timetravel talent, Temporal Reprieve (buffed version of the old version)
    Spacetime Weaving now requires willpower so it should be more accessable to Temporal Wardens
    Haste no longer gives casting speed but has an interesting on move effect
    Gather the Threads now boosts spellpower instead of damage (note that it will break before a sustain is cast to prevent abuse)
    Ritch Tunnels shouldnt spawn high level ritches
    Big saves overhaul:
        Display change: Combat stats(Accuracy, Spellpower, Mindpower, Physical power) and Saves (Defense, Spell save, Mental save, Physical save) are now computed on a O to 100 scale, split in 5 tiers. In each tier it takes more points to upgrade. So if you have 22 spellpower and wear a new item granting +2 spellpower you only get up to 23 spellpower. *This does NOT change the damage you are doing since a similar scale was applied to damage done in previous betas*
        Saves now reduce the duration of timed effects
        When a creature is hit by a special effect from a creature whose combat stat is in a tier over the target's save tier it triggers a "cross tier effect"
        Cross tier effects are dependant on the nature of the effet. A powerful knockback will set a target offbalance, a terrible mind attack will brainlock the target, a overpowering spell will spellshock the target
        Tooltips show both combat stats & saves for all creature
    Added 25 more rooms
    Reduced Rush cost
    Spell Shaping becomes Spellcraft, a sustain that keeps the old effects and adds a chance to cause spellshock on spell damage
    New temporal spiderkin
    Wild Growth infusion now does damage based on Mindpower
    Necrotic Minions will decay if their Necromancer is dead
    New temporal spiderkin
    Overhaul of the equip/inventory screen, with visual equipment doll, drag&drop, inventory tabs
    The few non-unlearnable talents can not be unlearnt event at birth
    Vim correctly refunds when killing foes with a Vim using talent in all cases
    Bloodbath will not increase the stamina loss of Blood Frenzy
    Brawler grappling and discipline talents will now use Physical Power instead of strength for damage calculations
    Unarmed Mastery now improves damage on grapples and kicks too
    Double Strike no longer has a stamina cost
    Double Strike will now autocast on 'bump' if it's off cooldown and the character is in Striking Stance
    Relentless Strikes stamina increase reduced
    Rebalanced Rethread (increased cooldown, reduced paradox cost, reduced paradox gain)
    Terrain tooltip's improved to provide various useful info (diggable, breathable, teleport, blocks sight/move)
    Titanic shield now also improves armour hardiness
    Binding/Crown of the Eternal Night will not let people stay undead after removing them
    NPCs will not use Body of Stone because they are too dumb to use it well
    Perhaps fixed items usable without wearing them
    Curse of the Meek rabits stay for two more turns and have 70% chance to grant a soul but killing them yourself never grants a soul
    Rigor Mortis lasts a bit less
    Frantic Summoning now is a timed effect that allows fail-less summons with faster casts. It also resets a random summon cooldown on activation
    Using a hotkeyed item will first try to activate it and if not possible wear it
    Clarified damage on hit/when hit in tooltips
    Give gorbat orc summoners a shoot talent to go along their sling
    More fun damage type death messages
    Removed debug prints from tactical AI
    Marauders start with armour training(1) and an iron helm
    Atamathon will always drop some plain voratun rings/amulets
    Temporal rift portal provides a warning
    New lore: The Tale of the Moonsisters
    Allied kingdoms calendar adjusted to include the Time of Balance and the Time of Equilibrium, located between the Summertide and the Wintertide, when both moons can be faintly seen on the opposing horizons
    Store buy/sell is logged
    Fix disappearing mark of the spellblaze & a few others
    Fix crash when leaving the endgame zone
    Only new talent start on cooldown when learnt, not existing ones
    Status effects are now shown as icons, just like talents
    Zigur can not be seen by undeads
    It is possible to recall from the thieves tunnels
    Gates of Morning rune shop now stocks .. runes
    Undeads can now take on the celestial classes
    Many new & redone sounds
    Updated some NPCs tiles
    Added ambient sounds to the trollmire and the old forest
    Trolls, bears, treants got their own sounds
    Swarms/bees, wolves/foxes, jellies/oozes, ants got sounds
    game:playSound() can now take a second parameter to speficy the 3D position of the sound
    Sounds made by talents, creatures, ... are now placed in space, the further they are the quieter they are and they are played in 2D (not just stereo)
    Fixed character sheet and Relentless Pursuit text to reflect duration reduction changes
    Made resource leeching weapon-only
    Updated some talent descriptions with the new physical power
    Nerfed Subject Z a tad and buffer Yeek Wayist a tad
    Creatures should try to use sun infusion more smartly (smart ones at least)
    Talent propjectile speed is always correctly used
    New option to not learn talents at birth
    New aggressive/passive mode, toggle with the icon or with key 'b'. Ctrl+direction allows for attack in passive more (all keybindable obviously)
    Summons now use the faction/personnal reaction of their summoner
    Harmony should have the correct mastery even for people that had worn an amulet of harmony
    Reworked Fateful Aura talent tree into Cursed Aura.
    Added inc_damage_actor_type to increase damage against a specific type of actor (undead, etc).
    Added resists_actor_type and resists_cap_actor_type to resist damage from a specific type of actor (undead, etc).
    Added player.money_value_multiplier that multiplies the money value of gold piles.
    Pity talent breaks like stealth (combat/activated talent).
    Feed Strengths has no effect on 'all' resists.
    Fixed Surge talent to use the right stat requirement.
    Reduced Knockback of Willful Strike and Blast.
    Fixed Displace targeting bug.
    Reduced Slash healing factor reduction.
    Changed Cursed talent descriptions to display level differences better.
    Changed Dominate talent description to mention that you attack the target after activating.
    Change Gloom and Madness stunning affect to act like stun instead of paralyze.
    New gfx effect for Inferno
    A few artifacts (golden sword, robe of the archmage, mummy wrappings) got special player doll tiles
    New engine.ui.EquipDoll class
    Rod of Recall and Transmogrification Chest can not be dropped
    Overhauled transmogrification chest:
        A new inventory tabs appears for the chest
        All items are automatically pickedup and put in the chest
        Items in the chest are weightless
        You can still transmogrify from the inventory menu
        When you leave the current level all items in the chest are transmogrified automatically
        In the inventory chest tab you can move an item out of the chest, it will then act as any other item, with an encumberance and be useable (and will not be transmogrified)
    Step Up gives movement speed instead of global speed
    Fix Worm Rot
    LOS/FOV code fixes & speed updates
    Talents bound to "left- and middle-click on target" no longer work on unseen (i.e., invisible) actors.
    Location of unseen (i.e., invisible) actors may not be inferred from targeting highlights.
    Targeting highlights now show how a targeting path is blocked when blocked by a corner of an adjacent obstructed tile.
    Split inventory handling into engine.ui.Inventory
    Movement Infusion and Lightning Speed now increase movement speed
    Time Prison now completly removes the target from the timeflow, no turns will pass for it (no cooldowns, regen, ... will happen)
    Fix the 4th hotkey page
    Tidal Wave knockback is correctly centered on the effect, not the caster
    Getting a detrimental status effect stops resting/running
    Create Minion is now directed, so you can always try to stay behind those skeleton mages
    Slime Roots can not reset talent cooldowns
    Buffed Rage
    Summoner's Detonate now works on all summons
    Grand Corruptor will not offer the Zigur attack quest in the ID
    Auto Explore! Press z (or rebind it) and your character will try to explore all unseen space in the level. For now this is a ToME feature but it'll be backported to the engine
    Hotkeys settings are now correctly saved, both globaly and per race/class
    Movement mode (attack or not) is now per-actor
    New better statues, palm trees and burnt trees tiles
    Naga Portals got a super awesome particles animation
    Better statues in the Iron Council
    Less monotonous ground in the Mark of the Spellblaze
    The Yeek Wayist town Irkkk is now visitable (not much to see yet though)
    Ctrl+V is supported in the debug console
    Irkkk got stores!
    The Island of Rel now looks more junglish
    New Summoning Advanced tree for summoners
    Doomed class updated to be a fully mind based class, using mindpower to power its talents.
    Doomed lost the Primal Magic tree and gained the Gestures tree
    The Master will not drop the staff of absorption in the ID
    You can only switch places if the destination tile of both creatures is passable for them
    Creatures lifebar is color coded
    Two new game options to control the number of rows in the icons toolbar and the size of those icons. Yes you can now see all your hotkeys at once if you wish!
    Added a fifth hotkey bar. 60 keybinds should be enough for everybody! :)
    Fix items granting mastery levels
    Character Sheet right map click option renamed to Inspect Creature, it now works any any target
    Yeek Mindslayers summoned by the Wayist talent now have a custom tile
    Blood Sacrifice changed into Bloodcasting
    When a necrotic minion dies from being outside your necrotic aura, it can sometimes do an emote
    All talents now have tactiacl infos about the damage type they do so that the tactical AI can choose accordingly to target's resistances
    New tactical AI info: CURE, so it can know when to try to remove bad effects
    Hooks system added so that addons do their addon things
    Tutorial is now a special button in the birth UI, and both the basic and the stats tutorial are availavble
    Inspect Creature will also show talents
    Wild Infusions now always cure "cross-tier" effects
    Yeeks now start in their hometown
    Wyrmics now start with both two handed and weapon&shield offensive trees; with increased masteries
    Ice Claw does ice damage at level 4
    All talents in the cold/storm/fire drake trees increase their respective resistance by 1%, passively.
    All talents in the sand drake tree increase physical resistance by 0.5%, passively.
    New lightning breath particle effect
    Increased the damage of Tornado
    Static Field now works even on elites and bosses, but at a somewhat reduced effect
    Ice Wall now makes a line of ice walls, tangent to the projection line
    Custom physfs "archiver" to bind mounted trees into other mounted trees
    Support for compressed addons in .teaa files

Have fun!

Thank you :)

It is free, although I happily welcome donations (which unlock a few extra features ingame, like custom player tiles and exploration mode).

As for who, it's mostly me plus a few other people submitting some code, Grey writting most of the lore and shockbolt making the awesome tiles.

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta32 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !

This release is *huge*, it features many balances & new things but also change some low level things.
Display code switched to SDL1.3, keybinds had to be reset for it, so make sure you check your bindings.

Release highlights:
    New classes: Necromancer and Marauder
    Improved classes: Shadowblade, Summoner, Cursed/Doomed, Chronomancers, Alchemist, Mindslayer, Rogue
    Talent icons: all talents now have an icon and the hotkeys bar uses them
    Introduction of real (and easy to make) item sets
    Local scores
    Loading/progress bars along with a nice painted background
    Many new painted lore
    All stores and all artifacts now have a tile
    New zones: Slazish Fens, Last Hope Graveyard, special non-random exploratory farportal zone
    Sunpaladins and Anorithil have their own starting quest; starting in the far east and explaining why they get to Maj'Eyal
    Trollmire now has a road going through it, making navigation easier
    Game loading speed should be much improved (only when using the official releases which package the code in a special way)
    "Exploration" mode for Donators: infinite lives
    Multiple new or improved artifacts, some of which are sets
    New tilesets: Cave, Rift

Expanded changelist:
    Invisibility screen effect made a bit less annoying
    New achievement: Bad Driver
    Character Sheet will display the current active party member
    Alchemists talents that pop an inventory screen now wait until the inventory is closed (and action is done) to consume turn/ressource/cooldowns
    Added tile for Zemekkys and Meranas
    Display talent icons in use/gain talent screens
    Fixed a bug which made activate egos recharge too fast
    Fool of a Took achievement correctly triggers
    Fix red crystal resistance
    Fix Poison Gas Trap when saving/reloading
    Object that can be activated for a talent have a better description
    Cursed Touch starts with about 30% chance to curse an item.
    Extra points in Cursed Touch increase the chance up to 90%. Invest in this to make cursed items easier to find if you want to invest in curses.
    Cursed can wield both axes or cursed items with their talents.
    Replaced Grim Craft with an activated talent: Cursed Sentry. Animate a cursed weapon and toss it to a spot. It will fight for you for a while before turning to dust. This has no hate cost but does consume the weapon.
    Cursed items get 1 bad curse effect and either 1 beneficial Dark Gift effect or 1 Vengeful Blessing effect
    Curses are either minor or major; The chance of major curses improves with points invested.
    Like egos: curses, gifts and blessings have names. They are displayed in the item description. For example: "curse of clumbsiness, blessing of whispers"
    Paradox Mages now start with Dimensional Step and Time Skip
    Chronomancy tree reordered
    Energy tree reordered and revised
    Gravity tree reordered and revised
    Matter tree revised
    Speed Control tree revised
    Timetravel tree reordered
    Reduced cooldowns and sustain costs on many chronomancy talents
    Most Gravity spells now deal bonus damage to pinned actors
    Body Reversion no longer removes 'other' timed effects
    Probability Weaving and Paradox Mastery are now passive
    Probability Weaving now improves luck and spellpower
    Static History moved to Chronomancy tree
    Deja Vu, Entropy, and Temporal Reprieve removed
    New Talent Energy Absorption
    Energy Decomposition is now a 'magical armor' sustain
    Redux is now an effect that allows you to 'double cast' your next activated spell
    Repulsion Shield renamed Repulsion Field and works as a knock back aura
    Calcify replaced with a new talent Destabilize
    Quantum Spike damage improved; also does bonus damage to Destabilized actors
    Two new Spacetime Weaving Talents; Banish and Spacetime Mastery
    Stop now deals temporal damage in addition to the stun effect
    Haste now gives a slight casting speed bonues as well as its old global speed boost
    Time Skip now Time Prisons the target rather then removing the actor
    Temporal Wake damage improved and a small stun effect added
    Fixed chronomancy cone particles
    Fixed Slime tileset farportals
    *IMPORTANT* Updated SDL to 1.3, you need to get it for your platform if you build from source
    Mouse pointer is now hardware rendered, removing cursor lag even at low FPS
    Keybinds are updated to use scancodes which are layout independant, existing key bind settings will be wiped; please redo them as needed
    Hotkeys are now displayed as icons on the bottom of the screen
    Drag'n'Drop support in the mouse engine code
    Hotkey icons can now be dragged along the bar for easy reassignment
    Talents can be dragged from the use talents window into the hotkeys
    Items can be dragged from the inventory window into the hotkeys
    New awesome shadow simulacrum gfx effect
    Gamma correction is handled by a fullscreen shader if the GFX card can do shaders
    Updated boot menu with new tiles
    Replaced Warper summon with the Rimebark, an immovable treant-like summon that is permanently surrounded by a furious ice storm
    Replaced Suppress Summoning by Frantic Summoning allowing much faster summoning at a cost
    Fixed crystal focus
    Talents that do a main and off hand attack correctly handle offhand penalty
    Low levels of the Infinite Dungeon do not all have random bosses
    Fix mold vault
    Equilibrium regenerates correctly from hats of absorption when hit by archery
    New backup guardian in the Deep Bellow, also concluding rolf & weisman story arc
    New framework for item sets, check out set_list, on_set_complete and on_set_broken properties on Moon & Star
    New backup guardian in the scintillating caves
    Fix ice to cold resistance on some arena boss
    Fixed skeleton rat and arena gates tiles
    Restricted Daikara escorts to prevent problems with temporal wardens quest
    Shadow Combat now scales with spellpower
    Fixed tooltips sometimes refusing to appear
    Added an option to set scroll distance. Set it high enough and you get always centered scrolling
    Autotargetting will try to not default to a friendly target for attack talents
    Fixed unlock dialog popup, it will appear again (it was only a display bug, unlocks were saved)
    Fixed donations popup
    Savefiles now include a screenshot of the current situation that is displyed in savefiles list
    Savefiles are now ordered by last play time
    PrintScreen key now takes a screenshot (for modules: game:saveScreenshot() and keybind SCREENSHOT)
    Swallow now works on bosses that have 5% or less life left, making the Huge Appettite achievement possible (but hard)
    The thieves in the lost merchant quest will not attack the merchant anymore
    Savefiles are marked as dead as soon as death happens
    Linking creatures links them with the correct name color
    Adjusted the balance on the Energy Absorption
    Crooked Club does not require Cunning anymore
    New world boss: Kra'Tor the Gluttonous and his trusty axe: The Gaping Maw
    New world artifact: Threads of Fate
    New world artifact: Pick of the Dwarven Emperors
    Added local scoring, with a list of all your chars and their scores/cause of death/... Arena is merged into that system.
    New uber dangerous greater vault
    Static maps can use specialList("terrain", {...filelist..}) to use terrains they want
    All talents now have a tile
    Improved Dwarves Stoneskin talent
    The Pheonix unique has its rarity reduced
    New world artifact: Ureslak's Femur
    New world artifacts: Sword of the Potential Futures & Dagger of the Past
    Fixed Zigur huge rocks
    Two new antimagic world artifacts: Witch-bane and Guidance
    Buffed Garkul's Teeth
    Atamathon is much more dangerous
    Alchemist golems start with a shielding rune
    Channel Staff correctly works with physical damage staves
    Staves of ruination give nature damage instead of poison damage boost
    Some bits of lore will always popup even when already known
    Added two new Paradox talents; Fade From Time and Cease To Exist
    Removed Damage Shunt and Flawed Design
    Precognition and revision will now correctly clear their chronoworlds
    Reduced effeciency of Energy Decomposition
    Redux is now instant cast with the repeated spell now consuming the action
    Revision will now put Door to the Past on cooldown when cast
    Chronolith's in the Temporal Rift buffed slightly
    Fix grappling hold
    Replaced the main menu background (when not using the animated background) with a much nicer one
    Fix light damage death verb
    Storming the City quest can not be continued when it is already finished by going from angolwen to zigur
    Dragons are now less immune to stuns but gained some immunity to blindness
    Firstrun dialog now asks for registration/login/cancel
    Golem Power and Golem Resilience effects more than doubled
    Adventurers parties should not get sometimes stuck on the worldmap anymore
    Golem's Reflective Skin is now a sustain
    Increased Golem's Eye Beam damage
    Golem Resilience now also improves healing factor by 50% at level 5
    Arcane Eye now has a tile when active
    Sunwall faction will not all turn hostile if one member is hurt
    If High Sun-Paladin Aeryn becomes hostile, killing her will trigger the orc pride quest, allowing the game to continue
    If Aeryn is killed before the endgame she will not be there to help
    Two new high level talent trees: Psi-archery and Grip.
    The Psi resource now regenerates naturally like mana and stamina
    Mindslayers start knowing the Shoot talent
    Conduit applies to shots fired from telekinetically-wielded bows
    Conduit applies to Mindlash when telekinetically wielding a gem
    Matter is Energy benefits more from increased talent levels
    Buffed Focused Channeling
    Loading screens with a waitbar!
    Screen FPS will not go bonkers for a second after a long load/compute time
    Fixed random black screen bug
    Achievement added for killing the blood master
    Dying while recalling will cancel the recall
    All stores now have a tile
    Suppression talent actually does something now
    Quest log correctly defaults to the selected quest when it appears
    Creatures killed by traps correctly drop alchemist ingredients
    Fixed floor on Temple of Creation(2)
    Brawlers will now have field control at birth
    Made it much more obvious that brawlers can not use weapons, shields or massive armour with many of their talents
    Made it more obvious that stealth can not be used in mail or plate armor
    Fixed a random white texture bug
    Loading bar while loading the game/savefile will indicate progress
    Permadeath setting is remembered
    Undead faction now opposes Fearscape faction
    Added missing trap tiles
    New lore: "Dust to Dust, an undead hunter's guide"
    Troll stew!
    Healing now produces a flying text
    Secret of the Eternals takes no time to use
    Random bosses can now use the unlockable trees (poisons, wildfire, ...)
    Arcane Blades can access Stone spells when unlocked. Earthen Missiles can be cast by Arcane Combat
    New class: Necromancers
    New zone: Last Hope graveyard
    New quest: From Death, Life (for necromancers only)
    New lore available in Last Hope Library
    New option to use either the new icons hotkey toolbar or the old textual one
    Tombstone lore UI
    Glass walls tiles
    New vault
    Constitution does not grant damage reduction anymore
    Health talent replaced with Thick Skin talent, granting damage reduction
    Glove egos are more interresting for brawlers
    Fix a rare bug when corona could permanently reduce max positive/negative
    Trollmire now has a road, for easier navigation
    New zone: the Slazish fens, starting zone for human and elven Sun Paladins and Anorithils (it is located in the far east and explains how the player ends up in maj'eyal)
    New achievement: Lost in translation
    Limited the power of Doomed knockback spells
    Roads, water and molten lava show up on the minimap
    Reduced ranges on teleportation anomalies
    Reduced the speed bonus of Elemental Harmony
    Added experimental support for MoonScript (a CoffeeScript like language for lua)
    Fixed the prides levers to not reset when save/reloading
    Shadow Combat cost fixed
    Shadowstep cost reduced, added a darkness damage component
    Shatur now have awesome tree-stores
    Added many new "@" custom player tiles
    Using the exploratory farportal can now sometimes lead to special zones
    Increased game loading speed tenfolds (for people with slow loading) by packaging the engine, boot module and tome module into a single file format
    Maze zones now have the boss usualy looking for the player
    New advanced Shadowblade tree: Ambush
    Fixed birth screen to indicate race/class combo that do not make much sense
    When encountering the new special farportal zone, you will learn a new painted lore, it is awesome!
    Sher'Tul fortress command orb got a correct tile now
    Sher'Tul control orb text correctly translates when you speak Sher'Tul
    Escort portal does not disappear when digging nearby
    Temple of Creation quest now uses the new underwater portal tiles
    Removed the Archer metaclass.
    Archers and Slingers merged into Archer, under the Warrior metaclass
    Archers now get both a bow and a sling at birth, along with both one point in bow and sling mastery
    Permadeath mode: Exploration Mode with infinite lives. Donators feature
    New painted lore for using the Farportal in Reknor
    Painted lore for master death
    New painted lore for game win
    Yeek Wayist talent summons have tiles
    Waters of Life becomes instant cast
    Void and Nightmare Horrors now have some unique new talents
    Displace Damage will now credit reflected damage to the actor with the sustain active
    Bindings of the Eternal Night buffed and made into a set with a new artifact (found in the same zone): Crown of the Eternal Night
    Fixed tactical AI infos on some AOE talents
    Tannen level has correct tiles
    Permanent particle effects like farportal vortexes correctly scroll
    Many typos
    Corrupted Negation is subject to spell resists
    Razorblade, the Cursed Waraxe can not correctly be generated
    Fix Shadow Mages description
    Time Prisoning yourself can not fail
    More traps are avoided by Feather Wind (and the new Light of Foot talent)
    New class: Marauder, a more thug-like rogue focusing on damage and movement
    Lethality now also increases critical damage modifier
    Deadly Strikes increases APR somewhat more
    Deadly Strikes and Willful combat are now instant talents
    Improved the thieves/bandits/... NPCs with the neweset roguish talents
    Added a Shadowblade NPC
    The assassin lord just got quite beefier
    The Master just got nastier
    Orc necromancers improved with the new necromancer talents
    Vampires made beefier
    Resting regens faster
    Buffed Cripple
    Garkul's Helm has a special bonus to Skullcracker talent
    New random name generator(engine.NameGenerator2) based on (it uses the same language files)
    Temporal Devourers renamed Devourer and subtype changed to eldritch
    Temporal Dredge renmed Dredge (subtype still temporal)
    Worm that Walks and Devourers now have unique talents
    Devourer hit points and damage improved (beware the land sharks!!)
    Carrion Worms multiply less but have better resists
    Epidemic now checks for disease immunity when spreading diseases
    Dredge Frenzy improved a bit
    Disabled loading C module in Lua, for safety
    Random name generation on birth will use a special generator per race/sex (right click on the name box to make up a new random one)
    Skeletons NPCs are now poison immune
    Base accuracy raised to 4 (from 0)
    Buffed Yeek's Wayist talent
    Dread, Dreadmaster, Banshee, Ruin Banshee now have permanent *stealth*. This means you can see them without see invisible but it's not perfect you can loose them sometimes
    The Eidolon Plane is now a zero gravity zone, so encumberance is near meaningless (x20)
    The Temporal Rift is a zero gravity zone
    After coming back from the east, the lost merchant in Last Hope can make you a unique item of your choice, for a .. unique price
    Doulbed the effects of willpower for Paradox failure, backfire, and anomaly checks
    Changed how global speed stacks
    When a level 5 Lure is killed it will trigger all explosion, poison gaz and future AOE traps
    Cleaner game exit (codewise)
    Newly picked up items are shown in bold (and marked as such in the tooltip) in the inventory window
    When dead (on the death screen) it is now possible to review message log, see current chat and talk to people
    Drop dialog (and others such) will remember sorting order when dropping multiple items
    "Lament for Lands now Lost" poem now correctly available in Shatur
    New "cave" tileset
    Fixed Melinda moving in
    Limited max projectile speed reduction on talents providing it
    Derth post-attack chat now accounts for being an antimagic char
    All artifacts now have their unique tiles!
    Added more particle effects for chronomancy spells
    Rewrote grappling so it's easier to understand (code-wise)
    Sustains can now be disabled while disarmed
    Switching equipment will now disable sustains you no longer meet the requirements for
    Updated the Temporal Rift bosses talents to better reflect current chronomancy spells
    New rift tileset
    Buffed Chromatic Harness

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta31 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
Release highlights:
    Many many bugfixes
    Improved sand tileset, new slime tileset

Expanded changelist:
    Runic/Infusion saturation do not prevent entering the worldmap anymore
    Fix arena start crash
    Stair up in Yillkgur has a tile
    All party members now benefit from resting improved regens
    Fix huge lag when something is blinded
    Fixed clicking near the top of the chat log
    Lore on Z'quikzshl
    Fix unkillable npcs
    Fix a bug with Vimsense when saving/reloading
    Drain vim regain is now affected by the target's rank
    Sacrifice is now 40% of current life
    Blood Sacrifice darins 50% life
    Summons can not be permastuck in the Fearscape
    Fix saving while controlling a summon/golem
    Fix a rare bug in the running code
    Fixed Map:checkAllEntitiesCount
    Fix the damage achievements
    Greatly increase the rarity of water breathing egos
    Summoner's summons now inherit resistance penetration
    New weapon egos correctly project on strike
    Orc mothers are correctly flagged as female
    Force autosave on zone change on, to ensure savefile consistency
    Damage shields show up as a bar on the left pane
    Each level of the Infinite Dungeon now has a random boss guard
    Fix the sometimes missing random worldmap locations
    Sandworm Lair finally got its own unique music
    Added some missing tiles
    New slime tileset
    Target projection path will display the best possible outcome, showing unknown grids in yellow
    Increased life timed effect will only stun when it is removed with not enough life left
    The Room of Death is a no teleport zone, to prevent .. untimely death of the content
    Sun Infusions are considered attacks/disable for the AI
    Critical strike messages are in bold
    Fixed Zigur cultivation fields
    New possible random zone tileset: slime
    Improves sandwall tileset
    Molten lava tileset
    Most talents that scale of a stat do so more linearily
    Reduced the power cost of staves of illumination
    Fix tutorial player tile
    Fixed Strangle Hold
    All demons are now part of the Fearscape faction
    All creatures in the Crypt of Kryl-Feijan are now part of the Fearscape faction
    Fix Paladin vs. Undead vault when appearing in the Dreadfell
    Track description fixed
    Fixed ice to cold resists on crystals
    Willpower now increases Stamina by 2.5 per point instead of 2
    Fix show all achievements
    Dead creatures cannot get healed
    Alchemist's golem now has a random color tile
    Tentative fix for the NaN gold
    Walrog lore
    Hate is now correctly unaffected by fatigue
    Melinda can now move in with you in the Fortress
    Fixed Archmages starting in Angolwen who used custom tiles, they now correctly get the orb of scrying
    Sun Flare lights up the area in a radius double of the blinding radius

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta30 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !
Release highlights:
    Mostly bugfixes
    CPUs without SSE2 support should work again
    Split Difficulty setting into Difficulty & Permadeath setting
    Improved start of Cursed & Doomed

Expanded changelist:
    Displace no longer works in vaults.
    Feed no longer feeds on yourself when frozen.
    Alchemist gems no longer become cursed.
    Only *body* armor gets the Grim Craft bonus
    Removed healing factor curses (which didn't work anyway)
    Fixed the worldmap
    Birth screen will not have "player" has the default name (unless using cheat mode)
    Worldmap rivers will not make you drown, and thus should also save poor alchemist & mage
    Added an option to the graphics mode selection to use a custom tileset by entering a folder name and a few parameters
    New game option to change the log/chat log fade time
    Setting log/chat fade time to 0 makes it never fade out
    Fixed duplicate achievements granting
    Achievements are correctly displayed in the ingame list
    Cursed start with a point in Weapon Combat, making thzeir first few levels much nicer
    New achievement for finishing the Abashed Expanse without taking a single void blast or manaworm hit
    Doomed start with a point in Call Shadows
    Split difficulty settings into Difficulty (Easy, Normal, Insane) and Permadeath (Adventure, Roguelike)
    Improved melee summons damage
    Archmages which do not start in Angolwen do not get the Teleport: Angolwen spell
    When inside an exploratory farportal zone you can use the rod of recall to force an emergency recall, doing so however has very high change of permanently breaking the exploratory farportal
    Laying multiple traps onto one an other will not destroy the last one prematurely
    Bathe in the Light now deals damage to undeads
    Shortened the Blighted Ruins to 4 levels
    Skeleton and Ghoul player races do not have underwear when naked
    Changed the "Blood" bar on the left panel for Cursed and gave it a correct tooltip
    Fixed rush range
    Fixed the tempest peak quest from Zigur side
    Left pane correctly shows max hate increases
    If the CPU can not support optimized LuaJIT, the JIT will auto-disable and let the game run normally
    Fixed Air Bubbles
    Blinding Ink gfx effect changed
    Blindness/invisibility/stealth now correctly updates the display
    Can not dig or teleport outside in the arena unlock zone
    Improved the visibility of the Heart of the Gloom and Norgos Lair on the worldmap
    Fixed some egos that granted an incorrect mastery
    Slightly increased auth wait time to let laggy connections have a chance to auth
    Rain fo Death vault is now correctyl flagged as no teleport
    Ben Cruthdar in the temporal rift now has a tile
    Doomed Shadows now enter the party and will follow between levels
    Runic/Infusion saturation do not prevent entering the worldmap anymore

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta29 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !
As soon as this release is out the profile server will change to compute stats using the new config version.
Your data should transfer from b28 to b29 fine, pre-b29 to pre-b29 will still continue to sync but it will not be used for stats on You are advised to upgrade as soon as possible.

Release highlights:
    Many fixes
    New and much improved birth screen
    Most everything should now have a tile, many floor transitions now have proper .. transitions
    Switch to LuaJIT2: more performances!
    Improved UI
    Many new egos (160!)
    More lore, including graphical lore
    New server-side profiles handling
    More achievements
    Improves artifacts
    Three new Cursed/Doomed trees

Expanded changelist:
    Sun Infusion now has a blindness component to it but is not instant cast anymore
    Mind Power Infusion deleted
    Heroism Infusion now increases your three highest stats and increases them by more
    New feature: automatic talents. Any talents can be setup to automatic cast, which means they will be used as soon as off cooldown. THe UI will warn you if the talent requires a turn or a target. Check out the 'm' menu or right click on the hotkeys list to configure
    New birth UI!
    All NPCs now have tiles!
    Anomaly: Summon townsfolk now correctly uses tiles
    New death option: restart a new character
    Novice Mage on the worldmap now has a tile
    Once the player won he can enter the Infinite Dungeon (from the ruined dungeon entrance) to meet a glorious end in the depths of the world
    Vargh Redemption now provides increased air capacity
    Power is Money grants the same bonus to all three saves
    Fix item tooltips on a few artifacts
    Improved performance of dialogs using ListColumn and TreeList
    Example modules only show up in the list if cheat mode is enabled
    If modules list only contains one entry it is auto selected
    The mummified eggsack can not appear in shops
    Flying text incoming damage now "sinks" instead of rising up
    Transmogrification option in the item menu doesnt close the inventory
    Farportal exits are correctly displayed as & in ascii mode
    Ruined dungeon orbs cannot be trapped
    Very high level Explosion Expert will not make NPCs instakill
    Ben Cruthdar now always drops his battleaxe
    New artifact for staff-happy alchemists
    Added tstring:tokenize() and tstring:diffWith()
    Talents levelup screen will now show value increases in the talent descriptions in a much more concise format
    Resting will stop if life regen is below 0
    All actors have a default esp range
    Shield attack section and Gloves attack section will only show in descriptions if you can use them
    Character sheet now displays a diff between the previous time it was invoked and the current state for even easier global comparaisons.
    Total realtime playtime is now registered
    Improved keyboard running algorithm
    Players can now whisper one another in the ingame chat system. Either select the user to whisp in the talkbox or just type her/his name followed by :
    Shift+t now cycles between: tactical border+healthbar, only healthbar, nothing
    Worldmap patrols now all have tiles
    Limit gamma setting
    Add tstring:extractLines()
    Agrimley and Ritch Hunters now have tiles
    New trees and grass tiles
    New artifact gem
    New lore added to the Deep Bellow
    Reduced the chance of lore randomly dropping
    Big UI update, the game log and chat logs are now displayed side by side in transparency over the game map, hotkeys are "flattened" over more width, making room for more map displayed at once
    Random bosses/elites using Fearscape will be much rarer
    Added a "run" command that prompts for a run direction, bound to . by default
    Some eagles (purely cosmetic) will randomly fly over derth
    Replaced SDL_Mixer with OpenAL for audio system
    Added support for grouping images into tilesets for faster loading
    Updated the worldmap with new tiles
    Fixed mountain tiles graphical glitches
    Improved lavafloor/walls tiles
    New underwater tiles
    Added about 160 new egos
    Objects can now grant talent use on spell hit
    Improved many artifacts
    One can never fail de-activating a sustain
    Fixed Shadow Simulacrum
    Renamed "Divine" classes to "Celestial", since they never had any relations with gods (since there are no gods)
    Player tiles now reflect the currently worn equipment!
    Pheonix egg got a tile
    Levers have a tile now
    Added two new generic terrains: GENERIC_LEVER and GENERIC_LEVER_DOOR
    Archers and Slingers now start with a rought leather armour
    As a thanks to donators I have added a feature for them: custom player tiles. Donators (who are logged on) will be able to select a custom tile for their character from a list of over 180, ranging from "classics" to "downright wonky". Have fun, and thanks to you all!
    Added support for LuaJIT2 (beta8)
    Fixes some arena bugs and tweak the unlock a bit
    Players now use 'moddable' tiles: their equipment will show on their char
    Alchemist golem now use moddable tiles
    Random elites & bosses based on player races (like adventurer parties) now use moddable tiles
    All traps now have tiles
    Updated the music & sounds dialog to be able to disable all sounds and control music & effects volumes independantly
    The horror level of the lake of nur now has .. ambient sounds
    The four attack runes now take no turn to activate, but put a 1 turn cooldown on all other attack runes
    Removed actTurn, instead the engine will call actBase (if it exists) based on its own energy counter, so even if you somehow are frozen, timed effects, regen, cooldowns, ... will tick anyway
    Added achievements for more damage than 600
    Fixed Rune of the Right range
    Display the character tile in charsheet
    Limited the maximun slow that slowing talents can provide
    Health bars are a little smaller than a full tile, so they do not "merge" when actors are near
    Added an option to control the number of log/chat lines to show
    Right click instead of left click on the chat log to see user infos
    Lore can now have pictures attached
    Fix Sun Flare
    Random elites/bosses can not get Aim and Last Stand
    Feeding/Grappling will be interrupted by creatures multiplying/cloning/splitting
    The Fall of Zigur quest correctly boosts Hexes mastery if hexes are known
    Objects granting esp now correctly say what (like "demon/major" instead of just "major")
    Fix Paradox mastery effect on failure chances
    Death messages have been improved and will display in a special color in chat log
    Chat tooltips now also work in the chat log dialog
    New option: chat filters, you can select what kind of chat messages you want to see and which to ignore
    Arrows & Shots projectiles now have a correct tile
    Fix a rare freeze when particles are on screen
    Improved online profile code, it should be more efficient and more controlled. Serverside storage changed completly, it will allow for much nicer server features.
    Due to the online profile storage change localy stored achievements will be lost, if you use an online profile they should come back correctly.
    When b29 is released the new server code will switch to prod, all previous betas will continue to sync but it will not update data seen by the server anymore and >=b29 versions wont see it. Basically: upgrade
    The Sher'Tul Fortress new has graphical lore, be sure to check out the paintings on the walls!
    Wilderness will not generate on birth anymore, thus speeding birth process
    Melnela is now correctly flagged as a woman
    Sandworm queen heart now has a tile
    Summoning circle in undead start now has tiles
    Wilderness is not kept inside the main save anymore, making saving faster
    All alchemist quest ingredients and rewards now have tiles
    The artifact whips, the blood runed athame, the lost merchant and the assasin lord now have tiles
    Unvisited locations now have a slight "sparkle" effect on the worldmap, their tooltip also says they have never been visited
    Greater Weapon Focus procs are now logged
    Many typos fixed
    Added radius info to many talents that missed it
    Better description for the ring of the dead
    LuaJIT2 is now the default premake target
    Activating caps-lock will put the map in scroll mode, allowing keyboard-only scrolling with the direction keys
    The custom death messages now account for drowning, suffocating, and other such fun deaths
    Self-kill messages are now denoted as such
    New achievement "Fool of a Took!"
    Added missing tooltips to the charsheet
    Much boosted the spell Heat
    Firestorm can not hit the golem anymore
    Farportal zones will try very very hard to make a portal back, if the boss is not found on the last level every 100 turns the game will try to make a portal back
    Fixed the appearance of high level npcs in the bottom of the raloren camp last level
    Using the cloak of deception will make a hood appear on the player's head (as opposed to most other cloak which do not)
    Artifact daggers correctly use str/dex as other daggers
    Darkness color name is a bit ligther
    Pacification hex will now check for saving throw each time it applies the daze (it wont prevent applying the daze this time but if it fails it will remove the remaining hex)
    Dragonskull Helm requirements changed to willpower
    Use talents dialog now groups talents by status instead of trees
    Added a new tile size option: custom, allows you to select any size between 10 and 128
    Buffed True Grit
    Changed doomed's Dark Vision to only add damage bonus inside Creeping Darkness
    Changed hate lost per turn (slower at higher levels of hate, faster at lower levels)
    Fixed some line of sight issues with doomed's Feed
    Added cursed Strife talent tree
    Added doomed Primal Magic talent tree
    Added cursed/doomed Fateful Aura talent tree
    Improved a few cursed/doomed particle effects for smaller tiles
    Balance adjustments in cursed/doomed trees
    Fixed NPC "The Mouth" to support pinning correctly
    Removed the cooldown on Extract Gems

Have fun!

PS: svn release 3839

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta28 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !

Release highlights:
    Fixes most crashes
    Many smaller fixes
    Fixed character registration
    Much improved chat UI, scrollable, items/creature link ability, spoilers channel
    Various balance tweaks
    Reduced the length of the orc prides and hte high peak
    New unified and improved levelup screen
    New items tooltips with easy-compare feature

Expanded changelist:
    Confusion power is reduced by confusion resistance
    Many new zone specific creature tiles
    Reworked Aegis into a shield boost and replaced Contingency with Shielding
    It is now possible to create rings and amulets from unique gems
    Creatures inside the ring of blood can not see outside of it
    Reduced the four Prides to four levels instead of five
    Reduced the High Peak to 10 levels
    The Transmogrify menu option is correctly filtered
    Super high level psionic leeches can not get 0 cooldown
    Equilibrium and Paradox now show failure chance in the left pane
    Charsheet is on normal dialog background
    New levelup screen, merges both stats and talents and adds way more nice stuff. Thanks graziel!
    Dominant Will can not take control of dead creatures
    Exploratory farpotal exits can not be dug away
    Timeless does not affect timed effect with the "time" type
    Reduced chances of orc patrols
    Fix weird tiles/crash when coming back from the Fearscape or the Eidolon plane
    Conduit does not make resting infinite
    Oozes correctly reset their MOs when splitting
    Added a 10 seconds timeout to online character registration
    If a character has not been registered online the game is more lenient and can try again later
    Assigning a hotkey to a talent now removes the previous hotkey for that talent
    Mouse running will try very hard to avoid traps but if there is no way out but a trap it will walk through it
    Fix a rare random start crash
    Can not teleport outside the arena in the arena unlock
    Arena unlock NPC is now a bit more visible in Derth and will also ask the player to come talk to him
    Can not have two events at once in the worldmap
    Two new achievements related to the "room of death"
    Improved items tooltips with more color. Also when an item tooltip is show, pressing control will make it display the differences with your current equipped item for the same slot
    The Trapped! quest can only happen in some places now
    When using Dominant Will it is impossible to access the slave's inventory
    Fixed the error spam when freezing creatures
    Carbon Spikes will now regenerate over time
    Anomaly chance is now reduced by willpower like failure and backfire
    Switched anomaly and backfire chances
    Elite horrors will be more dangerous and have more hit points (but generally rarer)
    Carrion Worms are more dangerous
    Dredge Frenzy no longer costs paradox (preventing offscreen anomalies)
    Fixed precognition
    Fixed borrowed time timed effect tooltip
    Few typos corrected
    Paradox Mage unlock made easier, the future self will now cast Sever Lifeline after about 20 turns which ourights kill the target 4 turns later if still in LOS
    Disarm now requires a melee hit to work
    Dying while confused correctly removes sustains
    The last few creatures with a 20 FOV are now at 10 like the others
    The heart of the sandworm queen now grants unlockable harmoy tree if unknown, learns it if known and increases mastery if learnt
    When an NPC uses Feed on you, you get a debuff that goes away if the NPC dies or you switch level
    When changing list in inventory or store display the tooltip correctly updates
    When dropping items the inventory item description correctly updates
    Dark Tendrils correctly checks for pinning resistance
    Bosses whose artifact has alredy been generated will not be deprived of artifacts anymore
    Arcane Blades lost the Divination tree in favour of the Aegis tree
    rng.range, rng.float have now reversable parameters
    The Transmogrification Chest now correctly handles stacks
    Norgos correctly drops an artifact now
    Borrowed Time is now a time effect
    Random bosses/elites have a correct mastery level
    Fixed a crash when selling item stacks
    Rename wizard hat defender ego to aegis
    Cancelling Disperse Magic no longer casts it on you
    Unstoppable correctly prevents all healing
    Items and creatures can now be linked in the ingame chat
    Chat log can now be scrolled
    Clicking on a channel name will popup a big scrollable chat log
    There is now a "tome" and a "tome-spoiler" ingame channels
    When messages appear in the non-current channels their button will glow and the messages will not be put in the game log
    Ctrl+M shows the game log or the chat log depending on which window is active
    Shift+space allows to cycle through chat channels
    Gloves and Gauntlets artifacts now provide armour
    Levelup indicator in the left pane
    Fixed lore 2 of Lorekeeper Hadak

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta27 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !
Release highlights:
    Many important bugfixes
    New Archmage starting zone: the Abashed Expanse
    Replaced Nature tree with Aegis tree
    Various balance tweaks
    Adventurer parties now can drop alchemist quest ingredients

Expanded changelist:
    When the player has the transmogrification chest a new "Transmogrify" option is available in the inventory item menu
    Most lore notes will not popup if already known (aka: via the sher'tul fortress library)
    Spell sustains will correctly disable when learning antimagic
    Freeze cooldown is now always 3 turns higher than the freeze duration. Damage increase accordingly so no loss there
    Ice Storm got a new, much cooler, effect
    Flameshock when using Burning Wake will leave a trail of fire of the correct shape
    Recalling out of the dark crypt on lvel 4 or before wont wrongly grant the Savior achievement
    Reduced the cost and cooldown of Ice Storm and Tidal Wave
    Fixed tactical infos for Fire Storm, now NPCs will use it
    Random zones from the Exploratory Farportal will not let you get out of the normal level range, nor let you miss the way back home
    Left pane now shows the kind and status of temporary effects in the tooltips
    Replaced the Nature tree with the Aegis tree
    When frozen the movement keys will do autoattacks to the ice
    Grids can be made passable by projectiles but not actors using pass_projectile
    Storm Wyrms/Drakes are not lonely fellows anymore, they have escorts just like all other drakes
    If the Eidolon is removed by any means from the Eidolon Plane it will instantly come back
    Human, Halfling and Elven archmages now start in Angolwen
    All non zone specific NPCs now have a proper tile!
    Archmages starting in Angolwen can now go into the Abashed Expanse
    New zone: Abashed Expanse, a part of Eyal torn away and thrown into orbit far above the planet
    Frozen now splits damage 40/60 instead of 25/75. Also while frozen you can not get any new detrimental status effects (the existing ones are kept however)
    Manaflow cooldown reduced
    Manaflow and Manasurge runes are now disabled while a mana regen effect is active (just like life regeneration effects)
    Drain will not work on oneself anymore
    Toxic Death will only spread to foes
    Fixed the jewelry creation
    Fixed the "black map" bug
    Fixed some achievements when not using shockbolt tiles
    Adventurer parties encounters are now correctly hostile
    Fixed One With Nature
    Corrected Flameshock description
    Rebalanced many Brawler talents
    Brawlers have a new talent in finishing moves (Concussive Punch)
    Removed Rushing Strike but Brawlers now can learn Rush more easily
    Finishing moves may now be used without combo points but at reduced effect
    Pugilism talents that used to grant more then one combo point now
    grant their additional combo points at talent level 4
    Increased damage scaling on most brawler striking talents
    Unarmed Training is now a class tree and based off cunning
    Conditioning tree now requires strength to learn instead of con
    Reduced Spacetime Tuning Cooldown
    Gloves & gauntlets should display correct damage mods
    Damage Smearing will now convert all damage except temporal damage into temporal damage over time rather than arcane damage
    Adventurer parties that wander the worldmap have been busy slaying stuff, they can now have ingredients for the alchemists quest
    Fixed Silent Blade
    Removed nightmare mode achievements (since nightmare mode is no more)
    Fix Arcane Eye at level 5
    No random lore appears in the random zones or in the islands of Rel
    Non-moving creatures will not try to flee
    Dominant Will correctly appears in the right click menu
    Fixed a rare combo of talents that could make a brawler random boss enter an infinite loop
    Telekinetic Leap respects the talent range
    Fixed the random crash/weird textures when coming back from the Eidolon plane
    Fixed Huge Appetite achievement
    Movement tutorial appears once again
    Frozen tooltip updated to clarify that it blocks teleport & heal
    Missing tooltips in the character sheet
    Fixed vertical doors in shockbolt tiles
    The "room of death" is the Vor Armoury is guarded by sealed doors
    Chrono worlds will now clear on level/zone change
    Paradox clone debuffs will now prevent the player from leaving the level or zone door to the past no longer increases paradox but may cause anomalies while active
    Six new vaults from the vault contest and a new unique for the winner, Burbs Lull
    Fixed a leak of particle systems

Have fun!

Glad you're having fun!

Yes the first part of the game, up to about level 25/30 is mostly "you are an adventurer, go adventure", I think it's refreshing to not start your life as the announced savior of all for once ;)
The "main" quest only pops up late and adds a new dimension to the second half of the  game.

Oh and you can make your own RL with the TE4 engine too ! :)

Playing it is indeed a good idea, I approve ! :)

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta26 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !

Release highlights:
* Many bugfixes
* Balances tweaks
* New generic tree: Harmony
* New rogue class tree: Poisons
* Overhaul of loss of control effects: stun & freeze, to be much more interresting
* A huge amount of new NPC tiles
* Random zones
* Random bosses
* Better UI
* More Sher'Tul Fortress functions

Expanded changelist:
* Optimized the savefile code to not save base and computed entities lists as they can be reconstructed from data files, making savefiles quite smaller
* The hidden trollmire level now has a correct entrance spot
* NPCs now do not regen when coming back to a level
* Objects now do not regen when coming back to a level
* The Shertul Fortress gains a new function: the exploratory farportal; a new subquest will trigger when it reaches enough energy
* New shertul fortress function: rod of recall attunment
* Random artifacts are now made up of 3 egos (instead of 2) + some random properties
* Fixed the Emancipation achievement
* New achievement: "Take you with me"
* Achievement popup now displays an icon associated to the achievement
* Achievement list now can list all achievements, even those not done yet (not all are fully readable however)
* Achievement list can now show progress for certain achievements (like Pyromancer, Cryomancer, Reaver, ...)
* The endgame artifact now has a neat particle effect attached
* Trollmire treasure quest will successfully complete
* Equilibrium wont reset to 0 on levelup (it will respect sustains)
* Fix a rare particles crash
* Coming back from the Eidolon or Demon plane will not make many turns pass for actors
* Random parties of (hostile) adventurers can be met on the worldmap
* Tons of new tiles!
* Strike and Dig have switch places
* Strike now deals more damage
* Creatures that levitate can not be pinned
* Fix a bug when reloading while an archery projectile is in flight
* Overhauled Frozen effect: You now get to act every turns but can not teleport, heal or move. The ice now has HP which can be damaged to make it go away. All your attacks can only damage the ice (not creatures) and creature attacks damage you for half their value and the ice for half
* AI will not target/stop attacking invulnerable creatures (like those affected by Time Prison)
* Update charsheet dialog to show more info
* Stunned effect overhauled, you do not lose control anymore, instead damage is reduced by 70%, movement speed by 50%, a few random talents are put on cooldown and talent cooldowns do not decrease while stunned
* Freeze spell duration now increases with talent level
* Buttons will provide a visual feedback when clicked
* Update dialog title works again(new method updateTitle)
* Dialogs will try to not go over game window size
* Moves tooltip window if it obscures view
* Drop dialog now not closes after each drop
* Emotes are now displayed over fog of war
* Skeletons talents have been improved; Sharp Bones have been replaced with Resilient Bones
* Big new lore, detailing the various races. Look for the first pages in Last Hope and find the rest
* Silence wont prevent sustained talents desactivation
* Burning Hex wont trigger when de-activating sustains
* Fixed the Storming the City quest: gwelgoroths will have the correct level now
* Scintillating Caves and Rhaloren Camp wont give the shaloren starting quest if you do not have it (cosmetic change)
* Soul Rot now has correct requirements
* The Eidolon can now send you back to the worldmap is desired (and if possible)
* Improves Retch and switched places in the tree
* Paradox Clone now can regulate his paradox levels
* Ambushes work even while standing on zone entrance
* Fixed a rare bug when patrols chase players on the worldmap
* Harno the messanger should correctly pop even if Golbug is killed on the Demon Plane
* Negative HP creatures should correctly die
* Can not try to use an orb a second time on a portal in the endgame
* Limmir will always make sure to provide a gem on his own when making an amulet
* Rune of the Rift/Time Skip will not heal the target to full
* If an alchemist player is cloned, the golem will be faction aligned with the clone
* New method font:draw(string, max_size, r, g, b) that is the same as TString:makeTextureLines() & countLines() combined, but it works on plain strings and it is *fast*
* Log & Flying texts now have a small shadow to outline the texts
* Added very slight shadow to most UI texts, making them more readable
* Modules can enable text shadows on the UI by doing: require("engine.ui.Base"):setTextShadow(0.6)
* New "Building" map generator
* New poem in the heart of the gloom
* Base vision radius of NPCs reduced to 10, like the player
* Thaloren-Tree Longbow range correctly set to 10 instead of 18
* Life regeneration effects now disable other regen talents while active, to prevent wasting them
* Vor, Gorbat and Rak'Shor prides have been upgraded, they now feature entrance doors, guards, random elites & bosses
* Objects that randomly fire a talent on hit wont check ressource or cooldowns
* Bloodcaller, the reward from the ring of blood, is not an arcane artifact anymore
* Adventure mode deaths will only be reported once the last life is expanded
* Equilibrium & Paradox bars on the left pane fill with failure chance instead of a meaningless log
* New achievement: Huge Appetite
* Eldoral Last Resort range fixed
* Fixed Hurricane description
* Level 5 Arcane Eye should work even while blinded
* Blodo Spray correctly handles its disease chance
* Hate is not affected by fatigue
* Fix norgos lair level changers tiles
* Hymn of Moonlight and similar talents wont activate on the worldmap
* Creatures in the Heart of the Gloom wont have the radiant fear talent
* New NPC in angolwen that provides a bit of lore and new lore in angolwen's library
* New lore: a rogue's poem
* New lore associated with the Spellblade and Eden's Guile artifacts
* Time Prison correctly stops even fast actors
* Eight new high level monsters
* Fixed problem with Shattering Charge
* Greatly improved Mindlash. Focus mindslayers should be much more fun.
* Removed much of the moat around the bandit fortress vault to make navigating around it less of a pain.
* The new game window can now be told to force loading of an incompatible module (which will usually work anyway)
* Alchemist's golems can now self destruct when the alchemist is dead
* Renamed the demon plane to the Fearscape
* Fixed drawQuad (it would randomly start using a texture when when told not to)
* Every level of the High Peak is now guarded by a random unique
* Added a message log dialog which supports page up/down, home/end, up/down and mouse wheel. Activate it by clicking on the log or pressing ctrl+m
* Upped Lightning and Chain Lightning damage
* Shock cooldown increased to 4
* Nature's Touch healing buffed
* New wild gifts talent tree: Harmony
* The sandworm queen heart now provides Harmony instead of Sand Drake tree
* Both Summoners and Wyrmics can unlock the Harmony tree
* Added .. mouse gestures. Yes right! Find them in the keybinder menu. You can now bind mouse gestures to any bindable actions!
* Module makers can use gestures easily with the engine.ui.Gesture class
* New lore about the Fearscape
* Found lore is now also saved in the player's profile, for later use
* The Sher'tul Fortress now possess the Library of Lost Mysteries, where you can instantly learn all lore known by any of your previous characters
* Non-hostile boss-level creatures will now have their own tactical border
* New tree: Cunning / Poisons
* Rogues might want to try siding with the assassin lord
* Tooltip will now tell you if there are more than one item on the ground
* Button clickable area expanded to fit actual display size
* Text in ListColums and Tree UI elements is now bouncing from left to right when overflowing
* Fixed a memory leak
* Elementals levitate
* Improved talents levelup screen
* Regen rate is now displayed in the left pane bar
* Undeads correctly start at level 6 of the blighted ruins
* Derth arena and trollmire treasure quests now correctly finishes

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta25 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !

Release highlights:
* Various important fixes and updates
* Balances tweaks
* New Thaloren starting zones, along with their own city
* Starting zones reduced to 3 levels, next tier zones to 5 levels

Expanded changelist:
* Ring of blood orb wont take your money if you killed the blood master
* User chat notification upon death
* Unlocks made while offline are now also available while online
* Merged Heavy & Massive armour trainings into a single talent (that goes to 10 like the weapon ones). At level 1 it allows heavy gloves/helms/boots, at level 2 heavy armours, at level 3 shields and at level 4 massive armours. Classes start with enough levels to wear their starting gear
* Aura of Silence description shows the radius
* Silence correctly prevents usage of runes
* Using timetravel spells will not break the ingame chat
* Sotrming the city quest is now more obviously presented on the worldmap
* Armour changed again, it is back to a flat damage reduction
* New stat: armour hardiness, it's base 30% and can be increased with Armour Training. It represents how much of a blow is affected by armour
* Fixed Slime Roots
* Fixed dual weapon training and corrupted strength
* Achievements list now colors in green achievements got by your current character
* Reduced the length of all starting zones to 3 levels and the next zone tier (daikara, maze, ...) to 5
* Antimagic quest now grants Antimagic achievement
* Removed all lava floors from the wyrm room in vor armoury
* Spectators wont decay in the ring of blood
* Fixed long load times when loading a populated level
* Fix crash on big maps
* Rod of Recall / Teleport: Angolwen cooldown adjusted to 400
* Bill is no longer the boss of the trollmire, he has been replaced by Prox, an other troll, which hits not nearly as hard
* Bill has now got his own special level, whose access must be found. And he is now nastier
* The slave combatant has the correct number of infusions
* Dreadmasters now correctly summon dreads
* Defensive throw should now take place after counter attacks
* Reorganized and rebalanced the age manipulation tree
* Removed stat increasing effects from an anomaly
* Wormhole is now instant cast
* Cut sustain cost of Door to the Past in half
* Lowered cost of relentless strikes
* Striking stance now increases accuracy instead of critical power
* Rushing strike stun duration reduced
* Roundhouse kick damage reduced (a bit)
* Spacetime tuning now has a cap on how high it can raise your paradox
* Shattering Impact can only trigger once per turn
* Put much-needed door in the bandit fortress
* Added some non-lava floors to one of the demon nest vaults
* Added dialog to the alchemists to inform the player that they're not the only one working on these ingredients
* Made squid ink more visible
* Changed elixir of stoneskin on-drink message so it makes more sense for skeletons
* Equilibrium and Paradox sustains only check for failure on activation
* Fixed loot generation in vault to be more diverse
* Fix wraithform cost
* Tactical display is now handled by entities (actors) display callback (no change for modules, except they can customize it as needed)
* Added lifebars to tactical display mode
* Melinda got tiles!
* Various fixes
* Daikara rift can not spawn on the previous/next level changers
* Random worldmap encounters can not happen at birth
* Atamathon is now displayed on all tiles settings
* Actor list display wont show the player anymore
* Kill Bill achievement is possible even with the new troll boss (the last lore note drops from him but not on death). Still, quite hard to pull off!
* Bosses will be marked as purple on the minimap
* New starting zones for the Thaloren: The main thaloren camp, Shatur; the lair of norgos; the heart of the gloom
* Timeless wont produce negative timed effects
* Fix Aim to work as advertised
* Fixes sand tunnels in briagh lair
* Fixes the terrain cloning issue with Rune of the Rift and Time Skip.
* Also adjusted wormhole entrance range.

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta24 ! See

Small bugfix release for beta23.
Oh and I mastered OSX compilation in VMWare, so this comes with an OSX version right now! (and it might even work!)

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !
Release highlights:
    * Various important fixes and updates

Expanded changelist:
    * Fix the alchemists quest, again
    * The slave combatant in the ring of blood has got a higher level of relentless strikes and a second regen infusion
    * Fixed Kryl Feijan
    * Weapon Combat renamed to Combat Accuracy
    * New damage shield gfx
    * Fix weather effects scrolling
    * Rework some racial descriptions
    * Rain in the old forest should feel much more like rain now
    * Give random lore a specific definition in loot tables so that it will drop more often
    * Overhauled the speeds system. Now when a talent or object grants +X% foo speed it means you can do X% more of action foo in the same time. So if you get a 100% combat speed increase you will attack twice as fast
    * Speeds now stacking is now multiplicative
    * Damage resistances are now stacking multiplicatively
    * Melinda's father reward can not cause duplicate arts
    * The Spellblaze Crystal has more mana regen
    * Demon Plane spell now correctly ends if one of the actors dies instantly upon arrival
    * Demon Plane spell damage is now bound to the caster's damge increases
    * Fix Demon Plane when used with escorts on the level
    * Stores now have boots/hands/...
    * Corrupted Strength and Dual Weapon Training can not create infinite damage at super high (npc) levels
    * Cooldowns go down in worldmap
    * Online charsheet now displays talents tooltips and achievement's level
    * Lumberjack quest will correctly pop even if taken into an ambush at the same time
    * Fix Sharp Bones when saving/reloading
    * Can not cheese out the 600 damage achievements using the Mouth
    * Fixed minimap going bonkers

Have fun!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta23 ! See

Small bugfix release for beta22.

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !

Release highlights:
    * Various fixes

Expanded changelist:
    * Fix the transmogrification chest
    * Fix level of orcs in the escape from reknor
    * Fix mage apprentice quest for archmages
    * Particles can be attached to any entities, not just actors
    * Particles attached to an entity now display on the same z-order as the entity
    * Fix the brotherhood quest
    * Achievements are now broadcasted over the community chat
    * Combat trainer is back in Last Hope
    * Reduce the cooldown and cost of Perfect Strike
    * The Blood Master wont aggro while controlling a slave

Have fun!

PS: svn 3132

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