Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.2.0 aka "The Exercise of Vital Powers"
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:48:37 PM »
My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.2.0 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage and overwrite it.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage and overwrite it.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- Savefiles from 1.1.5 are not compatible, added a message to display this with a link to download 1.1.5
- New smaller tactical overlay
- Huge number of graphical improvements
- Many new/rebalanced egos and artifacts
- Numerous improvements to many classes: Mindslayer, Brawler, Sun Paladin, Berserker, Alchemist, Archmage, Oozemancer
- New class: Skirmishers that blend slings and shield
- Change to ammo, it now automatically replenishes on move
- Improved Nightmare/Insane scaling & difficulty to be somewhat more fun
- Many new quality of life improvements for melee starts
- Ingame installation of new addons/modules
- Many new quality of life improvements for addon makers
- New death screen, this is important as people die a lot ;)
- Friend list to stay in touch with your buddies
- Shadowstep must have an actual target
- Removed Aim rooting effect
- Fixed Dismissal on crit
- Zigur is no longer hostile by default towards the Keepers of Reality (mostly because they never heard of them)
- Disruption Shield now displays the current absorbed value
- Bathe in the Light now works on undeads too
- Improve shaders performance in some cases
- Myssil learnt how to breath underwater
- Replaced Frozen Spear rune with Biting Gale rune
- New social feature: Friends! Simply right click on somebody's name to friend/unfriend her/him. You will then be notified of their coming & going and have them listed in the talk to list even if they are not in the same channels(or even game) as you. This is a very simple feature for now and will probably be enhanced later.
- New super-awesome fireflash effect
- If the rod of recall somehow drops in an unreachable spot it gets added to the player's inventory directly
- Overhauled Mindslayers
- Moved graphical mode selection to the game options
- Added a new UI option to alter the tactical borders into little flagpoles
- Added a Tiles.sharp_scaling parameter; if set to true the entities textures will not be interpoled by OpenGL
- Command Staff does not change the melee damage element of the staff anymore
- Added a free rank of armor training and iron mail to Cursed start
- Fixed the UI sometimes being affected by invisibility shader or suchlike
- Infinite Dungeon should load much faster
- Infinite Dungeon can now spawn shivgoroth and undead rats (including everybody's favorite Rat Lich)
- Object properties special_on_hit special_on_crit and special_on_kill can now be merged by egos
- Spacetime Tuning now lets the user set a prefered paradox level and when resting it will rest towards it
- Buffed Toxic Death
- New birth custom tiles
- Added base weapon talents to some melee classes to make starting less annoying
- Nerfed the damage of low level rogues and crystals
- Healing Infusion now heals for a bit less but is instant
- New particles blending modes: SHINY(rename from the existing ADDITIVE), ADDITIVE and MIXED
- New awesome gfx effect for starfall
- Increased number of arrows in quivers
- Buffed iron & steel weapons to make melee/archery start more fun
- Big movement speed effects like lightning speed, movement infusion, .. now display a fractional effect to see how close to end they are
- Made on_wear and on_takeoff be passed the slot the item is in
- Set definitions set_list, on_set_complete, and on_set_broken can now be tables of several different actions to take for different set ids
- Made set_list able to be a function
- Sets can now check against a specific inventory slot
- New awesome gfx effect for Bone Shield
- Shock will reduce stun resistance if the target resists the daze
- Changed the Water and Ice trees to apply/interract with the new Wet effect
- If Freeze is used against a friendly target the cooldown is halved
- Deep Mindslayer rework
- Savefiles from 1.1.5 are not compatible, added a message to display this with a link to download 1.1.5
- Leaves Tide correctly respect bleed immunity
- Fixed addons loading to load hooks last, thus avoiding seemingly random addons imcompatibilities
- Orbs of Command can not be re-used on pedestrals to summons bosses duplicates
- Fixed talking to Tannen after defeating him
- New UI option to select tactical overlay mode (same as shift+t)
- On OSX the log is now sent to te4_log.txt just like on windows
- Added new UI options to control the fullscreen stun & confusion notifications
- Many new artifacts
- Improved Unarmed Discipline
- Random artifacts now have a 25% to pick a non-physical damtype of one of their themes
- Improved actor tooltip
- Improved/changed many egos
- New player-doll special display for some artifacts
- New earthen missiles and ice shards graphical effect
- New graphical effect for curses
- The Heart of the Sandworm Queen can now be corrupted to gain a new talent category: Vile Life
- New graphical effects for some corruption spells
- New visual effect for hexes
- Unlearning Shivgoroth Form while transformed correctly works
- Multiple graphic improvments to celestial spells
- New ground effect to materialize what zone Aether Breach can happen in
- New class: Skirmishers that combines slings and shields into a powerful symbiose!
- New map effects for most old boring squarish ones
- Map effects and particles effects on the map can now be attached to a specific z-layer
- Fixed ListColumns to be includable in UIContainer
- Added a method ActorTalents:updateTalentPassives(tid)
- True Grit banned from NPCs
- More brawlers and Sun Paladin updates
- Reduced the critical damage power on egos
- Buffed many charms
- Colored temporary effects by type in Actor tooltips
- Added Actor:checkClassification which checks if an actor is in an arbitrary set of classifications
- Changed die_at to show actual negative HP
- Minimalist UI now shows a timer left for summons
- Gem pouch, shot bag and quivers now show up on the character doll
- New UI option to display the tactical healthbars on the side or the bottom
- New smaller tactical borders and healbars that feel less bulky (old display can be switched to with shift+t)
- Tactical display settings remembered between save & reload
- DamageType can now define a tdesc which gets passed the dam value and returns a string
- Power checks on melee/archery egos and some damage types redone: they usualy use the higest of your spell/mind/accuracy power
- Damage conversion only converts if the source damage is different
- Improve ego items generation when antimagic filters are on
- Load Game menu should be somewhat faster
- Reduced Stun to -60% damage and 3 talents on CD
- Mana no longer restored on levelup if Disruption Shield is active
- Change to ammo! Now moving or waiting a turn will reload ammo automatically (based on items bonuses & talent level)
- Reload talent is now instant, reloads a bunch of ammo at once but disarms you for 2 turns
- Combat Accuracy now uses a non linear scaling, like most other talents
- Reduced Intuitive Shots power
- Many ego items changes & updates
- Changed Insane scaling to be closer to Nightmare talent scaling, the same rare scaling as Madness, and a 20% HP bonus.
- Marked all the forced starting areas that aren't optional as having no rare spawn.
- After having played tome at least 5 hours, the New Game menu will always display, to make the link to grab other modules visible
- Huge visual update on trees & forest
- New cosmetic option: bikinis and mankinis!
- New achievement: win the game without ever taking off yoru bikini/mankini
- The New Game menu shows a link to additional games
- Reshape Weapon can not be used on mindstars anymore
- Reduced staves accuracy effect bonus to 2.5%
- Reduced the power of Leaves Tide a bit
- Added a generic web rendered: a module or addon can render UI, or parts of UI in html5/css3/javascript now.
- Improved the news section on the main menu, it now will show more info and is fully clickable.
- Other player character sheets and profiles will display ingame directly.
- The link to the addons page in the addons menu will now open ingame and allow direct installation of the addons.
- Added ingame credits
- Added some new .. things .. to spice up Ardhungol
- New lore added to Ardhungol
- Altered the cost and effects of the Superiority tree
- Berserkers lost 2handed weapon offense and cripple trees, replacing them with two new (similar-ish) trees.
- Altered Warcries costs and effects to make them more interresting
- New Sun Paladin tree "Radiance"
- Damage types internal representation changed so that addons can not mess up savefiles. This however *breaks all savefiles* to save the future ones!
- Big rework of the Brawler's Grappling tree
- New two handed weapons tree "Crusader" for Sun Paladins
- Buffed Sun Paladin mastery of Sun tree to 1.3
- Existing Celestial/Sun tree renamed to Celestial/Sunlight
- New Celestial/Sun tree
- Add color.unpack method
- Minimalist UI can have level specific "addons"
- Updated whip & punch sounds
- Big brawlers update, removing some unfun talents in favor of better ones
- Trees and some big plants will gently swing in the wind
- Game will save when a ressurection option is used, to prevent loss in case of crash
- Much improved Wintertide
- Undeads now start with a Heat Beam rune instead of phase door
- Pressing tab when typing a player name as the first word of a sentence will try to autocomplete it
- New achievement to avoid death many times
- All fullscreen effects can be enabled at once now (underwater, blur, wobbling, ...)
- Added a tweening engine
- Updated base orc doll
- Zone:checkFilter can now use a "define_as" filter
- New fullscreen effect for stuns/dazes
- Revamped Brawler's Finishing Moves tree to make it more appealing
- Many new artifacts
- Tiles attachements can now be defined per-addons
- Entities add_mos can have an "auto_tall" property to autoset display_y and display_h corresponding to the tile geometry
- Fixed bamboo huts
- Switch Place correctly consumes turn/cooldown/stamina even if used against a creature in a wall
- Limmir will be added to the party during the quest
- Fixed Turtle Grand Arrival with Through the Crowd
- Body of Fire projectiles do not hurt the caster
- Reduced damage mod on staves to 80%
- Channel Staff provides a 20% damage mod bonus to the staff firing
- Fixed technique talents speed when using gauntlets
- Fixed quakes
- New awesome effect on body of ice and stone skin
- Added social links to the main menu, to the forums, facebook and twitter
- Auto hit/auto crit attacks now use a better mechanism that is not affected by actualy hit/crit chance
- Altered many Oozemancer talents to make them a little less overpowered and more fun: Slime Spit, Poisonous Spores,
- Mitosis, Call of the Ooz, Reabsorb, Oozeroots, Mucus, Indiscernable Anatomy, Natural Acid, Unstoppable Nature,
- Acidbeam, Corrosive Nature, Corrosive Seeds, Acidic Soil, Moss Talents
- New talent tree for Oozemancers "Eyal's Fury"
- Split the artifacts into "generic eyal ones", "maj'eyal ones" and "fareast ones"
- Fixed vim on kill and equilibrium on vim when usnig a variable vim cost talent
- Zones can now easily define subclass'ed generators
- Change zone and Grant quest debug commands now handle correctly zones and quest provided by addons
- Shoot can be added a cooldown with talent_cd_reduction
- Death dialog now also has graphical cues of possible ressurection options
- Dialog titles can use the outline shader now with setTitleShadowShader method
- New Death dialog art, more .. death-like !
- Linaniil flees less
- Overhauled Alchemists, giving them many new trees and interresting options
- Arcane Power costs less and also adds arcane resistance
- Sunder Armour now also reduces saves and shatters damage shields
- New Map:enableFBORenderer to allow map effects to turn into nice overlays instead of plain quads.
- Retch uses a much cooler map effect gfx
- Fixed psionic distortion effects
- Adds a log message when damage is avoided with lightning infusion
- Tweaked some artifacts
- Nerfed Ak'Gishil a little
- More powerful chat text templating available
- Added a "Birther:donatorTiles" hook
- Aether Beam now has a chance to not be disarmed
- Integrate a web brower, allows to install addons much more easily
- Fixed callbackOnFoo on multi-level passive talents
- New callbacks "callbackOnWear", "callbackOnTakeoff", "callbackOnHeal", "callbackOnTakeDamage", "callbackOnStatChange" , "callbackOnDealDamage", "callbackOnDeath", "callbackOnKill" and "callbackOnTalentPost"