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Messages - Omnivorous

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Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 18, 2009, 02:01:15 AM »
I know I more or less can easily get far with a MiBe.. but meh, I got pretty bored of it. I don't think it's very fun.. Now my problem is, I have a very hard time understanding how, and making it long with any caster classes.. Anyone with success with a caster/hybrid that can reccomend something and maybe share some tactics with that combination? :-)

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 17, 2009, 10:29:17 PM »
Oooh.. :o Close one! Were you in slime pits just for the XP at this point?

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 16, 2009, 03:30:47 PM »
You'll need to keep a full belly, as that regeneration takes food. And piety too... Dunno!

I'm currently with a pretty interesting Mountain Dwarf Berserker. Lvl 11, DLvl 11, seen entrances to Hive and Mines, but haven't gone there yet. I'm a prized avatar of Trog who uses axes, and he just gave me a short sword of defence. Humpf. Totally don't need it.

Don't worry, you'll get LOTS of gifts from Trog if you keep sacrificing all corpses you find. (Except those you can eat)

You should find the Lair soon. When you do, I'd reccomend visiting it right away, because the Dungeon will most likely get harder pretty quickly. If you want a challenge, test your strenght in the mines right away. After the Hive it will probably be so easy, you'll quickly get bored there but clear it out easily.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 16, 2009, 03:42:16 AM »
Speaking of the Swamp, I broke my promise to only play Mountain Dwarf Fighters, just this once, and started another Minotaur Berserker.

Have you tried Deep Dwarf Berserker? :o Berserker with some staffs and the ability to trade off 1mp for recharging a staff/wand! Pretty interesting along with berserker.

Well my Merfolk Enchanter died after almoast clearing out Orc Mines.. :/ I was tumbling around on a floor I thought I had under control, when summoned creatures started appearing. Kept chasing some confused Orc Sorceror so I didn't really pay attention to the two Zombie Orcs that were chasing me.. Some kind of summoned demon appeared right on their tail, and something started smiting me out of nowhere. Unbelievably enough, I got time to use a scroll of teleportation with 10hp left. (I didn't have time to put on ring of invisiblity now, and my invisibility skill is far too unreliable to try and cast in a situation like that) Anyway.. The wonderful scroll of damned teleportation moved me one square up and 2 to the left. (No it was not blinking)

"4. 5893 PerKiller MfEn-10 blasted by a smoke demon (Orc:3)

PerKiller the Infuser (level 10, -2/69 HPs)
Began as a Merfolk Enchanter.
Was an Elder of Okawaru. (Didn't use this god at all :/)
Killed from afar by a smoke demon (12 damage)
... with a ball of steam
... on Level 3 of the Orcish Mines.
The game lasted 01:50:22 (15793 turns)."

Ahwell, time to sleep now! *Sob*

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 16, 2009, 02:06:29 AM »
Something strange happened with this char.. On D:4 pretty heavy monsters appeared at the staircase. (Orc Priest with some friends) I managed to fend off and started exploring and I found a weird glowing room with a staircase that looked like a shop, saying "A staircase covered with sand.." I didn't dare to enter and kept clearing out the floor. I returned after levling up twice, and the staircase was gone.. :/ I have seen the Labyrinth before, but then the staircase was named "The Labyrinth". I guess I should've went in.

This merfolk enchanter got a +1, +4 Scythe. Found an awesome book, book of Wizardy. Now I can detect enemies, and combined with ring of invisibility this is a really fun and powerful character so far. I am sneaking along in corridors, detecting monsters now and then, and when I sense them around the corner, turn invisible (if I need it) and sneak up on them, slaying them before they even knew what hit them! ;D

I'd be sooo proud and happy if I managed to beat my MiBe score with an actual caster/hybrid char! ..ohwell, I'll try to not get too high hopes! :P

Yeah Fenrir, I think you could've cleared out the Lair. Then maybe (probably) Orc Mines.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 15, 2009, 02:28:03 PM »
Resistance against corruption or Life protection helps against smiting I believe. Either way, I agree, do not enter mines yet. I've lost level 10 MiBerserkers in the mines that had better gear/more defence than your char. The berserker ability is a two-edged sword. It is great 9 out of 10 times. But that 10th time in places like the mines, it will run out and an Orc Priest appears, probably with two companions too. Then you're dead.

The book might be good, but I've never gotten a Minotaur to read a book :P I just burn'em all! Keep sacrificing corpses and burn books to get some nice God gifts from Trog. You could use a good weapon.

Poison resistance is obtained through jewelry or just enchanted equipment (artefacts).

I've found it's good to be able to summon help from Trog and/or regenerate HP AFTER your berserk ability runs out...just incase.

@tube looks awesome.. Would be nice to be able to upload to and link from.

Anyway my latest char could've been a winner for sure, if it hadn't been for the fact I found about 6-8 armours in game, 2 of which were uncursed (and pretty crappy). Aquators and bad armours ruined this char. Uploading a record that started from D-lvl 14 with a summary of current status at beginning for anyone interested.

We can just skip ahead, so record it all.

Really? How?

One day I'm going to get two rings of slow digestion and a scroll of scare monster, and then this game will pay for its crimes against me.
It wont...

lol, why are you so pessimistic Slasharoni? :P You started this thing..this obsession!!

Btw, when recording with dosrecord, do you guys prefer full run in the video, or just recording to start around level 12 with a summary in an annotation or what?

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:01:35 PM »
Also I think it's absurd how people consider it "exploitation" to for example cast spells on walls to train them.

Wait, this works?!  What's to stop a vampire or mummy mage from attaining complete mastery of all magic and easily winning this way, besides their player going insane with boredom?

For every other race it doesn't sound all that exploitable.

Well I am more talking about just casting a spell while exploring, at the wall if possible when MP fills up, and then continue exploring.. Especially if there's some left over XP that hasn't been put to use. This is not possible with all spells either though.

Haha. Well one of the things that surely show how great Rogue actually is made, is to see how many players get paranoid about the code in this game, including myself. I don't know how many times I've been struck by some insane paradox/incredible coincidences happened (that ofcourse usually is for the worst) and made me wonder if they coded it so cleverly that the "coincidences" are calculated.. ;) I do however think it's all random and that it's just so difficult, balancing right on the edge of impossible, making all these crazy coincidences happen. One great attribute of this game is the lack of ID-scrolls, meaning there is really hard to see what actually happens in the game. When does Scrolls of ID start appearing? At what levels were these potions of restore STR gathered, and did I find them before I found these add STR potions?

Since I really believe it's randomized and controlled by chance everytime I play, I think the best way of getting a chance at winning this game is to just perfect your playing-style to automatically do everything in your power to 1) Use as few turns as possible. 2) Minimize chances of disasterous things to happen. 3) Find a balance between survival/conserving useful things for the endgame.

When you get these things in solid so it's more or less how you play automatically, you can play more effectively, play faster, play more games, increasing your chances of winning!

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:00:20 PM »
Well I have looked on my skill-list several times, thinking "Well a high <enter skill name here> would be really convenient now! Let me see what I can turn off!" Then I open the skill-list and usually end up deciding "Hey damnit, ALL these skills are useful for me atm.."
If anything I've found that it's smart to focus on those aptitudes with lowest numbers, that level the most with the least practice.

Also I think it's absurd how people consider it "exploitation" to for example cast spells on walls to train them. Clearly since it is possible and remains possible throughout updates, it is not an exploit. Also in a RP game you are supposed to "live out" your character. If I was a wizard that just barely understood the contents of my spellbook, I would most likely be considered a damn fool by other wizards if I attempted to run into battle with such a spell without practicing it some on my own first.. Also, it costs food. Alot of food it seems, when your level with it is low.

I think I've found a decent hybrid now, and a VERY good race in general; Merfolk. I've somehow never bothered to even look at this race, but it has great fighting abilities, is VERY powerful with polearms. It is also good with Enchantments and Transmutations (or was it Translocations?)

Either way this Merfolk Enchanter is atm looking VERY promising.. Sigmund dropped a Scythe of Reaching (0, +3) which goes inunder polearms, and enchantment spells such as Corona, Confuse, Sleep and Invisible is VERY handy combined with this long-reaching weapon! :) Ohwell, it will be put to the test pretty soon..acouple more levels and we'll see if it really can survive in these dungeons!

Edit: Ugh.. It was all going well. Even found a book-store and aquired book of Changes that dealt with Transmutations, which my char also should be good in. I struggled abit in an encounter where I got poisoned twice early on, and had to fend off two Kobolds and a Big Kobold. I got rid of them and went upstairs to rest. Went back down again, continued exploring into the direction where I encountered the Kobolds.. Discovered another one and let it flee while I regenned some, then I started chasing it. All of a sudden I am standing at the crossroad of two corridors containing 6 Kobolds and 3 Big Kobolds. (Those that I could see atleast) I started fleeing, but as soon as I did that, a Big Frog appeared, that moved faster than me. I got the the nearest up staircase with 3hp. Tried to go up, but on the last turn the Big Frog put me out of my misery.

                                             ,:'                ':,
                                           ,:     PerKiller     ':,
                                          ;:       Merfolk       ;:
                                          ;:     Enchanter     ;:
                                          ;:         Lvl8         ;:
                                          ;;  Died on LVL7    ::
                                          ;:                       ;:
                                          ;:        R.I.P         ::

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 14, 2009, 04:12:11 AM »
Well judging from the tables of top players (winners) in last year's Crawl-tournament, the levels vary alot. Most are within 22-25 though.

I think perhaps -skills- max though, and I think I've succeeded in surviving early on with weak characters sometimes by cutting off unneeded skills/taking advantage of the skill(s) my current char can level the fastest.

And with hybrid chars, not pure bashers, I think it's a big difference early on if I put stats in DEX or STR, depending on what weapon I am using. Uggh, Crawl is difficult. Acouple of Rogue-runs was just as unforgiving! I think it's time for some rest.

This is maybe my most promising character yet.  Blessed vorpal longsword, undamaged chain mail, rings of stealth and slow digestion (just found), a wand of light and an unidetified staff, a scroll of teleportation and scare monster.  I only have two rations of food, and the game hasn't been generous to me on HP, but I think I have a chance.  I'm character level 9 and just about to enter dungeon level 16.

Ooo nice weapon. ID that staff when you get a chance and try to have an escape route ready to the down-stairs if you find it and decide to keep exploring the area. Ring of Stealth usually lets you start off most fights you decide to pick, with arrows.

Good luck! :o

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Never beat Crawl? Enter here! :-)
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:07:50 AM »
And so, he quickly died after I took a break and came back. "1109 PerKiller  OgCr slain by a centaur (D:6)"
Just entered the dungeonfloor below entrance to Temple, and found it was alot harder than the last couple of floors. Snakes felt alot stronger. Orcs too. And I kindof expected the first mob that hit me to be the last for a while after I went into Berserker Rage. That was not the case, a Centaur was waiting just behind the corner and appeared in a doorway several steps behind me, JUST when berserker rage ended. Tried to escape with a scroll of fear, quaffed all my healing potions, got careless and started resting too close, and the Centaur charged me again before I got much rest. Somehow paniced instead of spending the second scroll of fear ;p

A greedy and silly death just because I forgot how much I cared about this char.

Edit: Another char. Going to try a different tactic. Going to try the character that killed me. A Centaur...something! Going to just pick the characters that kill me to see if I find anything that feels good.

Oh, I have no idea if maybe everyone knows this but I didn't always and I think they are both very nice commands. Shift-5 and Alt Gr-2 ('@') atleast those screens become useful as you start reaching level 10 and have to choose what rings to wear, which weaknesses to trade against benefits etc.

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