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Messages - UltimaRatioRegum

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Just posted a big entry on ideas and theory and concepts for the development of URR. Lots of ideas. I want to know your ideas about my ideas!


For the rebalance of skills into some sort of streamlined tree or crazy web-thing like in Path of Exile, I would offer a partial suggestion:  Keep many of the crazier or more esoteric skills, but keep them off the "tree" as it were proper.  Instead, let them be the purview of random, secret scattered hermits/gurus and whatnot that would perhaps impart them to you via a personal quest and/or some  varying but possibly significant factor of time spent learning them to a master level that could prove a future edge for your character but would essentially take them "out of the world" for the time it took do to so----thus adding some degree of risk for unforeseen consequences as things develop without your input or even awareness.

I've been wondering whether I'm going to have skills of the sort you're implying, and if so, how I'm going to put them in. I'm currently leaning towards not including them - while I want skill trees to give a character to develop, I think that kind of skill could really take away from the large-scale elements I'm more interested in exploring. We'll have to see, really, but I wager not much like that may exist. I might do something like have it proc gen some unique skills you can get each game, and then generate ways to acquire them, but that's some way in the future...

I can't imagine that any of my feedback could be anything more than redundant, but I downloaded and played your game. Locational damage is awesome and I think your priorities will really differentiate URR from other new Roguelikes. I'm very eager to see where it heads. So please quit your job, abandon school, let your personal life atrophy, and develop this full-time. September is a long ways away.

Haha, thanks a lot for the kind words :). Mythical creatures are going to be a very small (and entirely optional) part of the game, since I very much want to focus on making something akin to a strategy/4x game in ASCII, as well as a roguelike. My current intention is to take about a month and a bit with only minimal development (it won't stop, but I need about 20k words of thesis written in the next month and a half) and then blitz 0.2.0 in September. 0.3.0 is going to be much smaller (just mechanics like sleeping, food, drink, morale, etc) so that should be much earlier after.

Congrats on the grand fix release, here's hoping no further showstoppers emerge and you can take a well deserved sojourn to the land of everything-other-than-URR.   8)

Cheers getter! Typically, there was still one thing left, so I've just put out 0.1.3b. But that is genuinely the last until 0.2.0...

Finally, version 0.1.3 released; a stable build with a lot of changes in to keep things moving until 0.2.0 in a couple of months. Do shout with any feedback, otherwise, see you in a few months for 0.2.0, and some very complicated skill trees…

Depends on where the log dumps to-- there is a data file for the character I was playing (it's filled with gobbledygook), but otherwise I don't see a log file.


I ran it again and got another crash. No log file but I did get a runtime error.

Code: [Select]
Line 220
dat != ((void *)0) && (unsigned)(x) < (unsigned)dat-> w && (unsigned)(y) < (unsigned) dat->h

Occurred the first couple moves after walking in a newly loaded area. It occurs regularly.

Yep, I know about this one, and it'll be fixed for 0.1.3 on Monday :)

Congrats on the Alpha release!

The vast array of skills available is pretty overwhelming. I was happy to see some presets to choose from, but I would very much like to see either ADOM style or Ogre Battle character generation-- general questions about moral situations and stuff like that to generate our character. It may also be better if the skills are combined into sets-- would also be interesting if some skills aren't explicitly known to the player, but that's not remotely necessary either way.

I agree with some of the previous posts that the landscape can be a bit jarring, but it's obvious enough where trees and cliffs are. I did not, however, notice a Cyclops that blended very nicely into the terrain.

I assume the health/stats portion of the gui isn't up because we're invincible for now, correct? I love where the combat is going- only being able to hit the legs of the cyclops was pretty interesting. Will there be a variety of attack types and a combat economy revolving around stamina and stuff of that sort?

Lastly- I hit a crash shortly after running defeating the cyclops. I'm not sure what the cause was, but it happened when making a few moves after probing the full functionality of the current GUI.

Love the work put into it man- good job.

Firstly, thanks a lot for the positive feedback and comments! Specifics:

Skills are going to be changing significantly for 0.2.0, into a skill tree, effectively, and not all will be explicit or visible or similar from the start. It will make the origin of skills, damage etc much more explicit, and will also be more interesting, and have lots of if/or choices.

Yeah, creatures blending in and being hidden is a problem I need to think about a solution to. I'm considering simply inverting creatures and items, so they show up as a colored background and black foreground. Trying it out at the moment and seeing how it looks.

Ah, no, you're not invincible - use 'l' to Look, and then examine yourself. However, body parts and so on are going to change along with combat and skills for 0.2.0, so that's still in flux.

Do you have the log for the crash? :)

Excellent work on making the first release----keep at it on all the hot fixin' excitement and come end of July you should have a sizable expectant audience awaiting 0.2.0.   8)

So much moreso when you slay your cross-platform demons successfully as that'll be a major hurdle cleared.

Haha, thanks - trying to! See bottom of this message for details on that. As for cross-platform, I'm going to give OSX compiling a shot tonight on a Mac, but I'm not sure about Linux... a solution is needed!

I'm digging it so far. One thing I couldn't figure out was how to look at the health/injuries of my guy (army?), during and after combat.

Thanks - you want to use 'l' for 'Look' and examine your character.

It crashed two times for me. Both times was when the game loaded a new map-portion...
Seems cool though  ;D

Ah - a  lot of people are getting that but I can't recreate it, which is making it tricky to hunt down. Did you get an error log? And does it still happen in:

0.1.2c,, which is the final bug-fix for a while (I hope!)

It's just been released! Yikes. See more info @

Well, the time has come. After 15 months of one-man development, URR 0.1.0 (or rather, now 0.1.2b) has been released!

A lot more info can be found at

but you can generate a world, wander around, fight, and jump into a volcano. What more could you want? I'd love any feedback on anything from the UI to the world generation, or anything else. Combat is going to undergo a major shift for 0.2.0, but I'd still like to know what people think about its current status.

Well, hopefully just a week until 0.0.1! In the mean time, I've stuck up some examples of the many, many kinds of worlds you can generate in the game @ , for instance, the 'ice age' pangaea below:

  Oh sweet I was wondering if this one was going anywhere. Good to see.

  Left justify might make it more readable, have to agree with Darren there.

  I love these over ambitious monsters. Lol!

Thanks :) - yeah, I agree, I've left justified it now!

Latest: despite the recommendation, a lot this week has focused on mechanics like swimming, moving with damaged or broken legs, damaged or broken arms, climbing, dragging yourself along, sneaking... anyway, more in the devblog at I'd be interested to hear what people think about the mechanics listed in the entry re: damaged limbs and the ways they affect your speed.

Looks interesting and over-ambitious.  I really hope you have the long-term determination to see this through :)  I've been following on Twitter curious as to how this will pan out.

A few quick interface points:
 - Left-adjust the combat log text.  Hard to read at the mo.
 - Colour theme the log text so it's easy to see what's going well or bad.  "You miss" should be red, "you hit" green etc.  Don't use too many colours, and keep consistent.  Problem is the log is repetitive at the moment and it's easy to miss important details.  I don't care what type of club he's wielding, I only care if he breaks my arm off.
 - Group injuries together on the status window, and don't bother saying if something is uninjured.
 - Have a little rethink on the display of grass in that second screenshot.  At the moment it's messy, and it's hard to pick out the important details.  Too much colour is the biggest problem.  Stick to a small palette of similar colours, or preferably one constant colour.  Also I'd suggest . instead of : for the symbol to make it cleaner.

For future development I would suggest focussing on the combat and in particular getting multi-unit combat fun and interesting.  The rest of the game should surround this, as this is the unique point of the game that will hopefully stand out as the fun element.  Also, it's probably more fun to code.  Jumping and climbing are far less interesting.  You won't get anyone to play your game if it's an epic jumping simulator with a side of combat  ;)

Thanks for the feedback :). To take your points in order:

- Yes, it's hugely ambitious; I've been going about a year and a bit so far, and I don't anticipate completion even remotely soon, but I'm ok with that.

- I have tried left-adjusting the log, and I find it trickier to read. I might just put in an option for it to be centred/left adjusted the player can change. EDIT: having just tried it again quickly, I'm less opposed. I might make left default after all :).

- That screenshot was a tad out of date: the colour-coding is actually very consistent, though that doesn't show it. Red is critically bad, orange is bad, yellow is neutral, light green is good, green is very good, light grey is general, and activities relating to weapons display in the appropriate colour for their status (legendary, famed, whatever). The "you cannot wield that" messages are now yellow (and only showed up so often because I was trying lots of combinations!). Red is only for attacks that do serious damage to you, so they are rare and highly noticeable. Well, rare if you aren't being mauled, anyway :).

- The combat log has also been reduced, and in 0.0.2, I intend to chop it down further to two messages per attack. As well as color-coding, they have >> for messages to do with weapons, or [ for armor, and similar other codes. The issue is that there is a lot of information to impart - being blocked, stopped by armor, damage to armor, damage to flesh, bone, etc, and that's tough to cram into a single line, but I think 2 is feasible.

- What do you mean by group? In a large battle, only messages involving you or those (friend or foe) in square adjacent to you will get messages, otherwise there would simply be far too many...

- The grass has been changed a little, but the 'Tundra' ground colours still maintain the most variation. Currently, tundra looks like this:

which I think is acceptable. With that said, a few people have requested a 'simpler' version of the ground, so I may implement that later.

I fully take your point about movement, but combat cannot be fully created until you, and the AI, can exploit the full range of movements. I don't want to fully program AI and then add climbing or swimming and have to go back and add it to every AI. That's the reason I'm focusing on UI and world generation at the moment in order to lay the ground work for the future. As the development plan on my site says, a lot of 0.0.2 goals are other general mechanics that apply to all creatures (like food, encumbrance, etc) since I don't want to produce combat in detail until everything of that sort is in. With that said, you can still fight a few creatures in 0.0.1/2, but those are going to be very few and very basic until all the factors that affect creatures have been programmed!

Your comments have encouraged me to take a new screenshot, which I've stuck above instead of the old two! So, yellow denotes the act of attacking in combat, and then subsequent messages give detail. I do intend to reduce it down to just one or two messages for every attack, regardless of how (un)successful it is, but messages with that kind of 'component' structure are something I'm going to work on for 0.0.2.

Hi all! Now that it's approaching a first 0.0.1 release, I thought I'd post a proper thread about my current project:

Ultima Ratio Regum is the early stages of a `strategy roguelike`. It aims to eventually be a fusion of the two genres - rather than a strategy game where you command with omniscience (even in ancient eras), you instead command as an individual character also in the game. Orders must be issued in person; you can lose contact with distant armies; but the same mechanics affect the AI players who also lack omniscience and depend upon the knowledge of situations they themselves can garner. Worlds can be generated over a vast array of sizes, climates and types, with or without mythological elements, from several different eras (and technological levels), but all ultimately with no fixed objective but a world full of civilizations and factions to be allied with or battled against. It aims for depth in character development and world events, but with much in the 'middle' - constructing buildings, city growth, resource management - abstracted out (as other games exist which handle those well).

After a year of development, URR has been released in alpha version:

Here's a world map:

Full size @

In-game screenshot, fighting a stunned Cyclops and then 'Look'ing at yourself:

If you're interested, you can check my weekly-updated devblog at, follow my Twitter feed at!/UltimaRegum, or Like the FB page at

I'd love to answer any questions, comments, or what have you! As I said above, I'm aiming for 0.0.1 release on the 30th of June which is primarily a demo of the world generation, mechanics like walking, swimming, climbing, jumping etc, and a little bit of combat.

Programming / Re: Let's talk a bit about world map generation!
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:53:04 PM »
  I would assume the level of the lake is the same as the level of the lowest land adjacent to the lake. Or the lake would just sort of run out. Right? :-)
  Cliffs are fun to throw evil off of. And to jump down to escape the cowardly mooks that dare not follow you. You are probably wanting to make a realistic world with fewer cliffs. But in heroic fiction there is always plenty around.

Correcto; lowest level (almost always sea level) is the level for lakes. And there are some steep areas, but still no absolute cliffs; though you will be able to knock creatures off towers, bridges, ramparts, and similar areas instead!

A bit tangential perhaps to the goings on afoot here directly, but these folks are definitely figuring some stuff out bit by bit at a good clip as far as these sorts of things go.

Most interesting - an infinite world? I'll be keeping an eye on that project...

I have written a terrain/river generation program a long time ago, and the algorithm was simply something like "start river in a random point; while river has not reached the ocean, find the lowest pixel next to the river, and add it to the river". This algorithm did not generate meanders or deltas, but it did generate nice lakes (if the river falls into a local minimum, it fills all the land around it, until it breaks the wall). I am not an expert on rivers, but I have a feeling that flat lakes and rivers going strictly downwards are more natural (don't rivers carving through hills, subterranean rivers, canyons, and lakes with towering cliffs form simply because there is a kind of rock (limestone) which is very poor at blocking the water, effectively making the river generation algorithm treat it like air?). Anyway this was intended as just a fun simulation, not a game.

That description is very, very close to how rivers form in URR. They can carve valleys, but not that often, and they obviously head down-hill by default. Lakes form when a river cannot find an exit into a gorge, or an ocean square, and their depth is determined by a bunch of factors. Though, since swimming will hardly be a focus of the alpha, their depth and other factors will come much more into play later.

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