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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.1c (8th February 2013)
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:25:50 AM »
Name: Pesky Reticulans, Improvements, Moar Everything
Synopsis: Hacklike roguelike game with all kinds of aliens.
Version 2.1c (release #18) published 8th February 2013

DOWNLOAD: Windows --- Linux 32 bit --- Source code

List of bugs that were squashed:
  • Laser ray corners drawn when blind.
  • Most wrong tiles.
  • Torc when felt blindly is a torc, not a "bionic implant".
  • Identified keycards are named right.
  • Critical resistance shift bug fixed.
  • Starting equipment corrections.
  • Examining monkey wrench crashed the game. (thanks Robert)
  • Keypad 5 was not mapped in several keymaps. (thanks Legend)
  • Transportation ray gun was badly broken. (thanks Robert)
  • Crazy marines power armor crashed the game on generation.
  • Floppy disk of hypnosis printed totally freaked out message. (again, thanks Robert)
  • Makefile that caused problems is brought to much better shape.

That would be it. Current PRIME should be fully enjoyable until new version comes out.

No 64bit version for Linux. Sorry, the build machine is unavailable right now!
Changelog lists also few other changes:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.1b (23th January 2013)
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:36:53 PM »
Just wait till credits page is finished. All contributors to PRIME shall get their tiny piece of fame.

So far I have fixed help screen and improved build system. Still need to upgrade to newest NotEye. Then 2.1c should appear.

Programming / Re: I have 4.5k lines of code and no clue
« on: January 31, 2013, 04:05:39 PM »
I have a "roguelike". it's 4.5k lines of code. It's data driven, favours composition over inheritance, is very encapsulated, and it barely does anything. It hurts my head even thinking about it. Considering a re-write

PRIME is 45k lines of code not counting generated files. It is strongly data driven, uses hardly any composition or inheritance, is somewhat encapsulated.

The most often linked article at in response to questions about rewrites is this: . For good reason.

My problem is about structuring game. What does this class/module/method/object/function/whatever do? What's it responsible for? How do I group them? What knows about what? Where does this information go? It turns into a huge spider web of confusion for me.

This is a sign of trying to foresee everything.

Take executing a floppy disk of hacking in PRIME. You (here a monster/hero game instance) use two objects: a computer and the floppy disk. Should the doHack procedure be a member of shObject or shMonster (who does the hacking)? Hero->doHack (comp, disk) or ...? Should the object the function is called on behalf of be the computer or the floppy disk? comp->doHack (disk) or disk->doHack (comp)? Maybe it should stay a separate routine accepting both a computer and a floppy disk? Programming::doHack (hacker, comp, disk)?

Does not matter half as much as you might think. Quit worrying and pick one you like best. I am pretty sure no option will make coding things significantly harder for you. Making a decision propels you forward and *then* you may really examine the impact of your choice. Chances are you will not care much at that point because possible improvements stemming from choosing another approach are minuscule enough to not be worth the effort of switching.

Temple of the Roguelike / Re: Send your banners!
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:11:52 PM »
I confirm the above. Happened with banner for Wizard's Lair.

Slash, please modify PRIME banner to point at our new website: . Thank you!

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.1b (23th January 2013)
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:59:04 AM »
The problem with key repeating has been fixed in NotEye 6.4.

Good to know. The bugfix version shall upgrade.

I have downloaded the Linux 64-bit binary, tried to run ./prime, and got:

bash: ./prime: No such file of directory

No idea what this means, everything looks OK.

Executable incompatibility one way or another. I have to look at build system on the 64-bit machine.

Then I have downloaded the source, and compiled it, but I had to fix some problems (tablemaker was not compiled correctly, I had to enter its directory and "make" manually; i had do replace -llua with -llua5.1; I had to copy files from "data" to "user").

How was tablemaker not compiled correctly and why was it even needed? All files generated by the support program should come with the package already. Its there for people who would like to try modifying PRIME. Unless you called make clean which gets rid of some generated files.

In my system going with -llua5.1 will fail. Likewise for NotEye I have to add -lz and -lncurses to build command or it fails for me. Perhaps some GNU Autotools could help with resolving distribution differences like this but I dislike taking large things for small problems.

Copying files is done by "prepare" make target and is called by make prime (or just make). Have you invoked it when doing things by hand or did it fail somehow?

The help screen does not tell about the ESC key (which is very important), or the NotEye key.

My bad.

ASCII does not work in NotEye.

This is known deficiency and to be honest doing something about it is very low on to-do list. ASCII can be had by passing -a parameter so why bother?

Regarding official spoilers... I wonder whether to start a spoily strategy wiki page about Hydra Slayer... there are many interesting strategies there. On one hand I want to share my thoughts when creating stuff / discovered strategies, but on the other hand, this should be done by players, not by the author...

This is a difficult problem. Creating collection of bare facts about mechanics like PRIME spoilers do won't work for HS because it has most stuff exposed. I recall members of NetHack Dev Team sometimes provided clarifications to player-written spoilers but probably didn't write anything themselves. The latter approach could lead to situation "the author wrote spoiler on it so no point writing another" under assumption authors know their game best which would be loathsome thing to cause. Programmers do know game's internals best but that does not imply being good at the game at all. In Hydra Slayer's case I would wait with creating any such a wiki but it may then not happen at all.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Fame 0.8.3 Released
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:22:55 AM »
This is nice progress, although it might not be very visible to players. Bulletproof systems sure are good. Especially when my kind sit to play a game. :-) I will let you know if something catches my attention.

Temple of the Roguelike / Re: Spam question
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:54:37 PM »
Which does not mean it does not exist. I have reported merely three or four such posts during a few months so my information likely is outdated.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.1b (23th January 2013)
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:35:03 PM »
Ha ha ha. I also like it but what makes me laugh about it neither Psiweapon nor me anticipated it. Its Necklace of the Eye addition. Many pure ASCII roguelikes could benefit from it really. Such a beautiful piece of work I wonder why it has so few adopting projects when compared with the Chronicles of Doryen Library. Thus, to make it known PRIME now prints NotEye version inside game just under welcome screen.

Bad news: PRIME 2.1b has resistance shift bug. It is impossible to gain protection against radiation and thus cross Gamma Caves without dying. Victory might be still achievable with Ninjas who with a lot of skill can lock pick the retina scanner. Expect 2.1c to appear in near future. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Good news: we are planning for some more publicity friendliness. More screenshots on website (especially graphical mode), some development information what might be planned in new version and improved RogueBasin page. Works on the last are in progress. If anyone has any tips to share with us we are all ears.

Oh, we also have much awaited radiation spoiler!

PRIME Dev Team would like to thank Mendonca for his review of PRIME. It was a pleasant read and gave us an idea for a certain feature that is very likely to get implemented in next minor version.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Fame 0.8.2 Released
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:24:41 PM »
* AI rewritten from scratch

Now you piqued my curiosity. Would you like to share how the new AI behaves better?
Since much time has passed I think its good opportunity for me to try Fame again.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.1b (23th January 2013)
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:32:34 PM »
Gave this a quick try. It seems pretty cool.
Thank you! I'll address the issues you pointed out.

Couple things, I can't seem to be able to hold down a key and have it continuously be pressed. As in I can't hold down a direction key and have the character keep moving. I have to continuously tap the key.
NotEye thing. Haven't figured out how to enable it but works as expected in console mode. Try run mode command ('.' in angband keymap).

The "5" key doesn't seem to rest.
You must be using Angband keymap and indeed it leaves "5" unmapped. Until new version appears you can edit band_orig.cfg file and add line "rest = 5" somewhere. Thanks for the report!

Is there an explanation of the different key set types? 
No, but you can set one and hit "?" to see what is bound to what. I assumed only players familiar with various roguelikes would be interested in them and the rest would ignore it.

Is there a way to start the game in ascii console mode?
Supply -a parameter.

I'm guessing "buggy" is the same as cursed?
Mostly, yes.

Any chance of being able to make menu selections using the arrow keys and "Enter" key?
It could be implemented but I'm not very fond of it. This slows the gameplay somewhat when browsing large inventories. That and arrow keys are used to scroll. So far it has worked well in DoomRL but it does not feature scrolling menus.

Temple of the Roguelike / Re: Spam question
« on: January 24, 2013, 10:00:58 PM »
They get it too. However, here and in the incubator Brian has no moderator rights and thus cannot exterminate spam on sight. So it boils down to visits of Slash who purges these subboards. Good point, actually. I mailed Slash about the issue. Things should get resolved soon.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.1b (23th January 2013)
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:51:14 PM »
Name: Pesky Reticulans, Improvements, Moar Everything
Synopsis: Hacklike roguelike game with all kinds of aliens.
Version 2.1b (release #17) published 23th January 2013

DOWNLOAD: Windows --- Linux 32 bit --- Linux 64 bit --- Source code

After a longer pause PRIME comes back.  New toys in store are:

 - Five new ray gun types.  Some existing canisters that used
   to ruin empty ray guns now load them.

 - Graphical effects of guns and explosions are now properly
   drawn.  Developers recommend you have a look at least at
   a blaster pistol, a laser-emitting weapon and some grenades.

 - Computer viruses have been nerfed.  Getting your computer
   infected is no longer such a small disaster.  Floppy disks
   you know to be free of this menace are described 'clean'.

 - Some items have new interactions.  You can quaff fuel drums
   for example.  There are few cases when you would want to but
   when it comes down to this ... surely better than death.

 - Automatic doors may have their logic circuits inverted.  That
   is these open when you walk away from them and close when you

 - In graphical mode certain identified items have mini-icon
   indicating type displayed in top right corner.  Most ray guns,
   many canisters, and some other objects sport them.  

 - Skill screen now lists modifiers your abilities have on each
   of your skills.  Should help make better ability increase
   choices at level up.

 - Unidentified items may appear to belong in another category.

 - Swap command for easy exchange between two of your weapons.
   Be it a gun and a stick for meleeing or whatever other pair
   of gizmos you need to be quickly juggled.
   Thank you goes to Jim for this idea!

 - Some new toys: stabilizer belt, floppy disk of logic bomb,
   floppy disk of recursive loop and jump boots.
 - Canister names have much more meaning.  For example you can
   count on titanium canisters enduring a throw against a wall
   unless it contains volatile substance.

 - Confusion and stunning affect your aim.  Quaffing a beer or
   two and pointing that laser rifle around might have not quite
   the desired target hit.

 - Brain mold from ZapM 0.6.2 is back!

That would be about it for bigger changes.  Package also includes
several bug fixes.  Did you know Melnorme used to cheat you?  They
were fined and taught the proper behavior around armed customers.

Full (spoily) changelog is available at the website:

Classic Roguelikes / Re: ADOM Play #1
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:55:44 PM »
Heh, that's the problem with crowdfunding campaigns - everyone assumes they'll get exactly what they want out of it.  But hell, any responsiveness to change is good.  If you want something changed, suggest it!

Everyone assumes? Ah, here is the authoritative tone of yours again.

There are a hundred ways one could nerf dual shields. For example having second shield give no bonuses at all. Or even have it give its to-hit modifier but only if negative. That would still retain ADOM's uniqueness and get rid of the imbalance problem. I would prefer that much more since it effectively boils down to one shield plus empty hand defense wise. Sub-par all the way. However, walking through animated forest and casting farsight when it times out would remain convenient unlike current situation.

Also, some of the cool additions totally outweigh any slightly negative changes.  I'd take chaos knights and duelists over dual-shielding any day.

As far as "slightly" really is what it says on the tin. To me that trade is bad.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: ADOM Play #1
« on: January 14, 2013, 07:52:16 PM »
Clearly wizards and archers going about with two shields was unintended behaviour

Assumption. Two shields only granted DV bonus from better one suggesting that option was thought out.

Spear + shield is not much better, I admit, but it's a bit less cheap and easy.

Having won ADOM I respectfully disagree. The spear + shield is better because it leaves you means of melee when you need it. Double shield just doesn't compare.

ADOM was also the only game where dragons doubled the gold they picked up and shopkeepers could be trivially killed in darkness.  Just because a bug has become established doesn't mean it should be accepted.

Well, this is a bug. It certainly hurts the balance and has nothing to do with flavor or theme. Since the two shields was nerfed why more overpowered combination of Spartan spear and shield was not?

Personally I'm quite happy that "pressure to satisfy backers" hasn't become a load of nerds screaming "Noooo, don't change that, noooo!"  The ADOM community has proven itself to be surprisingly progressive in gameplay reform and rebalancing.

I like many changes too. Especially breaking RoDS wish engine. Still, I can't help but think some things Thomas does are not for the best. Back when ADOM was running its campaign I was unemployed and missed out on backer benefits. Today I am glad that no money was spent.

No one actually suggested disabling casting with 2 shields on by the way - the complaint was made that double-shielding with casters was ridiculously better than any other option and should be balanced somehow - it was Thomas' idea to implement things as they are.

I have read the thread. Of course it was his idea - just look at the votes. Sure it is not representative (only 13 in total) but does show something. Well, maybe in future he will reconsider. The change annoyed me despite I very rarely use two shields. Two people said two shields were better than other options and their arguments are feeble. Many more argued two shields is unrealistic. TB does not justify his changes. Frankly, he does not have to. In this case it looks to me he was going with the stronger voices arguing you can't point to direct a spell with a shield. As if you need to do this.

For now I'll go with Jo's suggestion.

Programming / Re: Which name is best?
« on: January 13, 2013, 08:54:28 PM »
Picked first. Options two and four sound especially bad. For them to work one should have something like "Incursion: Halls of the Goblin King". "Doom 2 - Hell on Earth". A short (preferably single word) name followed by a hyphen or colon and then by subtitle feels okay. Fifth option just sounds so plain it is unmemorable.

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