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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Abura Tan, compiled for Linux?
« on: October 03, 2013, 10:57:53 PM »
Going good I see. The operator puzzles me. Sorry, no idea how to fix it.

A curious thing is the mechanic that lets you see monsters outside of your FOV is gameplay decision:

Design / Re: Hidden Uses of Items
« on: October 03, 2013, 10:38:14 PM »
I absolutely love this mechanic, and immediately reached for SLASH'EM because I could not have enough from NetHack itself.  Then came player patches applied on top of the game. Even more variety!

Some interactions are weird to me like why eating a lizard corpse in NetHack stops stoning. Other actions like wielding a potion in ADOM to hit with it make more sense. Some are funny. In ZapM drinking beer banishes fear (liquid courage). In Crawl when poison resistant you can drink potions of poison as sustenance. Ain't this great?

I saw the screenshot is from Linux terminal so here is excerpt from my .bashrc:
Code: [Select]
function normalcolors
if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
echo -en "\e]P0000000" #black
echo -en "\e]P8555555" #darkgrey
echo -en "\e]P1AA0000" #darkred
echo -en "\e]P9FF5555" #red
echo -en "\e]P200AA00" #darkgreen
echo -en "\e]PA55FF55" #green
echo -en "\e]P3AA5500" #brown
echo -en "\e]PBFFFF55" #yellow
echo -en "\e]P40000AA" #darkblue
echo -en "\e]PC5555FF" #blue
echo -en "\e]P5AA00AA" #darkmagenta
echo -en "\e]PDFF55FF" #magenta
echo -en "\e]P600AAAA" #darkcyan
echo -en "\e]PE55FFFF" #cyan
echo -en "\e]P7AAAAAA" #lightgrey
echo -en "\e]PFFFFFFF" #white
clear #for background artifacting
Edit hex values for colors to suit you, invoke the function (or just put the call in startup file) and enjoy.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Abura Tan, compiled for Linux?
« on: October 02, 2013, 11:59:00 PM »
Eliminating most warnings was among the first things I did after officially taking care of Zap'M. They maybe were not the most urgent thing but very likely more than one bug was eliminated by fixing what the compiler sneered at. So you do the right thing by getting that dealt with early. However, I just couldn't resist adding another type of grenade meanwhile. Perhaps try modifying something else before all the effort drains your stamina.

Maybe, just maybe Abura Tan will become for you what Zap'M has become for me. A major project.

He also just had to write his own string and list classes.
Sounds familiar. Zap'M has its own vector class but the author noted in the comments he is aware of SDL container supplying this functionality. On the other hand his implementation is quite good. In the end I decided not to bother with replacing it.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: ARRP - PRIME 2.3a release
« on: October 02, 2013, 12:01:33 AM »
Finally I am back from the land of no internet. It wasn't half bad but it sure felt too serene.

Psiweapon told about major changes in this release. I would like to add this: PRIME not only gains new stuff. More monsters, items or mutant powers enrich what the game has to offer. Perhaps less apparent but no less important are additions of little details, the interactions between objects that seem obvious when you think of them but stumbling on the idea is not as straightforward. Ever tried zapping transportation ray gun downwards at things? From 2.3 this can cause acid rain or falling vats from sky if you are not careful ... and this is just two examples.

Have fun and please report any nasty bugs you may stumble upon.  Also, we are open to hearing feature requests, even the weirdest ideas for content or any of your thoughts about the game. We do have a big wish list file but this thing can never get too large. Moreover, greater list means more choice of stuff to implement or pixel.

Here is screenshot of megabyte breath.  This shot is taken in debug mode of development version but the ftp daemon weapon art is there in 2.3.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: The future of Nethack
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:40:55 PM »
My favorite NetHack variant is SLASH'EM which really is not developed anymore. On the other hand NetHack has NetHack 4 which in my eyes is worthy successor.  This approach nets me new version of NetHack every so often. Problem solved! :-)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Abura Tan, compiled for Linux?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:54:52 PM »
I do remember it.  The crashing at intervals was recognized fault of the Abura Tan itself because it is buggy.  Still, DOSBox (or whatever you used to make it work) may multiply the crashes so I sat and compiled it.  The package contains compiled binary but if it refuses to work for you delete it and run make in this directory.  Also, the source has been slightly modified to please g++ version 4.8.1.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: April 13, 2013, 07:56:38 AM »
Release 2.2a is available on website. However, there have been additional bug reports and 2.2b may appear soon.

Xel'Naga problem is no more! Acid pits actually stay at their original depth. Turns out climbing out of them was a ten-turn action and this dealt horrible piles of damage often killing characters. There are other issues fixed and, that probably is greatest accomplishments, more than half crashes is caught. Unfortunately that does not guarantee you will be able to load the resulting savefile though!

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: April 09, 2013, 09:46:41 AM »
Another instadeath events, that imho aren't ok:
 - pit with an acid is fatal and you can't do anything if you fall there.
 - when going downstairs, there is a chance to appear in aliens nest. In that case character sometimes don't appear on the stair tile, resulting in almost certain death. I'm not sure is it a bug or funny joke.

Acid pit can be climbed out of like any other pit so should be more of a danger to your equipment than to yourself. On the other hand it is overpowered against reticulans who have very little HP. I think they will be relegated to appear at lower depths. If you found jump boots wear them to get out of pits in single turn.

Landing inside an alien nest is not a bug, it is a challenge. However, getting displaced because something other spawned on stairs certainly is wrong. This shall be addressed in 2.2a.

If aliens themselves or getting facehuggers present problems how about consulting aliens spoiler?

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: April 07, 2013, 09:30:08 PM »
Ronw23, thank you! I added link your repository on front page. For next version I will do my best to include these changes so compiling for Mac with NotEye is straightforward.

So far all my attempts to reproduce the bug Kipar mentioned have failed. Perhaps it is exclusive to Win7 x64. If so I am likely to have an opportunity to test this later this month. At the moment my programming time is going to catching crashes instead. If the bug is random it may be possible to continue game after getting emergency save. If it is made reproducible through savefile it could be sent to me for examination. Either way it sounds like a good idea.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:37:16 AM »
PRIME is supposed to print my email every game so that I don't have to include it in my profile where it is vulnerable to spambots. :-)

Log doesn't feature crash data but has all the stuff you did previously in a game. Thank you for putting it out there. Information you gave me restricts the problem area to fight code.  It did not change that much in recent versions so there is good chance the bug shall be caught soon.

For next release there should be emergency save mechanism.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: March 30, 2013, 08:27:07 AM »
@Jo: Kheh, no, anal probes are not helpful in getting rid of parasitic infestation. Funny idea you got. :-) The facehugger hugs your face (duh!) so you may want to drink something unhealthy to kill that maturing chestburster. Another way is to get cesarean section.

@Kipar: Your crash log is in user/dbg.kipar.txt file. Found what the problem is with Xel'Naga - finding a door in graphical mode calls a method on a null pointer. Yuck! Problem fixed, expect a patch for download this evening. If you have core file in you directory I would be obliged if you mailed it to me. I'll check out what happened to that dissident.

Edited 31.03: I received more bug reports. Bugfix release date moved to early April.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / PRIME 2.2 (27th March 2013)
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:16:33 PM »
Name: Pesky Reticulans, Improvements, Moar Everything
Synopsis: Hacklike roguelike game with all kinds of aliens.
Version 2.2 (release #20) published 27th March 2013

First PRIME version appeared in March 2012.  It is March 2013 now so we celebrate a year of development with release 2.2!

Downloads Windows --- Linux i386 --- Linux x86_64 --- Source code

Visit our website:

This release brings:
  • First and foremost a ton of fixes.  Changelog contains over fifty entries dedicated to eradicated bugs.
  • Graphical mode has minimap.
  • New stuff: asbestos jumpsuits and asbestos jackets, webbing grenades and motoric coordinator bionic implant.
  • New creatures: sewer worms, spiders and vulture spider mines.
  • New shop type: Imbibing Parlor!  Guess what is sold. :-)
  • You can now switch to NotEye's ASCII mode.  It finally works.
  • In graphical mode you can hold left alt to see whole map.
  • Using blank floppy disks has whole new interface!  There is help file available and chances of success are shown.  They may not be totally precise if you haven't identified your stuff though.
  • Spam may ask you to donate to charity for a change.  Local shop owners may advertise their wares.
  • You can dismantle rad traps using repairing tools.
  • Some status effect show countdown.  For example drowning does that.  Being in pit also tells you how far you are from climbing out.  To know other timeouts install health monitor implant.
  • Creeping Credits only keep two third of money they steal from you.  They're no longer good banking service.
  • Restoration modified.  Canister bugginess state now influences its effect.  Ray guns restore less but are still preferable to canisters.  Related docbot service is also better.
  • Space Orcs recover from damage faster.  They have better regeneration rate and gain restoration effect every level.  Good for your janitors.

Full changelog also available for the curious or inquisitive.

7DRLs / Re: Can you find Rodney?
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:01:48 PM »
Yesterday I reached level 23 where a dragon toasted me. Didn't get "you die" message. The game just restarted. It was just after I drank healing potion. Possibly my new hit points were not enough to survive a hit from the beast. Argh.

Other problems:
1) With backflip power you can enter walls.


Move northwest. Under this logic backflip should place you into a wall ... so it does not happen and you go forward instead of checking for wall jump which would be appropriate here. Also, I wait with taking backflip as long as possible because it ruins wall jump in many cases.

2) Nymphs may steal equipped items. Then these disappear from your inventory but are still wielded / worn. You get more space without having to drop things.

Yes, this game is definitely fun. I would go as far as saying it is the first time you managed to capture the joy of playing original Rogue in 7DRL.

I think lost strength from ants is not recoverable on purpose. Lost max hp from wraiths cannot be restored even by drinking healing potions at full health.

Edit: My browser is Opera and, like Jo, I had to hit space first to be dropped in the dungeon.

Challenges / Re: Slash's 7DRLs retrospective
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:53:15 PM »
I remember RULER most fondly. DrashRL is close second. Somehow Castlevania did not impress me as much. Expedition was fun too because it was a fresh approach but once I lost interest there was no incentive to go back. In a way, it was too novel and distant from usual dungeon hack and slash.

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