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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / TinyCurses 0.9e released!
« on: May 26, 2009, 06:04:31 AM »
This is mostly a bugfix version. It should be easier to include and use, though. I was planning on including binaries for mingw and MSVC, but that's going to take more time.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / The greatness of TinyAngband
« on: May 17, 2009, 11:51:52 PM »
I recently started playing TinyAngband, and have absolutely become addicted. I love the idea of an Angband variant that is much faster and shorter than other versions of Angband. TinyAngband is not exactly a coffeebreak roguelike, because it requires at least a few hours to beat. But, it only contains 27 small dungeon levels and your character progresses much, much faster. It's really fun and quite addictive. Though, it makes me wonder about what an Angband variant would be like that you could beat inside of an hour. Maybe only 10 dungeon levels? Anyway, TinyAngband is quite addicting and I highly recommend more people try it out!

New version of tinycurses. Lots and lots of changes, probably invalidated a 1/4 of the documentation. Anyway, added an mvprintw and mvaddch function. Lots and lots of things were fixed, most notably getstr now takes a length and is really quite nice about user input. Basic alpha blending functionality is there, but not as intended. Currently, anything placed on a layer other than 0 with a character other than ' ' (space) will display with an alpha value of 200. Of course, eventually you'll be able to specify the alpha for each tile, but this is just what I have right now. Everything else should work better than it used to, colors aren't changed on calls to printwext or clear.

Also, I majorly cleaned up the source code, it should be much better for including into things. I added the standard ifndef stuff, and put prototypes of all the functions at the top for ease of reference. Also, I renamed all global variables used in the library to start with TC_, that way they don't interfere with any variables of yours, but you can still access them.

Released another new version. This one is a small change, but it fixes a large bug. I wasn't properly writing everything to be included by more than one file, since most of my recent engines have been a single file. I've changed this, so TinyCurses should now compile without errors in projects with more than a single file. You'll need to include with your project and build TinyCurses.c when you build your application, though.

Get it here:

Edit; Here's a screenshot:

I just released a new version of TinyCurses. It fixes a lot of rather large bugs, and implements some functionality that should have been there to begin with. Among other things:

- Printw now accepts everything that stdio's printf does.
- getstr now works correctly.
- All functions return what they're listed to in the documentation (Mostly 0).
- All functions should accept any input without crashing.
- Still no transparency support yet :( Sorry. It's finals.

Still a lot to do. Currently, any function that accepts a color (like printwext) changes the color of all text placed after it until the user of the library calls "color". I thought this was a good idea at first, but now I find it really annoying. In the next version, the color of text placed with addch or printw will only change if you call "color". Aside from that, I should really get transparency up and running, but I've been lazy. And I've been working on finals.

Get it here:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / TinyCurses v0.9 released!
« on: April 18, 2009, 12:18:34 PM »
I've been working on a rather strange curses-like library called TinyCurses. Today, I released the first source code version. Since it's the first version, it isn't very tested and is likely to be a bit buggy. Also, alpha blending is not operational yet, but will be in a future version. You can find out more information about TinyCurses on it's website, here:
TinyCurses is notable for it's support of Unicode and 32-Bit RGB color. It uses SDL and SDL_ttf.

Here's a screenshot:

Programming / How to make sure every tile connects.
« on: April 11, 2009, 04:49:58 AM »
I keep hearing about people who are having problems with their dungeon generator not connecting a bunch of rooms. So, here's an easy way to make sure that everything connects. First, you'll need an array of integers the size of the dungeon. Fill this array with the number -1 to start. Number every tile the player can walk on sequentially using the array, such that every tile that the player can walk on has a different number in the array.

Then loop over the array repeatedly. Any location in the array where one number is next to a different number, change the location's number to the different number. Further, change all places in the array that contain the location's old number to the new number. Don't change any numbers to -1 under any circumstances, ever.

Once that's done, find any two different numbers on the map, and connect those two locations. Then change every tile that contains the first number to the second number. Do this until there are no different numbers on the map. If you want a really good map, I suggest always picking the two closest different numbers, instead of picking two at random. Again, never pick any tile that has a -1.

Congratulations, every tile on your map is now guaranteed to connect. Here's a small example of how this goes:

Code: [Select]
Starting with:


First we number all the empty tiles, and place -1 anywhere we can't walk (On all the #s in this case). To make things look nice, I'm going to leave those as # instead of -1. Here's what we have after:


Now anywhere where a number is next to a different number the old number is changed to the new one. Here's an example in a number of steps:





Now we chose any two different numbers and connect them with some kind of hall, anything will work as long as those two spots are guaranteed to be connected.


And viola! All parts of the map are connected :)

Other Announcements / Rogue creator has blog.
« on: March 26, 2009, 12:40:03 AM »
For those who haven't seen it yet (I hadn't), one of the creators of Rogue has a blog. It's located here: . There is also an address for his house on his homepage, and living near Sacramento California, I am highly tempted to drive down in the hopes of meeting him. But alas, my visit would probably not be appreciated. Still, might send him home baked cookies some time. Or if the Roguelike community ever wanted to present him with some sort of plaque or statue or something, I could hand deliver it. Or not.

Other Announcements / #rgrd Temple of the Roguelike IRC chatroom.
« on: October 22, 2007, 11:13:50 AM »
You can connect using a variety of IRC programs. The popular, like mIRC, or my favorite irssi.

The server is port 6667, room #rgrd.

Feel free to stop by to talk about anything. You don't have to talk about Roguelikes or anything else. It's a general channel for the community.

Other Announcements / Kharne returns.
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:01:20 AM »
Recently it was posted to a roguelike newsgroup that Kharne is returning. I'm rather happy, I used to play Kharne before it was even called Kharne. I forget what it used to be called. Anyway, I think it's awesome that this roguelike is back so I thought I'd post a topic about it. Any old players hanging around?

Temple of the Roguelike / Just a question.
« on: September 30, 2007, 05:09:52 AM »
This is a rather strange question I realize, but who did the symbol for Temple of the Roguelike? That thing is awesome.

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