Thanks for the quick reply and good luck with your development.
Word of recall sounds like an excellent idea. So does Carcassia.

I know there're secret stuff out there that I haven't discovered yet. I still have my save after killing Amaurosis, and I plan to play some more once I'm done playing in the Crawl tourney.
The consequences of leaving with unpaid goods are fairly obvious, but the problem is that the shopkeeper makes no attempt to actually stop you from doing that so it's easy to slip and forget to pay before leaving. It's almost as if the shopkeeper was more interested in obtaining an excuse to kill you than actually doing business (which might actually be true? lol).
One issue I forgot to mention yesterday is that artifact weapons seems a little too biased toward long blades. Bloodsinger is a sword, one of the two artifacts in Wintersea Keep is a sword, the Exile's quest reward is a sword, Heart's Fury is a sword, even the warrior crowning gift is a sword. I would suggest making the different weapon types more balanced.
Speaking of the Exile, this is strictly personal opinion but I think his reaction should be stronger when he learns that [spoiler]his sister had landed on an ogre-infested hellhole and was brutally murdered and eaten. (I believe that's what happened, anyway)[/spoiler]
Also, may I ask what prompted you to make amulets # rather than ' as in most roguelikes? Makes them rather hard to spot in cavernous dungeons since they look like walls.
On hotkeys: thanks for remapping look to x! But there's another one that I found really annoying. The inventory (not the equipments screen) can be accessed to via i -> Y or I, but both requires holding down shift which is quite obnoxious considering how often you need to look at your inventory. In ADOM the inventory can be accesssed by i -> v which is a lot better.
Yes, I'm fine with being credited as ssteam.