Early Dev / Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« on: December 31, 2016, 11:12:02 AM »
*Hey guys, first off happy new year, secondly while not including anything groundbreaking this is the most items in one update ever, just in time for the new year! I've added tons of new race modifications, tons of new faces, a few new races, tons of changes and modifications to the game, there are now natural disasters, better slavery, mercenary information and **THE ABILITY TO ADD YOUR OWN RACES INTO THE GAME THROUGH A SPECIAL IN GAME TOOL**, have fun!*
**Major new features**
* Added tons of chins to human face generator tons of new faces (Was 3.2 quadrillion NOW 10.1 Quadrillion possible faces)
* Added tons of Mutant faces (Was 657 trillion Now 2 Quadrillion)
* Added more troll head tops creating tons of new troll faces (was 912 million, now 6.6 billion)
* Added Ability to add your own races to the game from the extras menu!
* Added Godlings Race to the game (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Cthuul Race to the game (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Description of merc units proficiency to merc screen (credit u/Muramas)
* Added Independent units to the troop count screen (credit u/Muramas)
* Added independent vassals send you half of their peasant recruits each turn
* Added 1 in 75 chance of natural disaster each year (10 different kinds) (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added kingdoms can now be either pro slavery, anti slavery, or not have slavery but not care about it
* Added kingdoms will not trade or ally with those who have slaves or slave soldiers (credit u/Crayolaclock)
* Fixed Jesters face turning yellow after joke told
* Fixed Major event report ruler dies of old age bug
* Fixed Major event report bandit leader dies of old age bug
* Fixed 3 broken spacing building tiles
* Fixed friend of the fearful artifact hall spacing bug
* Fixed buying land from independents only works for mercantile kingdoms, costs (150k / kingdoms land), requires no soldiers
* Fixed throne encounter text spacing bug
* Fixed magic farm using the wrong area code bug (credit u/Muramas)
* Fixed throne room not working with ascii free version of game (credit u/Muramas)
* Fixed shallowrock mine extra miners bug (credit u/crayolaclock)
* Fixed mercs minimum battlescore from 1 to 30
* Fixed throne room variables not being saved
* Fixed coin thrown in well but have no gold message not showing up
**New races and race modifications**
* Added Two-Headed races have two heads in face generator!
* Added random Cthuul face generator to generators (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added 21 x Demigod faces! (was 1679616 now 35271936!)
* Added Eldritch race prefix (credit u/PJvG) (Doomed, Evil)
* Added Holy race prefix (credit u/PJvG) (Enlightened, Good)
* Added Unholy race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Undead race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Resurrected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Invisible (always) race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Invisible (at will) race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Resurrected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Scaly race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Infected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Purging race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Primordial race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Solar race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Lunar race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Infernal race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Terestrial race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Chaotic race prefix
* Added barely functional twoheaded race prefix
**Throne Room Encounters**
* Added three new responses for the rebel plotter throne room encounter
* Fixed rebel plotter encounter being too common
* Added Chaos Orb discovered rare throne room encounter
* Added Visited by the wagon man throne room encounter (rare)
* Added 7 variants of soldier wants to join your army throne room encounter
* Added Farmers family were killed by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers prized chicken was killed by rebels throne room encounter
* Added Farmers son was killed fighting rebels throne room encounter
* Added Farmer wants to do his duty throne room encounter
* Added Farmer wants to fight for the country encounter
* Added Farmers farm was burned by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers land was ruined by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers children were eaten by goblins throne room encounter
* Buffed Throne room visitors quantity
* Decreased amount of throne room visitors who leave each turn
* Made nervous rebel encounter 4x rarer
**Everything Else**
* Added 5 building tiles
* Added 12 Variant the world is full of mystery screens
* Nerfed vassilisation requirement to 4x troops instead of 5x
* Added special message to independent diplomacy screen if all kingdoms are vassals
* Added Basket of Magical fruit throne room encounter
*Hey guys, first off happy new year, secondly while not including anything groundbreaking this is the most items in one update ever, just in time for the new year! I've added tons of new race modifications, tons of new faces, a few new races, tons of changes and modifications to the game, there are now natural disasters, better slavery, mercenary information and **THE ABILITY TO ADD YOUR OWN RACES INTO THE GAME THROUGH A SPECIAL IN GAME TOOL**, have fun!*
**Major new features**
* Added tons of chins to human face generator tons of new faces (Was 3.2 quadrillion NOW 10.1 Quadrillion possible faces)
* Added tons of Mutant faces (Was 657 trillion Now 2 Quadrillion)
* Added more troll head tops creating tons of new troll faces (was 912 million, now 6.6 billion)
* Added Ability to add your own races to the game from the extras menu!
* Added Godlings Race to the game (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Cthuul Race to the game (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Description of merc units proficiency to merc screen (credit u/Muramas)
* Added Independent units to the troop count screen (credit u/Muramas)
* Added independent vassals send you half of their peasant recruits each turn
* Added 1 in 75 chance of natural disaster each year (10 different kinds) (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added kingdoms can now be either pro slavery, anti slavery, or not have slavery but not care about it
* Added kingdoms will not trade or ally with those who have slaves or slave soldiers (credit u/Crayolaclock)
* Fixed Jesters face turning yellow after joke told
* Fixed Major event report ruler dies of old age bug
* Fixed Major event report bandit leader dies of old age bug
* Fixed 3 broken spacing building tiles
* Fixed friend of the fearful artifact hall spacing bug
* Fixed buying land from independents only works for mercantile kingdoms, costs (150k / kingdoms land), requires no soldiers
* Fixed throne encounter text spacing bug
* Fixed magic farm using the wrong area code bug (credit u/Muramas)
* Fixed throne room not working with ascii free version of game (credit u/Muramas)
* Fixed shallowrock mine extra miners bug (credit u/crayolaclock)
* Fixed mercs minimum battlescore from 1 to 30
* Fixed throne room variables not being saved
* Fixed coin thrown in well but have no gold message not showing up
**New races and race modifications**
* Added Two-Headed races have two heads in face generator!
* Added random Cthuul face generator to generators (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added 21 x Demigod faces! (was 1679616 now 35271936!)
* Added Eldritch race prefix (credit u/PJvG) (Doomed, Evil)
* Added Holy race prefix (credit u/PJvG) (Enlightened, Good)
* Added Unholy race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Undead race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Resurrected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Invisible (always) race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Invisible (at will) race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Resurrected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Scaly race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Infected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Purging race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Primordial race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Solar race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Lunar race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Infernal race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Terestrial race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Chaotic race prefix
* Added barely functional twoheaded race prefix
**Throne Room Encounters**
* Added three new responses for the rebel plotter throne room encounter
* Fixed rebel plotter encounter being too common
* Added Chaos Orb discovered rare throne room encounter
* Added Visited by the wagon man throne room encounter (rare)
* Added 7 variants of soldier wants to join your army throne room encounter
* Added Farmers family were killed by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers prized chicken was killed by rebels throne room encounter
* Added Farmers son was killed fighting rebels throne room encounter
* Added Farmer wants to do his duty throne room encounter
* Added Farmer wants to fight for the country encounter
* Added Farmers farm was burned by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers land was ruined by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers children were eaten by goblins throne room encounter
* Buffed Throne room visitors quantity
* Decreased amount of throne room visitors who leave each turn
* Made nervous rebel encounter 4x rarer
**Everything Else**
* Added 5 building tiles
* Added 12 Variant the world is full of mystery screens
* Nerfed vassilisation requirement to 4x troops instead of 5x
* Added special message to independent diplomacy screen if all kingdoms are vassals
* Added Basket of Magical fruit throne room encounter