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Messages - doulos05

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Programming / Re: DIY programming language
« on: August 03, 2016, 06:27:49 AM »
6. Why have 'auto' at all? Why not just determine the type? a=10; //int, a=1.0; //floating point, a="string"; //string
Python does this. I used to think it was awesome, but it just makes it easier to shoot yourself in the foot during variable reassignments. Sure, it lets you do a free cool things, but I'm unconvinced it's worth the couple of keystrokes saved. Also, typed variables make reading your code almost infinitely easier because it reminds you what that variable is (making it stand out more clearly if you have a mismatch of some sort).

Programming / Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« on: June 25, 2016, 06:11:33 AM »
Does visual studio work on Linux? I'm installing on a Chromebook, not a Windows machine.

Design / Re: Corridors considered harmful
« on: June 21, 2016, 11:08:01 PM »

That interpretation is too simplistic. It might work for Rogue or the first few Nethack levels, but more advanced terrain gen exists, you know.
Right, I understand that advanced terrain gen exists. If you'll read what I said again, I didn't say that corridors don't serve a useful purpose, I asked what purposes they serve. Here are two fairly obvious purposes that they serve.
1) They are the route through which players and monsters move from room to room within a dungeon level.
2) They demonstrate the geographic relation of the rooms within a dungeon level.

I can think of at least 2 more:
3) They support/develop the exploration aspect of Roguelikes.
4) They provide safe(ish) places for players to recover health in roguelikes with a resting recovery mechanic.

Rather, the challenges that you are whisked between are the floors, and room/corridor/cave/city/forest structure is just a terrain feature in that challenge.

Yes, but why? Why couldn't you create largish, complicated rooms and have them move from room to room via a dialogue box? I'm using the term 'room' loosely here. What I really mean is a compact, contiguous segment of dungeon. Compact here means no long corridors.

That said, the main purpose of a corridor is generally a chokepoint area. Complicate gameplay by restricting space.

And mushroom patch's argument is that chokepoints help the player too much and force reliance on their presence in order to adequately deal with enemies.

That's what I was asking.

5)The provide chokepoints which players can use tactically to control conflicts.

Are there any other things they contribute? Because the only thing listed in this post that looks hard to implement using just rooms is exploration, and that's largely down to room design.

Design / Re: Corridors considered harmful
« on: June 21, 2016, 10:20:18 AM »
I would play a roguelike where you tackled one room and then got whisked off to a new one, no corridors. It's all about what game mechanical action they serve. If the only thing they do is carry the player from one challenge to the next with there only choice being which door you kick open, that can be handled with a dialog box and an ASCII cut scene. What other purpose could they serve though? I'm not asking rhetorically, what are some purposes beyond "transition from room to room that demonstrates that these rooms stand in some relation to each other geographically"?

Was this actually Krices first ever attempt at humour? If so it *almost* was funny. But it probably wasn't meant to be humorous, so I guess all is right with the world once again.

I took it as questioning my sanity. As in, "Why the hell would you do that to yourself? Go do something more fun and ignore the roguelike for a while!

On an unrelated note, a Python question about dictionaries and functions for those who know. I want to keep my key bindings in a Python dictionary. I also don't want to have 8 different movement functions (one for each direction). How can I store both the function and it's options in a dictionary? I tried nesting dictionaries but it's just not working for me. I'll start a new post with coffee snippets as soon as I recover from this crazy work day.

Programming / Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:10:56 AM »
Just read the description. I'll have to try to figure out the examples on Roguebasin.

I might use BearLibTerminal, though. We'll see. I'm quite far into the curses implementation, though it does have the unfortunately side effect of being not square, but rectangular.

Programming / Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:52:35 AM »
doulos05, if console window (fonts, sprites, etc.) is all you need from libtcod, then you may find BearLibTerminal useful. It does not have a proper pip package yet, but it is just two files (.so and .py) which should be fairly easy to set up. And well, as the library's author, I am somewhat interested in how it would work on chromebook.
Does it do FOV? I've just gotten to that stage in the tutorial and, well, the tutorial just says, "Here, use this function call to the libtcod FOV code!." Which... doesn't help me write my own at all."

Is it possible you tried to install Pygame for Python 2.7 on top of a Python 3 installation? There is a separate archive for compatability with Python 3. Also, if you're on Linux, shouldn't you be able to do something like "apt-get install python-pygame"?

On a lighter note, if you haven't already stumbled upon it, I always found this little article to be inspirational (but not to be taken literally, of course).

As always,
I have both pythons installed because most of my code is written for Python2.7 and I don't plan to update it to 3.x because I rarely, if ever, run it. Despite my best efforts, I could not get it to work. Since I'm more interested in working on a Roguelike than chasing down compatibility issues, I will keep working with my current rig until I get to something too complex for me to figure out without a library.

I've got code up to implementing the map created. If someone was feeling really generous and wanted to have a look at it and let me know what they thought, I'd appreciate it. Quick note though, this is literally the first time someone I don't know has looked at code I've written. Please be nice, I'm looking for actionable criticism like "When I do (x), I usually do it this way." Rather than just "That's a pretty crappy way to do (x), what were you thinking?!"

which cost me a grand total of 4.5 hours of coding time spent staring at various g++ compiler errors

Why did you stare at compiler errors for 4.5 hours?
Well, first cffi wouldn't compile because my g++ wasn't up to date. Then tdl wouldn't compile because the correct SDL libraries weren't installed. Then libtcod wouldn't compile because 32bit vs. 64bit. So I switched to pygame and pygcurses for Windows compatibility. Which promptly refused to compile to Python3, though it happily did so for python2.7. At this point, I was about to throw in the towel completely when I read that codeanywhere gives you an SSH term inside your browser, meaning I can do it all from inside Chrome on my chromebook.

Incubator / practicerl - A Practice Roguelike for me practice with!
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:20:25 PM »
I like roguelikes, and so I want to try creating one. At first, I'll simply be following the libtcod for python tutorial to get a hang of how this works. But, due to technical errors (errors which cost me a grand total of 4.5 hours of coding time spent staring at various g++ compiler errors going "********* THIS IS WHY I USE INTERPRETED LANGUAGES!") it will be implemented in Python 3.4.3 using just the builtin curses library.

I fully expect that to lead to all kinds of... fun when I get to things like A*, FOV, and level creation, but that's the limitations imposed by my dev environment. On a related note, if anybody has experience getting libtcod, cffi, and/or tdl to install on a 64 bit Chromebook and would like to share that with me, I'd be most grateful if you could pass that wisdom on.

Right now, this repo just has my curses test to ensure curses would even work using a CodeAnywhere container, and a readme describing in more detail just what I'm hoping to accomplish. Feedback is welcome, but anybody telling me to try another language will be ignored. I'm doing this as a hobby for fun in my free time. My day job already has me learning Javascript. Until I learn that, I'm not going to try picking up Ruby, Java, or (God forbid) C++ so I can do a fun hobby in my free time. And I'm not implementing anything as complex as a Roguelike in Javascript. I'd rather beat my brains out with a large hammer.

Programming / Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« on: June 05, 2016, 06:20:13 AM »
3 hours. 3 hours!? I realize some of this is the slow internet connection in this cafe. But I have spent 3 hours trying to get TDL for python working in Crouton on my Chromebook. Django worked in 10 minutes. Eclipse also! After 3 hours, I have hit a wall because I'm running 64 bit (like, you know, the whole rest of the world) and libtcod won't compile.

Now to use pygame instead. Libtcod can go jump in a lake, I don't care how complete it's tutorial is.

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