Originally made for this past Ludum Dare jam, I've been tinkering with it over the past 3 weeks or so and I think I have something playable. My goal with this game was to create a roguelike that removes almost all elements of permanence while still keeping a focus on long term investment. I also wanted the game to be as visually streamlined as possible with no hidden numbers (kills being the only exception).
- Turn based gameplay
- Actions cost items
- The single move item is the only non-consumable item in the game, and you always start with it
- One item can be used each turn
- Every item costs one coin, if you run out of coins, you die
- Even though all items cost the same, some are much stronger than others but have downsides
- Items and coins are randomly strewn out on each 9*9 board
- Three enemy types
- Enemies are simple and predictable, but can easily overwhelm you
- No concept of health, everything is a one-hit kill (including you)
- Reach the exit (always in the center) to progress to the next level (9 in total)
- Kills act as score (my high score is 97)
- Other game mechanics to discover on your own
- secrets
The game is very close to being done. I still need to add a menu screen with a stats page that shows how far you've gotten, your kill high score, and which items you have and haven't used. Also need to add a save/load and look into a global leaderboard (probably going to be on Gamejolt).
I'm most interested in whether or not people are even able to play it, let alone complete it. It's a pretty cryptic game and was significantly more cryptic in the LD entry. If you understand the game, I'd really like to hear how the difficulty is. Is it too hard? I doubt it's too easy, but if someone does think that, please tell me. Bug reports are also appreciated.
Download (Dropbox)Gameplay videoSome screenshots: