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Messages - TSMI

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Other Announcements / Re: Women & Roguelikes
« on: December 22, 2012, 09:56:07 PM »
There reason there are no women in computer science is because of the men of computer science. In no other classes did I encounter such overwhelming social ineptitude as in my compsci classes. No sane woman - hell no sane man - would want to spend time among them.

There are exceptions, generalisations, blah blah

Early Dev / Re: Warhammer, WH40k or Underdark?
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:29:15 AM »
Well Goodsir, i concur with the Imperial Guard. They are indeed worthy of their own game.  Have you seen Warp Rogue at all?

Yes! That game rocked. Shame it was left unfinished though.

I am thinking I should start emailing people who make obscure unfinished games, to let them know that at least someone out there played and enjoyed it. Maybe I might encourage devs to keep at it.

Programming / Re: Java rogues that are open source?
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:20:41 AM »
You might also want to check libjcsi for console output in java, it might be just what you need:

Must...resist...writing engine...for jvm....

Damn you Slashie!!!

When working with objects I like to keep in mind the idea of "messaging" - forget about method calls and all that, view objects as independent entities that send messages to each other.

So I think it's perfectly reasonable to send a message to AreaOfEffect asking if a point is located inside of it.

A few more (hopefully constructive!) criticisms:

//This class calculates every square given within an Area of Effect

calculates what about every square given? a bit vague

public int distanceFromCenter(int ix, int iy)

This is good - you wrote out distanceFromCenter instead of doing some horrible shortening like "distFrmC" which is so common in code.

It's good to see commented code, and many of your comments help readability. However, there are also many comments that don't add anything, such as;

public enum AOEType {CIRCLE, BEAM, CONE}    //The enumeration of AOE

The code on the left side pretty clearly tells us the comment on the right so the comment is a bit redundant.

You only really need to comment on what your code does above blocks, just to give the reader a bit of context. However commenting on why your code does things can be done anyhere, and often should (ie, why did you use a linked list over a dynamic array? why a nested for loop? etc etc).

Programming / Re: Diagonal Hallways.
« on: July 09, 2011, 01:56:31 AM »
Yeah I am really confused here as well. You already have the slope as a ratio of two integers. What do you want exactly?

Nothing. Not only am I poor, I have no credit card or any other way of transferring money internationally.

When I graduate and (hopefully) have a job, I'd probably shell out up to $50USD for something awesome.

I'm in my early 20s - these were a tad before my time. Might check them out though.

No idea on the roguelike link though.

Programming / Re: rl oriented scripting language features.
« on: June 27, 2011, 04:07:36 AM »
Considering linux runs on the 10 fastest super computers in the world, I'd say that the most serious work gets done on linux :) Windows is probalby only good for writing gui's and facebook apps.

Programming / Re: rl oriented scripting language features.
« on: June 25, 2011, 11:36:52 PM »
Consider something like ADOM's animated forest, which contains something like 1500 monsters. Each of them move each turn. If you calculate FOV for each of them, and it covers the whole level, that is 2000 cells. Let's say you do 20 simple operations on average for each cell. Then you get 60 millions operations per turn. Current computers do about 400 million simple operations per second, so if you would get a slight lag. If you use an ineffective script language, or notify each monster whenever a monster in its sight moves, or your monsters have equipment and bodyparts which affect the strategy of other monsters, or something like that, then it will be too slow.

So it seems that you cannot have a roguelike which features heavy expressive-but-inefficient scripting, huge armies of monsters, large FOVs, and complicated AIs.

But huge armies and large FOVs are things that (in most cases) you can remove easily once it turns out that the game is too slow.

The sane policy would be to write that bit in C, instead of the whole thing :D

The overhead for C modules (for Ruby at least) is quite small, for a big C function that does  alot of grunt work you can't even pick it up.

Programming / Re: rl oriented scripting language features.
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:58:15 PM »
I think the programmer plays a more vital role than the language.  Lots of people are writing RLs in Python, but DarkGod is the only one making a big success.  Partly I think it's his experience of writing older languages that has taught him to make the most of Lua.

Scripting vs non-scripting is down to personal preference.  Both are valid tools in anyone's hands.  Certainly scripting makes many things convenient (especially submissions from community members), but if the dev is more comfortable with something else then he should stick to what he likes.

I disagree. The simple fact is the languages we are talking about are higher-level and more concise than C++. You can get more done, faster.

Pure C++ will perform better yes, but it's not that big a deal if you just code up the hot-spots in C, which most of these languages allow.

Programming / Re: rl oriented scripting language features.
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:54:32 PM »
Maybe if you'd used a higher level language it'd be done by now.

Yeah, that's what people say. But I haven't seen their major roguelikes... I really think that in game development the programming language plays very little role.

ToME 4 is a recently released major roguelike (whether you like it or not), *and* it features scripting with Lua.  Plus, it should be obvious to anyone, and in the professional and academic world is undisputed common knowledge, that the choice of language, as well as what tools you use, undeniably plays a large role in *any* programming project.  Choice of language and tools, coupled with the developer's proficiency in them, is critical to any project that wants to ship this century.  To suggest otherwise reveals an extreme lack of understanding of the software development life cycle.

Higher level languages, which features more machine instructions per line of code, by their very nature result in a more rapid release, whereas lower level languages take more time, as well as requiring a greater debug time.  This is why many software companies make extensive use of higher level languages for applications that are not speed critical, since speed is where most higher level languages lose their edge.

This is also why Dark God has been able to release a very ambitious ToME 4, coupled with constant updates, which are all impressively large in scope.  I'd say he pretty much makes the value of scripting languages undeniable.  By coding a robust engine in C++, which uses OpenGL for rather impressive graphical effects, as well as being highly modular, he's able to add an absurd amount of content with every release, solely because of the increased productivity of working in a higher level language like Lua.

All in all, whether or not you choose to make use of a scripting language is up to you, and depends on your design goals.  But to suggest that because *you* don't use it, that it doesn't provide a huge productivity boost for others who may use it, is silly and absolutely wrong.

I am pretty sure the vast majority of tome4 is in Lua. also the other stuff is in C, not C++.

Just to be pedantic :)

Programming / Re: rl oriented scripting language features.
« on: June 24, 2011, 01:04:14 PM »
There is no scripting in Kaduria either and it's supposed to become a major roguelike.. so yeah, I know I don't need scripting.

Maybe if you'd used a higher level language it'd be done by now.

Programming / Re: rl oriented scripting language features.
« on: June 24, 2011, 01:20:49 AM »
Quote from: Xecutor
It's hard to estimate before you try :)
I've made some prototyping in falcon and I love results very much.
Actually I already have rich perl experience, and I know how convenient and fast script development could be.
But perl is too heavy and hard to embed.
I tried many different scipting languages, I liked some features of ones and other features of others.
Falcon is the best so far featurewise, but it's too far from release version,
but I took part in development in case I fail with my project :)

I don't understad what you mean by Perl being "heavy" (with resources?), but... you don't have to embed.

You can easily just write your game in the higher level language, and write modules for it in C to do the heavy lifting. I'm sure perl has a way to do this. My scriptling language of choice, Ruby does this quite easily. I didn't feel the need to embed it at all, I just made a C library of stuff that needs to be fast and wrapped that as a C module.

I don't like falcon because it's way too weakly typed. "cat" + 3 should nut return "cat3". that's just wrong and strange.

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