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Messages - magellan

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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Prospector 0.1.7
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:57:50 PM »
Hi guys.
Prospector 0.1.7 is there for those who dare to face it's numerous bugs!

These are the main things that happened since 0.1.6:

    * 5 new unique planets (actually 10, but 5 are pretty similiar to each other)
    * Bigger spacemap
    * Wormholes
    * Gas giants
    * selling disabled if you have no cargo
    * UI Improvements: You can land from the scanning screen, System overview shows atmosphere
    * Balance tweaks: Jetpacks need fuel, Firearms have more punch, Lower tier short range Weapons are more expensive
    * Fixed some glitches and bugs
    * Fixed some Typos again

It is still largely plotfree: Grab your scoutship, explore, pillage, kill and get rich :)
And it also is still availiable here:

Other Announcements / Re: Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: June 09, 2009, 10:10:21 PM »
Not sure about photoshop and gimp, but paintshop can do that too (and more importantly not do it, if you don't want it to)

While we are (more or less) at it: can anybody recommend a good (preferrably free) palette editor?

Other Announcements / Re: Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: June 09, 2009, 12:03:43 PM »
Oh. sorry misread that one. my bad.

Other Announcements / Re: Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: June 08, 2009, 10:05:02 PM »
You can draw/paint getter77?

Feel free to make the tiles of prospector recognizable! (I have cleverly hidden them in the file "tiles.bmp") (Messing with the palette is forbidden though)

Also if you tried the current version you will have seen a "colored space=pixel" graphic of a spiral nebula as the titel screen background.
I wouldn't mind having some more in that style for certain points, but my artist talents are to nonexistant for that.

The points where they could be are:
Ship selection (A hangar with the availiable ships)
Death  (Awayteam getting eaten on some planet)
Victory ... dunno, suprise me (Player in his villa enjoying his riches perhaps?)
And maybe a background for space station interior

The specs might be a challenge: 80x25 pixel, 16 colors. (60x20 for the station)

If you would like to do any of the above and can i'd be delighted!


Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.6b
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:12:47 PM »
And some minor bugfixes already, namely these:

    * improved base placement
    * scrolling through manual wasn't working
    * dead science officers caused negative biodata on examining plants
    * drills didn't equip
    * some displayfunkyness solved
    * some typos fixed (If you find more: they are all mine! you need to give them to me immediately!)
    * enemy awayteams are a little slower
    * thugs don't look like trees anymore

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.5
« on: June 01, 2009, 09:57:11 PM »
I think that is what curseman meant. N/S would be wierd: you would transfer from north to south pole

It would of course make sense.

It would also mess quite a bit with my pathfinding and i would have to make sure to a certain degree that E/W edges match up. Not to mention that if I did that you could get shot at from the other side of the planet, which might seem wierd.
Scrolling being the obvious answer to that, but i don't like scrolling in my roguelikes, it makes me dizzy.

Though by some strange coincidence pathfinding/monster AI is a part that starts yelling "rewrite" at me any time i come near it.

So the answer at this point is a definite "Hmmmm..."

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.5
« on: June 01, 2009, 08:33:07 PM »
There is actually another way to solve that problem already implemented.
Haven't considered it yet, and yup. would mess up quite a few things. hummm...

Other Announcements / Re: Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: June 01, 2009, 07:17:07 AM »
Well, they have been there for less than a day and are really, really tiny, so it doesn't suprise that you didn't see them :)

gotta confess still not sure what you want to do though... rennaissance? This thing is 3 months old. the romans are still trying to figure out on what hill they should build.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.5
« on: June 01, 2009, 06:41:40 AM »
A discussion over at bay12games on the topic "where are the officers" They had a slight quantum mechanical quality before and having them have beds and tag along makes them feel a little more real. It's an incentive to buy medpacks too. though the pilot isn't exactly helping much more than a standard redshirt, that's true.

huh... indeed no scrolling with arrow keys... +/- works though. thanks, looking into it.

Other things that i am already aware off:
Funkyness when trying to land on an asteroid belt (just some output wierdness though)
Vibro Swords have the wrong damage in the description
display funkyness when changing tactics while in config or doing something similiar.
And i have had 1 report of crashing while opening config in space, but i haven't been able to reproduce that.

as for the humble: I'd say its been more debugging & balancing than adding cool new stuff.  *shrugs* it moves forward, but it feels a lot less leaping to me. And the debugging has been quite a few facepalm moments:

for a= to
for b= to
for a= to
.... nope, that doesn't work. :)

Other Announcements / Re: Project: Roguelike Renaissance
« on: May 31, 2009, 10:32:08 PM »
Erm ok.
Looks like i am on the same page with Nahjor here.
I am uncertain what exactly you want to do with my poor little prospector (Who, i hope, has never done anything to you and right now huddles in a corner scared)

playtesting? go ahead, grab it, and tell me what you hate about it.
tiles? ... well it does have tiles (as of today), and i drew them myself, and it really really shows. If you want to improve on those i'd be delighted, and of course give you credit.
help programming? trust me, you don't want to. It's a barely readable hack from line 1 to the end. (also can't really see how that could work to be honest)

Or do you want to do something entirely different?

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.5
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:21:07 PM »
0.1.6 is availiable as of now.
Is as usual where you find it.

Nothing big, mainly some tweaks in balance and some bugs here and there and over there as well fixed, though the changelog got pretty long again :

Changes in 0.1.6
+ some balancing in the upper grade ship tier
+ some trade balancing: maximum possible price is lower and minimum higher
+ More variation & some random equipment at game start
+ some balancing in ship weapons & new weapons: as a rule missiles have a better range than energy weapons
+ Systems in gasclouds have better resources
+ System types follow the harvard classification (except for F because there have to be green stars!) have an effect on resources found
+ Officers can die on planets and need bunks to sleep in.
+ New (hidden) feature in space stations
+ Tactics command added affecting ground combat
+ close combat weapons (Only effective against monsters, others stuff you still have to shoot)
+ "done" special planets give another description on scanning after they have been "done"
+ one new special planet
+ 2 new quests
+ Unlocked houses stay unlocked
+ New way to generate gasclouds
+ you can't buy the same hull like you already have anymore
+ speed is dependant on max armor of ship instead of current (as it used to be since 0.1.0)
+ Added description to communication sattelite, to better represent it's new features
+ Monsters can have some new stuff, affecting their stats
+ They also have a higher tendency to come in groups with allied members
+ Monsters can attack monsters now
+ Herbivours eat grass, Scavengers eat corpses, predators eat herbivours & scavengers
+ Monsters don't talk in coordinates anymore
+ Monsters build huts like they were supposed to
+ Inspected corpses don't show up anymore
+ Some more cosmetics to planet maps in relation to temperature
+ Keybindings may be altered by editing keybindings.txt
+ abandoned the silly everything is uppercase concept
+ 2 new map types
+ there is a way to mark already examined plants now
+ fixed a bug in shiphull upgrading (engine, sensors and shields above max didnt get reduced)
+ fixed about a gazillion typos
+ fixed a bug that could cause the game to freeze on scanning
+ fixed a bug that caused shops to only get triggered if you moved sideways into them
+ fixed bug: Gifts recieved from aliens are worth money now
+ fixed bug: Double items in shops are gone
+ fixed bug: in item scanning
+ fixed bug: that could lose items
+ fixed bug: fleeing from a fleet doesn't count as a kill anymore
+ that cave was *not* supposed to be green
+ blue and redcaps were supposed to yield biodata, and drop gaussguns instead of rifles
+ fixed a bug in cave generation on the redcap and bluecap planet
+ fixed a bug in cargo selling

... i just realized that my monsters carry an array around that consists of 128 bytes that only get used if they happen to be a player :)

Guess it boils down to two basic approaches:
Predefine and store, and act accordingly
Analyze the other critter, store, and act accordingly

Thanks for the input guys!

What i would like would be of course food chains, with different critters fulfilling different roles with different tactics :)
That model lends itself actually pretty well to that.
Not really different from "store what you think of every other monster" though is it? Not that that's bad i was just certain there would be more elegant ways.

Thanks for the input of course!

Programming / Any tips on how to do monster/monster interaction?
« on: May 05, 2009, 04:38:19 PM »
Thought i ask here, since there are a lot of people here who are smarter and more experienced than me.

If i want my monsters to have allies and foes amongst the other monsters, the only way i can think of doing that would be to use a table with monster_no rows and monster_no columns and store in it what each monster thinks of every other monster.

This seems a bit excessive and very clunky to me. Am I missing something? are there any other concepts for that? (there have to be)

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Prospector 0.1.5
« on: May 02, 2009, 06:18:46 PM »
And another bugfix since we didn't have any since ... yesterday.  :-[

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